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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO 11/23 Impact Thread

    I caught it right as Petey was defending the US flag. Now, Roode/Young...why is there not a single bit of continuity? These men were allies mere months ago as Team Canada. That's a problem that plagues every promotion, but has there been a promo by either man, or even a mention by Tenay or West, where they say that Roode and Young had a falling out besides Young pinning Roode at Genesis? Also, I think they're rushing Joe/Angle II. Why not build it up for the January, or even the February, PPV? That whole stipulation - "watch my back, I'll watch yours" - could have the possibility of some decent feuding with both men trying to study the other that much more over the course of a few months. Doesn't make a whole ton of sense to me. Then again, it's wrestling...then again, it's TNA...then again, it's Russo TNA Act III (Act I was fun, Act II was mediocre, Act III thus far is dull).
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    WANTED: WCW Starrcade 1990

    I have some PPV tapes of the WWF/WCW circa 1997/1998 that I'm in the process of getting rid of as well, so a trade could also be in the works. PM me, IM me on AIM when I'm rarely on, e-mail me, whatever way is the best contact. Thanks in advance for even looking at this message.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I'm copyrighting that shit. © BAM!
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA entrance music

    Now, let's think of a band able to write a song menacing enough that Abyss entering to it wouldn't sound so incredibly out of place... ...that isn't metal... ...or hardcore or punk... ...nobody. There is no band that the fanbase would likely know of - or song that'd be played on the radio - that would be cheap enough or good enough for TNA to use as Abyss' new theme. My suggestion? Hire some new music guys.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Worked Angles...

    Ummm...trying to think...damn, this one's embarassing... I actually bought - hook, line, and sinker - Goldberg "walking out" on the Triple Threat match at New Blood Rising. Goldberg vs. Nash vs. Steiner. Nash has Goldberg ready for the Jacknife, then Goldberg pulls himself out, tells Nash to go fuck himself, and walks out. I was like "wow, that's fucking unprofessional, and I hope he's suspended." Then I read it was a work and felt like an ass.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Absolutely nothing. RE: Epic I agree, to an extent. There was a difference between Crue and KISS, just as there's a difference between Megadeth and Metallica. For one, the danger element. Not once listening to KISS or Metallica do you think that any member of the band could actually fuck you up were you to get into a fight with them. Knowledge of Mustaine's martial arts abilities aside (IIRC, he's a black belt in judo or jiu jitsu), there's enough of an element of danger in the music of Motley Crue (for hair bands, anyway) and Megadeth that makes one sit back and go "alright, these guys are real." That...and Crue wrote better songs than KISS did, and Megadeth were always technically superior to Metallica (the only thing Mustaine didn't have over the 1-2 tandem of Hetfield and Ulrich was pure songwriting ability, as too many Megadeth songs fall into the trap of just waiting for Dave and whoever the other guitarist is at the time [especially Friedman] to trade shreds).
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    WANTED: WCW Starrcade 1990

    Shit. Wouldn't matter regardless since I'd prefer it on tape (alas, no DVD burning capabilities here). There's one on either eBay or Amazon that's NTSC format and $250 or so...and that's too much. Was my friend's favorite show growing up, and he lent it to an old friend whose aunt taped over it.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA entrance music

    And for being a piece of cheese that you can't help but love. It'd work even better for Angle if he bladed Corino-style every match. I was just thinking today about how awesome some Mr. Bungle would work for Abyss...
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Top 5 "Modern" Metal Acts I Actually Like: 5) Susperia 4) Unearth 3) Mastodon 2) Darkest Hour 1) Summer's End
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Suffocation - Suffocation

    You know, it's funny, because I've heard everything from the s/t being their "sell-out" album and it being a piece of shit to it being their best album since their first. How do you like to the new Deicide, Tack? I find the solo's of Jack Owens to be a nice juxtaposition with the pure-death of the rest of the music.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    That's arguable, but not outlandish. Justice stretches on for too long with no real kick-in-the-ass outside of "One" and the closer of "Dyers Eve." But I'm waiting for an argue on how The Black Album tops Ride the Lightning and/or Master of Puppets, and that argument better not have anything to do with record sales (especially since Puppets went PLATINUM with virtually no help from radio or MTV).
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    ever regret missing a show?

    Summer Sanitarium 2k. I didn't care about any of the bands but Metallica and Kid Rock, but I couldn't go because I had no money and no ride. I thought I'd make up for it at Summer Sanitarium '03...but that show was awful. I was bored for 4 hours before Metallica took the stage. The Misfits at URI in April '06, and in Cambridge in August '06. Yeah, not the REAL Misfits, but it's the closest thing to the REAL Misfits that's been seen in years now that Robo's back on drums. Made my girlfriend upset, too, since they aren't back around until after the Euro tour is done (which is November/December '06). OzzFest '04 and OzzFest '05. Sabbath, Maiden, Priest reunion, Slayer, and Shadows Fall. REAL metal. I missed 'em all. Girlfriend-at-the-time didn't want to go in '04 so I stayed home bored, and I had to work the day of OzzFest '05 so I couldn't go then. Ended up drinking half a fifth of Smirnoff Blue Label after my folks left for the weekend on the day of OzzFest '05, and was fucking hammered when my friends showed up afterwards. Finished off the fifth, a few shots of peppermint schnapps, and I think a beer later...and I didn't care because I was listening to Gwar. Conversely, there should be a thread for shows you regretted going to.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    In which case he'd be wrong either way. Anybody who says that The Black Album is Metallica's best needs to fucking listen to it again. The first four tracks are good, true...but the rest is "meh" until a decent near-closer with "The God That Failed" and my personal favorite of underrated Metallica tunes, "The Struggle Within." Outside of those 6 tracks on a 12-track album...what is there? Filler, rubbish, and stuff that sounded soft even when you realize it came out at the dawn of grunge. Considering that Metallica bumped off Megadeth's Countdown to Extinction (easily in Megadeth's top 3, and a much stronger album than anything Metallica's done after Justice), it's pretty fucking sad. I'd like to know why people think that The Black Album is better than any of the four albums before it. Even Kill 'Em All's horrible production, songs that went too long, and one-step-above-punk songwriting has more of a charm than The Black Album.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Nickelodeon is starting a wrestling promotion

    I hope there's a party somewhere this weekend so I can get fucking schmitfaced and watch this. This sounds amazing. Like Kaiju Big Battel only...somehow a little funnier.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    You know...Shout at the Devil prolly has my favorite Crue tracks on it, but I don't own it. In fact, I don't own a single Crue album. Or Slayer's Show No Mercy, Divine Intervention, or Undisputed Attitude (which I only want because of "I Hate You" and the Iggy Pop pseudo-cover); Diabolous I'll get last, if ever, because of how awful every track I've heard off of it has been. Disciples of Annihilation - New York City Speedcore I missed the little header in the band's logo that says "industrial strength." I hate industrial for the most part, liking only the occasional listen to Ministry and Atari Teenage Riot (yeah, I know, they're "digital hardcore," but it's fucking industrial), and I saw the term "speedcore" on the album, so I figured it'd be sorta thrash-y. Then I listened to it, and it's a fourth-rate Atari Teenage Riot ripoff. At least ATR sample some good riffs to put over their chaotic electric drums, these guys just...use the same beat and yell different things over it now and then. Sucks, and I'll prolly give it to my pal Petone - who loves industrial - for X-Mas or something. Deicide - The Stench of Redemption Fun brutality in what almost every review is calling their best album in years, and my favorite part is the generic brutal death riffs and song structures with overly-melodic, power metal-y solo's over them courtesy of ex-Iced Earth axeman Jack Owen. Decent listen, and would've been more enjoyable had the system in my workvan not sounded like complete ass.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    ...well then...uhhh...Crowbar still sucks. Actually, that's one of the bands I notice a lot of bands I listen to point to as a big influence or a favorite, and...I don't see why. Of the area (swamp scene), there's better bands (most notably Acid Bath) that have gone unnoticed to certain regards, but Crowbar...I listen to Crowbar and I hear decent doom-laden riffs with annoying vocals. That's it.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Reinventing has some good tracks, and gets points for not having anything to do with that horrible fucking band known as Crowbar.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Evan Almighty

    I can't stand When Nature Calls. I remember seeing it in the theater with my older sister, and us both just staring at it going "what the fuck?"
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    WON News + Notes. November 15th Issue

    Psst! They're talking Don West. I hope JR stays the fuck away from West. Don West is my new God.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    If you mean his voice on Cowboys compared to, say, Trendkill...I'm totally disagreeing with you. IMO, his voice on the later albums is much better than his voice on the early work (not counting the Glamtera days), simply because he stuck to his limits and didn't do any of that horrendous high-pitch wailing like at the end of "Cemetery Gates." That song is near-perfect until the end when Phil does an awful Halford impression and yells "GAAAAAAAAATES!!!!"
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    But that's alright, because Bruce also doesn't take it from behind like Halford can. Corey Lazarus: providing obvious and awful gay jokes since 2002.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Scatman John

    There are actually a few artists named "Scatman," IIRC. I know there's Scatman John and Scatman Crothers (sp.?), so there might have been another one. Everybody stutters one way or the other So check out my message to you As a matter of fact, don't let nothin' hold you back If the Scatman can do it, brother, so can you I'm the Scatman
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    I'll prolly pick it up anyway. I know Bungle is supposed to be this out-there, sorta "artsy" metal band that uses a lot of funk influence too, because the one song I heard in my friend's car sounds nothing like what's on the s/t. It had a lot of your standard hardcore "chugga-chugga" stuff going on with horns and shit over it. I'm interested in hearing as much Bungle as I can, because they're one of those bands that's punching me in the face in terms of "how could I go for so long without listening to them."
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    I meant that if somebody who wasn't an Iced Earth fan heard Barlow's voice, they'd be like "who the fuck is this guy?" Dickinson's voice is well-known throughout the metal world, ditto Halford, Ozzy, Hetfield, Mustaine, and even Phil Anselmo. Also, the single most distinct voice in metal, punk...fuck, rock n' roll in general, at least in my opinion, has to be Lemmy. You hear his voice and you go "that's fucking Lemmy." It's not a growl, it's just how he actually sounds, and that makes it all the better. Also, anybody notice how the riff to Corrosion of Conformity's "Clean My Wounds" is nearly identical to The Misfits' "Helena"? I know "Clean My Wounds" came out before "Helena," but I somehow doubt that Jerry and Doyle were big COC fans. My girlfriend pointed this out to me the other day, and the only difference is a pair of triplets instead of a solid downward strum.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Went CD shopping again the other day. Hatesphere - The Sickness Within You know, this is one band that's been on my MySpace friends list for at least 6 months now. They added me, I dug what I heard, and I accepted. I'm glad I did, because now I know just how well these guys thrash out. If you're a fan of Exodus' last two albums, Rage, Kreator, and The Haunted's rEVOLVEr, then this band is something you gotta hear. Just thrash, thrash, thrash. Not thrash in the sense of DRI or Municipal Waste, but thrash in the metal sense. It's good fun, though ultimately forgettable, but it's a fun and heavy ride. NO IMAGE AVAILABLE Ms. Fits - Hate is Your Mistress A Misfits tribute band. All-female Misfits tribute band. I had to get it not only because of my love for the 'Fits, but because my girlfriend told me I should get this over Darkest Hour's anthology of demo's from when they were on A-F Records. It's alright, and the covers of "Skulls" and "Green Hell" are quality (the "Skulls" cover is, I'd say, just slightly below the original), but...no. Not recommended if you're not a diehard Fiend, and only slightly recommended even if you are. The chicks aren't awful looking, but the pictures are all black & white, so it's hard to tell if they're actually attractive or if it's just the punk look that I dig. Mr. Bungle - Mr. Bungle I'd heard three Mr. Bungle tracks before purchasing this album. Two of them I heard years ago (one was a live Slayer medley, and one was a song where Patton kept yelling "FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD" towards the end of it), and another was just something played over the summer in my friend Anthony's car on our way back from the beach. I dug it the third time, and so when I saw this I had to pick it up to see what the fuss was about. This just may be one of the creepiest albums I've ever, EVER listened to. Carnivals and circuses themselves creep me out beyond belief due to a fear of clowns that I attained when a wee one, so the element of carnival music and clown laughter with some great musicianship really made me take notice the moment I started listening. Eons better than Faith No More, easily, and...damn, makes me really wanna seek out more Bungle albums and even some Tomahawk work.