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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Watch Them Die - Bastard Son Alright listen thus far. The title track I heard via OnDemand, and it's pretty decent metal (like a combination of Iron Maiden, Sepultura, and Bathory, actually), but I haven't given the disc a full listen yet. Acid Bath - When The Kite String Pops I've been putting off getting this album for years. I heard "13 Fingers" via rec by Agent when I was 15 or 16 and got hooked, and downloaded Acid Bath whenever I could. I had about 5 tracks of theirs, since everything else I downloaded was of poor quality (I mean actual quality, not the music), and it's been impossible to find this album in stores (the only place that I've found it in, Newbury Comics in North Attleboro, had only a collection of demo's). Can't wait to give it a full-on listen, as I love "Cheap Vodka," "What Color Is Death," and "Scream of the Butterfly." Kataklysm - In the Arms of Devastation FUCKING. BRUTAL. 'Nuff said.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Oh, I have little doubt that Danzig could raise some shit with anybody. Though I'll hold onto my belief that Evan Seinfeld would knock him the fuck out too...and Varg would just stab him.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Difference being: the guy from North Side Kings is actually BIGGER than Danzig. Taller, wider, more physically imposing, etc. That, and Danzig probably doubted the guy would punch him (though I will never say it was a suckerpunch, since Danzig shoved the guy to start it, and the guy retaliated with a motherFUCKer of a right hook).
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    New Jeff Hardy T-Shirt Poll

    The second one looks like an emocore band shirt...so it'll sell.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    It comes from my undying hatred of the feminization of man. Sure, there's nothing wrong with a guy being sensitive from time to time, or even being in touch with his emotions and feelings, but when men start acting like pussies and looking like women? That's where I draw the fucking line. It's time to remind people that the word "masculinity" has connotations of strength, character, and honor, and to remind men that they have a cock and balls instead of a bleeding orifice between their legs. ...that and I fucking hate high-pitch voiced singers. You know that.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    "...i thought i hated"

    I went from liking Tool to not caring for Tool to loving Tool to not caring for Tool to being annoyed by Tool to not minding Tool to dislike Tool back to being annoyed by Tool and now I've settled on hating Tool.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    I think someone needs to educate James LaBrie about the fact that he has, or at least should have, testicles.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Ehhhhh...difference being that Bruce's voice fits the Maiden music, whereas James' voice is the worst part of Dream Theater.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    I was into metal of all forms when I was 14 or 15. Just starting to really get attached to my personal fave, which is looking to actually be thrash (bought two comps of nothing but TRUE thrash bands, ie. fast-as-balls hardcore, one of British bands and the other of Japanese bands) and death metal with a big ol' heavy-ass thrash influence (think Black Dahlia and Darkest Hour, though they're more thrash with a big ol' death metal influence). Dio can be a legend all he wants. That still doesn't stop him from being utterly fagtastic. He holds the record as the only live performer to ever - EVER - put me to sleep. Saw Maiden a couple of years ago with Dio and Motörhead opening for 'em right after Dance of Death came out. I hung onto every note for Motörhead, listened to the first Dio song or two and then...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. The friends I went with had to wake me up for Maiden. Something about him being, ya know, a fucking scabber for Ozzy irks me too. I don't mind "Rainbow in the Dark," but c'mon...HE'S A FUCKING ELF. To say he's a better vocalist than Dickinson is to say that Clay Aiken has a better voice than Danzig: it just isn't true.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    When Myspace rules the world

    I mainly use MySpace to either leave occasional comments with my friends or find new bands to listen to. I've found a couple that I think are decent off MySpace (Hatesphere primarily), but most of the bands that want to add me sound either like Hatebreed or Slipknot...neither of which I'm a fan of. It's also a good way to get the latest info from the bands I have on my friends list. That way I know when they're touring without having to check out different venue pages and such, or when their next album is being released, hear some demo stuff, etc. But yeah...I got nothing to really add. I enjoy going on my MySpace and leaving dumbass comments on my friends pages and then hearing back from them the next time I see them with either "that was a fucking hilarious comment" or "what the hell did that mean"? Be it comparing Dragonforce to Poison or quoting Dead Kennedys, my comments don't mean much. ...and my pics are fucking stupid. I should get rid of a couple of 'em, though I definitely need to keep the "I PEED MYSELF" one from Warped Tour '05.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Musical You Tube Thread

    SOD - "March of the SOD" and "Sgt. D and the SOD" live "Black Dahlia Sponge": Clips of Spongebob Squarepants to the Black Dahlia Murder's "Funeral Thirst" A fan video for The Misfits' "Hybrid Moments" made with footage of live performances and classic horror movies
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Dio sucks, always has and always will. Never disrespect Bruce by comparing him to Dio. NEVER. Dio's only contribution to music was popularizing the horns. That's it. A few catchy tunes, but the little elf makes me shudder in his hilarity.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    ECW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    IIRC, Doring/Roadkill turned solely because of Roadkill's popularity. I can remember when they started getting cheers (not just Roadkill, Doring too, albeit not as much for the Danaconda), and I'm sure there was some small feud to get them over as faces...but I can't remember right now. A feud with Swinger/Diamond, maybe? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that a feud with Swinger/Diamond put Doring/Roadkill over as faces.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    "...i thought i hated"

    I still dislike The Clash. Won't deny their influence, but still dislike them. "London Calling" > "Rock The Casbah"
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Recommend music to Chave

    Or because you didn't read the first post in the thread.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    I'd say for an intro, get one of the many "best of's," either Best of the Beast or Edward The Great (leaning towards the latter due to the inclusion of some different material). For full albums, get Brave New World and then one of the three redbaron suggested. You really can't go wrong with Number of the Beast or Piece of Mind, easily their best albums.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Recommend music to Chave

    Actually, the "Czech yourself before you wreck yourself" was a line he used now and then a year or so ago, maybe even more. I remember the thread where it originated, something along the lines of him actually looking for a tagline. But still, nowhere does he say he WON'T like some aspect of metal. He listed Mechanical Animals as an album he liked. A Marilyn Manson album. Manson, albeit not metal, shares many components with actual metal bands. See the correlation? Plus, Atomic Ballroom Calamity is actually worth a listen because of how different they actually are. Only other bands I've heard that they sound remotely like would be Dillinger Escape Plan and Candiria, and I hate both of those bands, but this one's actually pretty good.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    So yeah. Gave the album a few listens since picking it up...2 weeks ago? Yeah...overhyped to the fucking max. I'm with redbaron in the sense that every song seems to try to be an epic with the slow beginning and huge chorus. I'm not feeling it at all. It's still good, but better than Brave New World? Y'all are on fucking crack if you think it TOUCHES Brave New World.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    5 most hated bands of the moment: 5. Red Hot Chili Peppers 4. Shinedown 3. Lamb of God 2. Dragonforce 1. Fall Out Boy
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Recommend music to Chave

    I'm saying that, in all likelihood, he won't like it. But there's a lot of jazz influence in the band I rec'd, and if you can APPRECIATE heavy music in the least for its musicianship, then you can APPRECIATE some songs that, at first, sound like utter chaos. You act as if everybody likes just one style of music, and want nothing but recs in that style. I know plenty of people that listen mostly to jam bands and classic rock, and then they hear something like As I Lay Dying (who suck, but that's besides the point) and can get into it. So basically, Czech...Czech yourself before you wreck yourself, boyee.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Recommend music to Chave

    Douche. Uhhhh...The Atomic Ballroom Calamity. Hardcore. Metal. Grind. Jazz. There's as much beauty to it as their is ugliness. It's what Ilya's (lead guitarist of the band I was in a year ago) up to now. I'm really digging it. So that pretty much means you likely won't.
  22. Corey_Lazarus


    Me and my friends have been trying to figure out who's who. We believe the guitarists are meant to be Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom) and Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth, Bloodbath), the drummer Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad; balding, dreadlocks, and from Canada), and the frontman Corpsegrinder (Cannibal Corpse). Still can't figure out who Murderface, the bassist, is meant to be.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Shadows Fall

    Nevermind the overall mediocrity of The Art of Balance, or even the fact that a band once highly regarded by "true" metalheads being the go-to "cred" band for the fashioncore crowd...I'm not so sure their next album is going to be any good. For those of you that don't know, Shadows Fall ended their run with metal label giant Century Media following their recent release of Fallout From The War (a collection of 6 new songs, 1 re-done version of a song written between Of One Blood and Art of Balance, and a few covers). While I can see this being justified as Century Media has been known to fuck over its acts (Stuck Mojo had the potential to be HUGE back during the rap/rock craze of the late 90's, but weren't pushed at all besides a spot on Nitro and a video starring Raven and DDP), I can't really justify their new label. They've moved to Atlantic Records. Now, true, Atlantic was the home of such acts as Led Zeppelin and Pantera, and even has Metallica and Kid Rock (though that's not really a compliment anymore), but...c'mon. I'm looking at the names of the artists on the label, and the majority of them are awful pop radio tripe. Shinedown. Cold. The Donnas. Simple Plan. P.O.D. Skindred. Sean Paul. The Click Five. Jet. Those are acts on Atlantic Records, most of them heavily pushed (P.O.D. has the odd single that's pushed a decent amount for no real reason every couple of years), that have little-to-no true value. Say what you will about Shadows Fall and having value, but I'd say the band that kickstarted an entire style of music that currently dominates the heavy music mainstream (that, of course, being metalcore) better know what they're doing. I'm looking forward to hearing their next album, their first on Atlantic, sometime in the next year or two when it's released. I want to know if it will be more like the sound they've been sticking to recently (mostly a modernized style of speed metal with hardcore elements thrown in here and there at the right time), or if it will be their Black Album (good in the sense of exposure, terrible in the sense of actual quality and the direction the band might go in afterwards). This is more like me venting a little bit. Bands like Cannibal Corpse, Hatebreed, In Flames, and Gwar have been huge for years (again, at least as far heavy music goes), and they're all still on what one could call "independent" labels (though I'd definitely say that Metal Blade is much more of a major label than any other distributor of metal and hardcore). Here's to hoping the next album is as good as The War Within and not just a modern version of Metallica.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Shadows Fall

    I really like The War Within. Almost as much as I like Of One Blood. Also, Fair having more vocal diversity than Phil? All I'm going to say is listen to the new All That Remains single, "This Calling." The music sucks and is generic metalcore, nothing new for the band, but Phil's voice...is amazing in it. His growl is good, his scream is good, and his singing during the chorus...I'm in love with it. It's melodic without sounding forced, beautiful without sounding feminine...damn. Agent, you're right. Everything I've heard off Blood Mountain has kicked me harder than most of Leviathan. DEFINITELY need to pick that up ASAP.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Your all-time favorite album.

    He was also in Death, wasn't he?