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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Hell yes. I actually bought God Hates Us All about a month after seeing Unholy Alliance, and with all the hype Christ Illusion was getting as a "return to the roots" album, I was ready for a piece of shit. I was pleasantly fucking surprised. It sounds, pretty much, like it was written and recorded sometime between Reign in Blood and Divine Intervention, which is - arguably - the thrashiest Slayer's ever been. I like it a lot. I don't like it nearly as much as the Unholy Trinity of Slayer albums (Reign, South, and Seasons), but it's a good follow-up to them. Much better than Divine and God are. I won't even mention that dreadful abomination Diabolous in Musica...shit, I just did.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    I'm officially a radio DJ.

    That's only because you work at Taco Bell.
  3. If there's a country singer that's still alive and ain't named Garth Brooks or Reba McEntire, I wouldn't know 'em.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    New Jack Arrested

    I think that dude who shanked Bruiser Brody could kill New Jack. Just get behind him and shank him a few times in the kidneys.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I really, REALLY hate Phil Anselmo for breaking Pantera up.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Just picked it up today (on delivery, swung by Newbury Comics, and grabbed it). Looked for it at 3 different stores last night to no avail. Can't wait for the drive home when I can pop it in and give it a listen.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Which is atrocious, since Maiden >>>>>>>>>> every other mainstream 80's band. Oh well. Divine justice, perhaps? Maiden still sells out arenas and stadiums worldwide, and bands that were HUUUUUUGE in the 80's sometimes have trouble filling a club (or not burning the people inside of it).
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    The last 5 albums I've bought were... The Black Dahlia Murder - Unhallowed I have no idea how I'd gone so long without owning this album. It's, quite possibly, the best death metal release on a major (metal) label in fucking forever. Nearly perfect from start to finish. I hate seeing bands live before owning an album, but seeing them at SotU is what MADE me go out and get this. That and my growing affinity for "Funeral Thirst" and need to hear "Thy Cosmic Horror" that my friends cream themselves over. The Black Dahlia Murder - Miasma Just got it today, but I've heard "A Vulgar Picture" and the title track before, and I dug 'em both. Can't wait to give it a full listen. Nevermore - This Godless Endeavour After the disappointment of Enemies of Reality, this is amazing. I'd say it ranks up there with Dead Heart... if not just below it. Definitely one of the band's best albums, and I wish they released more than just "Final Product" as a single. It's the worst song on the album. Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience OR Give Me Death Love it. I either already had quite a few of the tracks downloaded or heard 'em through a couple of my friends, and "California Uber Alles" is a song everybody knows, but...man. Jello's story on the track "Night of the Living Rednecks" is hilarious, if not because of how truthful it likely is than because of his constantly heckling of the guitarist to fix his broken guitar. Strapping Young Lad - The New Black Decent. I like a few of the songs, and the studio version of "Far Beyond Metal" is dece (I prefer the live version off No Sleep 'Til Bedtime, though), but ultimately a disappointment over how great Alien was. The album definitely has some highlights, with the last three tracks, the "untitled" track (it's name space is left blank on the case, but the billfold titles it as "Fucker," which is as fitting a name for it as any), and "You Suck" being standouts.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent purchases

    Anchor Bay's Special Edition (not the multi-disc, just the one w/ commentary and some other goodies) of the original Dawn of the Dead. Got it earlier today, and I'm kicking myself for not grabbing the mutli-disc one that came out a couple years ago.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    I'm officially a radio DJ.

    Toucher and Rich overuse the old-school NES sound effects on their show in Boston. I dunno if Toucher did back in Atlanta, but if he did...why did people listen to him? In fact, why are they here? The best part of their show is this kid Adolpho...who they met up here...so what the fuck?
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    And Lemmy hasn't died yet.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    ECW Spoilers for the 9/19 Airing

    The same Ariel that's a former NECW Women's champion? Somebody got a pic?
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Yeah, I heard that today. Kinda weird that a band that's so highly regarded as Iron Maiden has never had an album debut in the top 10.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Quick ECW spoilers from MSG

    Quebecer, Gay...same thing, when you think about it. More reasons I'm not watching WWECW: taking all of the ECW guys I loved and respected and making them seem like chumps compared to WWE guys that couldn't hold their jocks.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE News and Notes - 9/11

    This makes me happy. And this makes me laugh at Johnny Ace's complete lack of ability to rationalize with the young'uns. Instead of explaining how DeMott always worked a stiffer style than most others, and since the fans are starting to demand a more stiff style as being a reason, he just says "love it or leave it." I'm not defending DeMott, I remember reading he's a huge prick to younger talent, but still: the trainers are there to train and humble younger talent. Whether or not LockDown is #2 because the section of the fanbase purchasing DVDs is small enough that the likelihood of them being TNA fans as well doesn't matter to me, really. The fact that a TNA DVD beat out ANY WWE DVD makes me smile...especially considering the DVD was of an event 6 months old and it beat out a 2-month (if even) old WWE event.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Which Flame Warrior are you?

    I'd say Jerk, definitely. Started off as Acne, minus the allowance, and now I'm full-on Jerk.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    I'm officially a radio DJ.

    Zack, what's the frequency? Because if it's 89.3...I may've heard you before, since they have a decent metal show late at night I listen to now and again.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    New Music Game

    Because U2 are an incredibly overrated band that have been raised above the "above-average" banner thanks to Bono's charitable and political work and the fact that, for a while, it was hard to find somebody that didn't at least like U2. Now that their songs - whatever repulsive tripe they put out this year - are played ad-nauseum, it's had an adverse effect on the formerly "untouchable" quality of their prior recordings, causing more and more people to be disenfranchised with the Irish quartet. Either that, or because most U2 fans are sheep and will call their albums tremendous without really ever having listened to any of them. Oh...and to actually stay on-topic... "Push It" - Garbage "Push It" - Static-X You know...Static-X never got the love they deserved. Maybe it's because their 3rd and 4th albums sucked major ass, or maybe it's because they were semi-popular during nu-metal's short-lived reign at the top of the charts (well, at least when nu-metal was actually NEW and wasn't fully commercialized yet into the Lamb of God/Linkin Park/Evanescense/etc. sound we have today), but Wisconsin Death Trip is still a listen. "Push It" and "Bled For Days" are just really good heavy songs, be they metal or rock or industrial or whatever one could classify them as. In fact...I'm gonna go grab that CD and listen to it right now.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    My problem with Dance of Death is that it's utterly forgettable. Brave New World at least has the stigma of being the first Maiden album with Bruce on board in nearly a decade, whereas Dance of Dead has...a decent intro, a few long songs, and shitty coverart. I guess I'll have to give it a few more listens, because I don't see what makes it better than Brave New World at ALL. Still haven't grabbed A Matter of Life and Death yet...I had all weekend to do so, too. Well, minus the drunken escapades of Friday night...or the hangover-while-at-a-friend's-wedding shit of Saturday...or the girl's-sick-so-we're-staying-home adventures of this day. ...yeah, I had all weekend to.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Reporters gets fucked up!

    There's three reasons for the cameraman not doing anything. 1) Most of the time, cameramen and reporters don't get along. Most reporters treat cameramen like shit, so it makes sense that he'd just watch. 2) As Leena mentioned, they're instructed to keep filming at all costs. If he'd stopped rolling, he would've likely been fired. 3) Evidence of the assault besides eye-witness accounts. There's VIDEO of the dude throwing the first strike.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Favorite Albums

    I like Kyle Reese in your avatar.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Favorite Albums

    Yeah...time for a decent-sized redux of my post from over a year ago... Top 10 style, branching out to all genres (though you know it's just all gonna be metal, punk, and hardcore)... 10. Unearth - The Oncoming Storm 9. Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss 8. Zombie Apocalypse/Send More Paramedics - Tales Told by Dead Men 7. Iron Maiden - Still Life 6. Shadows Fall - The War Within 5. Metallica - Master of Puppets 4. The Misfits - Static Age 3. Stormtroopers of Death - Speak English or Die 2. Slayer - Reign in Blood 1. White Zombie - Astro-Creep 2000
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Your all-time favorite album.

    What's surprising about a monstrous album that makes a whole lot of something out of a whole lot of nothing? White Zombie songs have always been simple-as-balls to play (yet I still suck at getting the timing right when I play "Thunderkiss," and not having a slide makes "More Human Than Human" sound like shit when I play it, but I digress), but with everything going on in every song (Tempesta's drumming, Rob's guttural vocals, and the various samples and pseudo-industrial noises in the background, ESPECIALLY the tribal drumming on the albums final two tracks)...it's just fucking perfect. I cannot find a song off of that album that I can't listen to. I have songs on it that I'm not a huge fan of, but all-in-all it's just...fucking great. I'd say it's too bad that the band's coup de grace was their last full-on album (I'm not counting the remix album for obvious reasons), but that's how a band SHOULD go out: their best efforts for the grand finale. But still...to think that Rob went from "I, Zombie" and "Grease Paint and Monkey Brains" to fucking "Feel So Numb" and "Foxy, Foxy"...it's just sad. I like his new album a lot, but...I'll forever miss the influence of Tempesta, J, and Sean Yseult.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Irrelevant musician

    An open letter to Brian May: Dear Brian May, The big breadwinner for your band died of AIDS. That is all.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Iron Maiden

    Please. You know I'd prefer the entire collection of Jag Panzer and Helloween than any other power metal. Speaking of which...gimme some Jag Panzer recs. I always love the tracks included from them on Century Media's Identity samplers. I think it's a fucking shame that all of their samplers now are shitty metalcore bands (Manntis, WHAT THE FUCK?!) with a few good bands tossed in here and there (Nevermore always, Behemoth, Arch Enemy, Shadows Fall, etc. - the "big guys" for the label).