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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Summer 06 Concerts

    Dama, I went last year for the "hardcore" stage (two hardcore bands, a bunch of shitty emocore bands, and the rest were pseudo-metal acts) and The Offspring, and I left a van of Valient Thorr. They're on the bill this year. Go just for them. They are fucking WORTH IT. I may go to see Comeback Kid (only "emocore" band I can stand, and that's mostly because they have the old-school hardcore punk feel to 'em) and Valient Thorr. Plus, my old bandmates in The Throes of War (formerly The Deepest Remorse) are trying to get on the bill through some contest, so if they do...I'm gonna be there to make fun of 'em. I got a lot of people taking pictures of me last year because I had "emo kids fuck off" written on my back and "I PEED MYSELF" on my chest, so hey. Maybe I shall return as well. ...doubtful, though. I'd likely end up getting thrown out for causing too many fights.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Who is the defining artist of this generation?

    Hrmmmm...considering this generation is the generation AFTER the one Cobain was "the defining artist" of...no. But yeah, that sets a pretty truthful picture of Generation X: self-centered, angst-ridden, and too big of a bunch of fucking pussies to deal with the hardships of life. The iGeneration, though...fuck, maybe MC Lars will emerge as the voice of it. All he does is make fun of shit constantly, but does it so bluntly and with such little flow that he's a genius.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Short songs

    "Fishfuck" isn't 32 seconds long. It's a minute and 32 seconds. Ahem... Napalm Death - "You Suffer And Die" (0:05) S.O.D. - "The Ballad of Jimi Hendrix" (0:05) S.O.D. - "The Ballad of Phil Hartman" (0:08) S.O.D. - "Diamonds And Rust (Extended Edition)" (0:05) S.O.D. - "Anti-Procrastination Song" (0:06) S.O.D. - "Fuck The Middle East" (0:27) S.O.D. - "United Forces" (1:53) S.O.D. - "Celtic Frosted Flakes" (1:15) S.O.D. - "Ram It Up" (1:21) The Misfits - "We Are 138" (1:41) The Misfits - "Hybrid Moments" (1:42) S.O.D. - "March of the S.O.D." (1:27) S.O.D. - "Sgt. D and the S.O.D." (2:23) Zombie Apocalypse - "Welcome to the Jungle" (2:17) Zombie Apocalypse - "Morti Viventi" (0:18) Zombie Apocalypse - "The Dead in the Queue" (2:00) Zombie Apocalypse - "Just Meat" (0:48) Zombie Apocalypse - "God, I Hope The Data is Lying" (1:04) Zombie Apocalypse - "Murder Be a Lady Tonight" (1:28)
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Summer 06 Concerts

    Add Shadows Fall to my list on 8/12. They're touring with a bunch of fashioncore bands, which is fucking sad because they could tour with bands that are the most holiest of holy for metal (I'm talking about Suffocation and other highly regarded/influential metal acts that have a decent-sized diehard fanbase) and still put on an amazing show. Plus, The War Within has a few really good songs I can't wait to hear live. I just hope they don't stick the singles of "What Drives The Weak," "The Power of I and I," and "Inspiration on Demand." I find that my favorite songs off of their albums have been either the lesser-respected ones, or the ones that weren't ever released as singles. Somber Eyes... was pretty damn decent, but while my friends were creaming over "Somber Angel" and "Suffer The Season," I was all about "Pure" and "Lifeless." Of One Blood got me hooked with "Crushing Belial" and "The First Noble Truth," and I really love "Serenity" (but the big ones off that one are the title track and "To Ashes"). Art of Balance was full of mediocre crap, but the two instrumentals and the title track I love. And The War Within had the oh-so-underrated "Those Who Cannot Speak" and a song that really SHOULD be a metal anthem in "The Ghost of Past Failures."
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Ozzfest '06

    Dragonforce...okay, I get them. They're the latest "yay, they're fucking awesome" band from Scandinavia, hurrah. Great musicians, but I don't fucking get what's so good about them. They're Stratovarius. They're Rhapsody. They're Dream Theater. They're a dime a fucking dozen. Where's the power metal love for Jag Panzer? Or Onward? Or pioneers like Helloween?
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Who is the defining artist of this generation?

    I'm actually going to be a little queer here and say that Slipknot will be one of the defining bands of this generation. Why, you ask? Well, not only do they have a huge fanbase, but just about everybody knows who they are at the very least. They're the modern-day KISS: it's all about the show and little about the music itself, even if the bandmembers are decent musicians in their own right. Oh...and fucking Pantera, but that's a given to any fan of heavy music.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    VH1 Supergroup

    So I caught it tonight. Bach comes off a huge fucking tool, I have a feeling that Seinfeld and Ian aren't going to be pleased with the direction that Nugent wants to go in, and Bonham just...seems sorta like "eh, whatever."
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Taka Michinoku question

    It has to do with his WWF career. Thus, appropriate folder. By the way, eat my fuck.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Songs you hate by artists you like

    Famous Monsters is the Misfits album for non-fans. It's easy, accessible, and has plenty of b-movie charm (something that's been prevalent since back when it was just Jerry and Glenn jamming in Glenn's garage), but it lacks the overall morbid sense of humor and charming rage that the Danzig-era is filled with. Danzig-era Misfits was a post-apocalyptic dancehall: it was dark, angry, and disturbing, but at the same time sing-song and fun. It was a graphic horror movie, similar to the The Evil Dead, that had a dance number. Graves-era Misfits was...fucking Goosebumps. Danzig = Sam Raimi. Graves = RL Stine. See if that makes any sense for you. Of course, with that said, two of my favorite Misfits' songs, "Scream!" and "Dig Up Her Bones," are Graves-era.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Songs you hate by artists you like

    Shadows Fall songs I can't stand: -Destroyer of Senses -The Idiot Box -Inspiration on Demand Metallica -the entirety of St. Anger -most of ReLoad -most of The Black Album Iron Maiden -Anything with Blaze singing Unearth -everything off The Oncoming Storm sucks except for "The Great Dividers," "Black Hearts Now Reign," "Zombie Autopilot," and "Endless" (which, even then, ain't too good) Megadeth -"Breadline" -"Motorpsycho" The Misfits -Most of Famous Monsters -Cough/Cool (the first Misfits song) Zombie Apocalypse -...no, wait, I love everything by them!
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Something I want

    ...the first season of Boston Public?
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Lame Franchises You'd Re-Invent...

    ...how the motherfuck is Ghostbusters a lame franchise? People know what the fuck you're talking about the moment you say "Who ya gonna call," and the first movie is loved by millions and in the top 50 highest grossing films of all-time. Again: HOW THE MOTHERFUCK IS GHOSTBUSTERS A LAME FRANCHISE? Oh...and I'd take Plan 9 and make it into a serious drama with only minor comedic elements and have it run for a season on SciFi. Ed Wood had a lot of awesome ideas, he just didn't know how to put 'em into a great movie. So instead he put them into horrible movies, and that's why we have Troma (thank God), and that's why we have Brain Damage Films (FUCK!), and that's why we have low-budget filmmakers that don't take shit from the studio (HURRAY).
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    That 70's Show

    How'd Hyde go out?
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'm half-expecting O'Haire to really just be in a pair of shorts lounging around his house in that picture. Those aren't boxing gloves, those are often mits used to pull the hot tray of hash brownies out with.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite Aqua Teen Episode

    "I"m Danzig, motherfucker."
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Why Do People Think We're Not Cool

    And shitty fucking wrestling.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Horror Update

    Hopefully House of Re-Animator is anywhere near as good as Beyond Re-Animator. Nothing will ever top the original, but Beyond was a solid fucking sequel. Also, I'ma use this time to ask a question to the other horror buffs here: Ever notice how fucking insanely messed up and disorienting the Phantasm series is? The first one still doesn't make sense to me and I've watched it about 20 times, and my favorite one (part 2) seems to go way too fast with things happening just like bam-bam-bam. I love this series more than I love most other horror series, and I know Coscarelli did the whole "mindfuck" thing on purpose, but man...I remember them making a lot more sense when I was younger and saw 'em all for the first time (we're talking 9, 10 years old). I need to find all 4 of 'em on DVD. I've found the first and the fourth, but have yet to find the second and the third. Isn't there a boxset of them?
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Why Do People Think We're Not Cool

    It's true. Most wrestling fans I've encountered at shows (barring the one RoH show I saw at Framingham State, War of the Wire) have been either mentally retarded or just flat-out trash. I think I've come across two or three that weren't an embarassment to be caught chatting with outside of a bar or at a convenience store when you run into 'em. And, of course, they were smarks. So, basically, until RoH takes over mainstream wrestling...we're fucked.
  19. Corey_Lazarus


    My girlfriend has three tattos: one of the bats from the Fear and Loathin in Las Vegas on her left wrist, a variation on the Jolly Roger with "A Pirate's Life For Me" on a banner on the inside of her left leg near the ankle (because she both loves pirates and can trace her ancestry back to a pirate), and a Tool-inspired third-eye design on her upper back just beneath her neck. I need to fucking catch up. My best friends all have ink done, and I have yet to. Virgin fucking skin. The balls. Not sure if I should get the Crimson Ghost with "FOREVER FIENDISH" around it or something for my grandfather first.
  20. Corey_Lazarus


    Yeah. A lot of the people I've seen with tattoos of dragons are from Hickville or just pretty darn rootin' tootin' stupid/lame anyway, Czech. But who's to say that something permanent - like a life-changing experience, or somebody/something that had a big impact on you - can't be permanently placed in time for you to remember whenever you look in the mirror? I'd like to remember how close I was with my mother's parents when I'm 50, how much I loved The Misfits and everything b-horror when I'm in my early 30's and have to give up all that childish stuff to take care of my family, and the friends that were shaken off this mortal coil along the way. That...and I'm probably going to make the dumb mistake of getting the Ghostbusters logo on one of my arms.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Songs stuck in your head today

    I currently have the end of Shadows Fall's "Prelude to Disaster" (a short, 90-second or so instrumental) stuck in my head. Jon's solo leading to Matt's slow acoustic picking and then open strum as the sound effects of flames are heard subtely in the background...I have the last 10 seconds or so of the song running repeat in my head. I need some Republica, or something.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    How Funny Is That?

    They have their moments. Like if you've never heard them before, or you're hammered and trying to think of different ones you haven't heard before.
  23. Corey_Lazarus


    Band names/logo's are usually a bad idea unless it's a band that's either had a significant impact on your life or you've been listening to for as long as you can remember. Hence why I plan on getting a variation of the Crimson Ghost (Misfits logo) some day. I also plan on getting my mother's parents' names somewhere, but I'm not sure where. They were oftentimes closer to my sister and I than our parents were, and they both passed in the last few years (grandfather in '03, grandmother a few months ago). Maybe the names of the three friends that died somewhere, though I wasn't especially close with any one of them (but did know them all pretty well and for years).
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    VH1 Supergroup

    And yes, Seinfeld is married to Tera Patrick. But Seinfeld is legendary in music because of his band's impact on hardcore and metal (say what you will, whether you be a metal purist or not, but in the 90's hardcore had a HUGE impact on the direction of heavy metal).
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Ratings news

    Wait...Sting vs. Joe?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!