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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Educate me about a band

    Yeah...all three gay guys I know prefer Frank Sinatra and No Doubt/Gwen Stefani over The Smiths or new wave in general.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I wish the CD player in my car wasn't broken. Well, just the eject button. I love Seasons in the Abyss, but motherfucker...I WANNA LISTEN TO SPEAK ENGLISH OR DIE!!!
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Educate me about a band

    I'm the L-A-Z, bitch. And Czech, you should know than to even think for a second that half of what I say is serious. I mean...I listen to fucking SOD, for Christ's sake.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Educate me about a band

    I would question the sexuality of anybody that listened to The Smiths.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    New TOOL single - Vicarious

    It's just too bad that the more I hear their music, the less impressed I am. Wow! Danny Carey can fill space with off-time beats! HURRAH! Hey, look...Maynard's using weak metaphors and big words again! YAY! And...well...Adam and Justin are lame, but I guess they're good at creating simple-yet-droning-and-excessively-long music.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    Yeah, RATM's fanbase was pretty annoying. Hippies that got angry! Thus, in truth, they weren't really hippies at all. In fact, Zach de la Rocha in general is a fucking toolbag. RATM had ONE good album (which, even then, had a few weak spots), and that's it.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    A Beat down for passing gas

    I think I just may. Reasons 1-143.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    A Beat down for passing gas

    My ex never knew that you got beaten if somebody called doorknob. She just thought it meant you had to be silent. Reason 203 as to why I hate her.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Educate me about a band

    Yeah, it can. I mean, for starters...YOU'RE SEEING COHEED & CAMBRIA.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Educate me about a band

    They suck. That's all you need to know.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Mother's Taste In Music

    Lemmy Kilmister is proof of the contrary.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    New TOOL single - Vicarious

    They played the entire album on WBCN today during Adam12's lunch. A big ol' bag of "meh." In fact, the cops should arrest Maynard for being behind another huge "meh" lab.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Mother's Taste In Music

    Pick your random shitty "singer/songwriter" of the month, throw in some awesomeness in the form of Tom Petty, and a little 90's alternative pop like The Cranberries, plus an unbridled love for U2, and you get my mother. Yeah, I don't get it either. Only bands we like together are Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, George Thorogood & The Destroyers, and Lynyrd Skynyrd.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    WON News and Notes

    Somebody wanna link me?
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    Yeah. Indie rock and metal, pal.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    I already mentioned one earlier. NECRO. Think of the gangsta rap lyrics of the NWA meets the gore lyrics of Cannibal Corpse, and you pretty much get Necro. Plus, he has a lot of metal stars do some work with him here and there. And Ant, been doing pretty good. Job's good, girl's good (as you can tell, my last one was a fucking cunt, this one's amazing), beer's a-flowin'...all I need is my own place (a far ways away due to monetary constraints) and a new band.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    whats wrong with this picture?

    TNA needs a namechange. Not only has the action stopped a lot for in-ring promo's since the company's formation in June of '02, but "Total Nonstop Action" just sounds fucking LAME. They use the NWA as its backer with NWA titles (save for the X-Division title, which is a TNA title all by itself). So...call themselves the NWA. Or have a GOOD name after the NWA initials. "NWA: Xtreme" or something. I dunno. But "TNA Wrestling," "Total Nonstop Action Wrestling," is fucking lame. Always has been.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Lacuna Coil

    If you check out either of those two, stick to their first 2-3 CDs. Unfortunately, in the late 90's, quite a few (if not all) Euro doom metal bands fell into a trap of switching from metal to electronoambientechnoindus shit. Paradise Lost was really the only band to pull that off well IMO and they eventually went back to making metal anyway. All the rest haven't been the same since. I'm actually a bigger fan of the more ambient/techno-ish stuff by Theatre of Tragedy than the earlier stuff. A little more energy, and at times more depressing and darker. Lyrics aren't as good, and the songs aren't as well-written, but the later stuff is easier to get into. Hell, first Theatre of Tragedy song I heard was "Machine" off of Musique. Can't find that album, though.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    The Misfits Boxset Every song recorded with Glenn Danzig. A nice little introduction in the booklet (which features lyrics to all of their songs with Glenn) about being a high school friend of Doyle and going to most of the Misfits shows back in Lodi when nobody had heard of them. Eerie Von, the band's official photographer when Doyle had just joined the band, wrote the introduction and even includes a funny little one-sentence story about the time when Henry Rollins and The Misfits chased Motley Crue down the street before a gig as the Whiskey A Go-Go.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Alexis and Vampiro news

    God's will.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Taking a Crap At Work

    Seatcovers don't do shit but give you a false sense of security when you use the restroom. The human hand has more bacteria on it than the toilet seat does, more often than not.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    n00b's first post -- Favourite Movie Moments?

    1. Favourite Action Sequence or Fight Sequence The fight in Ong-Bak that ends with the main character throwing his opponent through a window on the second story and then jumping out immediately after to knee him in the chest. That fight was so intense and reminded me of one of those classic ECW brawls. That and a lot of the fights in Bloodsport, or most of Van Damme's old stuff. I need to go back and watch all of my old lame Van Damme flicks, because I remember a lot of them being quite good...when I was 10...so I'ma have to watch them again. 2. Favourite One-liner/quote "I like this plan. I'm excited it might work! Let's do it!" - Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Ghostbusters 3. Favourite Sex/Nude Scene That would have to be the one between the Pirate Captain and Janine in Pirates. 4. Favourite Movie (or movies, maybe up to 3or so) Much like DrVenkman, I love Ghostbusters. It's all I obsessed over from when I was 3 until...jeez...I wanna say when I was 8. That's the majority of my young childhood being able to quote the entire movie (my mother once muted it so I could spout off everybody's lines, and I did it perfectly). I also have a huge amount of love for The Devil's Rejects because I can't really find too much wrong with it. It's a perfect homage to 70's exploitation crime flicks, and all of the characters are pretty well-defined throughout the movie, plus it asks the moral question of "is vengeance right?" towards the end, which is something most movies in the genre don't do. 5. Favourite movie moments period, scenes that have left a lasting memory in you, or influenced you in some way. - -T-Bird constantly repeating "there ain't no coming back" when Eric has him duct-taped to his seat in The Crow. -Splinter-in-the-eye from Zombie (Zombi 2). -Jean-Claude Van Damme's SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE KICK OF DOOM in every flick he's in.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Alexis and Vampiro news

    The Gathering turning on Raven was the last show of '03? Are you sure, Rich? Damn...it feels like so long ago that I wanted to stop watching but couldn't...
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    Yes. Nelly is a good rapper. Wait...no he's fucking not. He's about as talented as Ja Rule, just with less of an annoying voice. Check out my grills? CHECK OUT MY FUCKING GRILLS?! WHAT THE FLYING CUNT DOES THAT BULLSHIT MEAN?! As for rap, outside of MC Lars and other comedy acts, I listen to PSYCHOlogical stuff (Necro, Ill Bill, and the gang), older Ice Cube, The Slim Shady LP (only album of his I can get into), and a few others. Pop/rap I can't fucking stand. Especially when it's specifically designed to sell to women who just want to dance, but then likes to pretend it has some alternate meaning. "It's getting hot in here / So take off all your clothes"? Yeah, fuck you, man. BTW, Ant, how's life been treating you? Haven't seen you or Jen around here in forever, and I'm never in the Chat anymore (though I'll hit up Ryan now and then).
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Awesome 80s Movie Moments

    So were Hard Target and Universal Soldier, but they're 90's action flicks (though, for my money, I'd put Universal Soldier up against the majority of 80's action flicks, even Ahnuld ones). Why don't we all just agree to throw the entirety of Ghostbusters into this? The whole movie is fantastic. Stantz: "Hey, where do these stairs go?" Venkman: "((looks at the stairs)) They go up." -- Venkman: "And..." **Pulls the tablecloth off and smashes everything that was on the table but the vase of flowers.** Venkman: "...the FLOWERS are STILL standing!"