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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    Yeah, that is pretty funny. I've also heard people call Nelly "good music." And my ex-girlfriend loved a plethora of shitty pop/country acts like SheDAISY and Boomcat and whatnot...but she also loved The Misfits and Acid Bath, so she was all over the board. Still a flaming cunt.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Awesome 80s Movie Moments

    Chick: "Oh...and PURPLE! Oh, how I love purple..." Joker: **smirk** Batman: "Hey..." Joker: **turns, surprised** Batman: "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?" **Batman punches Joker in the face** ------------------------------- More ROTLD fun... Suicide: "What, you think this is a fucking costume?! This is a way of LIFE, man!" -- Frank: "Watch your tongue, boy, if you like this job!" Freddy: "LIKE THIS JOB?!"
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    Personally, I'd rather listen to Cannibal Corpse as I feel they're the better band. Musically, anyway. There's something about Morbid Angel, perhaps the NEVERENDING double-kick (even when it's a slow part of a song) that rubs me the wrong way. And I guess that's what makes them great and one of the finest old-school death metal bands, since death metal is meant to make the listener uncomfortable (which is why melodic death is oftentimes LAME).
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Robot Chicken

    My favorite bits have been The Great Race (when Headless Ponch of CHiPs won) and the Tooth Fairy one ("congratulations, this has been the darkest segment on television ever").
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Mostest Underatedest Songwriters

    Jeff Hanneman.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    David Lee Roth Radio Show

    I do. Hardy in the afternoon is fucking entertaining as shit. The 1-2 punch of Adam12 and Hardy is a good combo. 12 has the themed lunch, Hardy has 3 Degrees of Separation (which is always a goody). Plus, BCN doesn't play an abundance of overly shitty music anymore (oddly enough), just the occasional White Stripes and new Pearl Jam tune. Now I'm back to listening to AAF and that bitch Mistress Carrie with her love of grunge (GRUNGE FUCKING SUCKED, GET THE FUCK OVER IT). God dammit... I wonder if I can convince the president of my company to get XM radio for the delivery van...hmmm...
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Free Agency in the US wrestling scene?!?

    Yeah. Somebody losing to Joe in TNA isn't a big secret since Joe is being pushed as UNDEFEATABLE (and not because he can do a football tackle and a botched suplex, but rather because he can absorb a shitload of punishment and dish it right back out). IMO, the only thing close to a Free Agency we'd ever see in the States again (outside of the indies) would be short-term deals without no-compete clauses attached to the end of them.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Lacuna Coil

    See, I didn't mind the male vocalist on the older stuff, especially the aforementioned "To Live Is To Hide." His voice fits in PERFECTLY with Christina's in that song, as he's a little more downplayed and harmonious to Christina. Plus, the music during the verses (when he sings) fits his vocals better as it gives you something else to listen to instead of some lame ambience. And let me just say that the chick singer from Theatre of Tragedy looks like damaged goods. She just LOOKS like damaged goods.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    Because quality is subjective, that's why. As much as I think emo and indie-rock (or "post-punk" or whatever it's actually called) and reggaeton are shit, there is a fanbase for it. They, on some level, connect with that garbage. And good for them. Much like how you, myself, Slayer, Agent, Maniac, and a handful of others connect with heavy metal (as our domination of this folder proved months ago, perhaps even a full year ago) and its sub-genres. What is absolute rubbish to one is the essence of rock n' roll to another. "Different strokes for different folks," as it were. Now...there is much truth to your statement as well. The elitists I'm talking about are your garden variety elitists that believe that once a band has a fanbase more than just the dozen (if even) people that converse with each other by sharing mp3's and bootleg tapes of their Abyss Studios-lite material, they are no longer "true" to the scene. This tends to happen more in metal's myriad of sub-genres - I found most notably black metal and, oddly enough, hardcore (the way it is now, not the true hardcore which is now called "street punk" or "crust punk" or whatever the kiddies who weren't into the scene a year ago refer to it as) - than in most other styles. To be truly elitist, I agree: you must refer to music of a lesser quality as such and praise those that have undeniably excelled at the craft. But therein also lies the problem (double-edged sword), because then we come back to subjectivity. For instance, most would label DRI as one of the premiere thrash bands of the 80's. I disagree. I think their work is supremely overrated, especially compared to the Bay Area thrash/speed metal scene and Cryptic Slaughter. I'm also quite partial to Wargasm (this is also my affinity for local bands shining through, though) over DRI. And, of course, my love for SOD outshines my love for almost every other band (save for The Misfits and MAYBE Slayer). Which is the subjectivity of it, because objectively? One could barely classify the entire Bay Area scene as thrash since the majority of the bands were speed metal. But since speed metal bands took elements of thrash (a form of hardcore relying more on screaming, fast and furious drumming, and simple guitar riffs that stressed simplicity and dissonance) towards the mid-80's, we got the hybrid known as thrash metal, which is what most think of when "thrash" is used. I know it's what I think of primarily. Okay, off on a tangent. But do you see where I'm coming from at all, Tack?
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Lacuna Coil

  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    I, too, hate Burzum and black metal elitists, but I've already explained why I dislike black metal in general.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Movies that everyone loves that you cannot get the love for

    1. Vyce, LOVE the Izzard joke in the avatar. "Hey, look...a creeping kid! I could use him in my new movie...The Creeping Kid!" 2. An army of fast zombies like in Dawn '04 are scarier than your average slow zombie, but it doesn't allow the depth that the slower zombie does. Like I said, the best zombie movies are about man's inability to deal with the problem around him due to his own ego, not because the problem around him is too bad to deal with (as was the case with Dawn '04). And, ironically, I too would prefer to watch the Dawn remake over the original. I have to REALLY be in the mood to watch the original, but I can pop in the remake and have fun watching it whenever.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Music Video Thread

    The Misfits - "Hybrid Moments" A fan-made video, I believe, mixing early 80's live footage (methinks, due to the picture quality) and scenes from classic horror movies (including Psycho, Night of the Living Dead, and the logo-sake The Crimson Ghost). MOD - "True Colors" MOD's video for their song "True Colors." A parody of glam rock bands and generic videos, plus your standard "we are a thrash band so we will defeat the corporate goons" stuff. All the while focusing on Billy Milano's trademark sarcastic smirk. The first music video by British thrashers Send More Paramedics, it's your standard rock video...only with a shitload of zombies. Plus the song is catchy as hell.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA spoiler

    Ron Killings shouldn't NEED to be put over any has-been from WCW that didn't amount to shit in the company's dying years. He has talent, charisma, and a great look. All he needs is to be PUSHED. He's delivered in the past every single time he's been pushed...so why not have a Killings/Christian feud? That'd be something worth watching, if only for the promo's. The matches wouldn't be too shabby - nothing to write home about, but likely solid *** affairs - and if both men are given some free reign as to their promo's then they'd be GOLDEN. Killings vs. Cage. BOOK IT!
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Alexis and Vampiro news

    Which "mystery man"? Vampiro ended up debuting for TNA sometime around the last post of '03 in this thread, right before The Gathering left Raven to join Father Mitchell, but he wasn't nearly as good as he was in WCW (which isn't saying much, since it was all gimmick in WCW plus a few good matches here and there).
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    I Just Noticed

    I don't think I have anybody from TSM on my MySpace. Just people I've fedded with.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    The Straight-Edgers who just live the sXe lifestyle and aren't holier-than-thou are cool with me. I know plenty of them, and I respect them for their beliefs and their willpower (considering how most of their friends are potheads and drunks, that does take a lot of balls to not toke or drink). It's the ones that somehow feel they're better than somebody who likes beer or smokes a BUTT because they don't that piss me off. And usually these motherfuckers just use statistics to rally their claims and have never experienced the joy of a good buzz or how relieving a few drags can be after a long day. Those motherfuckers I wanna punch in the dick and twat, respectively. Re: KISS Army vs. Juggalo's At least the KISS Army knows it's all a show. That's all I have to say. You don't hear too often about members of the KISS Army running around going "LOVE GUUUUNNNN!!!!!!" and "YOU GOTTA LOSE YOUR MIND IN DETROIT ROCK CITY!!!" to everybody. You'll hear a lot about Juggalo's going "fuck you, faggot" and rambling on and on about how they're "down with the clown" and shit. That...and the KISS Army has dayjobs.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    The FIVE best minutes in wrestling?

    My favorite 5 minute period in wrestling is...my favorite moment in wrestling, and the one that made me mark out like no other moment before or since. WCW SlamBoree, 1998 The Centrum in Worcester, MA The Cruiserweight Battle Royale - the winner of which would go on to challenge then-Cruiserweight champion Chris Jericho immediately after - came down to two people: Juventud Guerrera and El Ciclope. Juvi and Ciclope stared at each other from across the ring, and then walked towards the ropes, still looking at each other. Juvi looks around, shakes Ciclope's hand, and then ELIMINATES HIMSELF by jumping over the top rope. As everybody is confused, especially Chris Jericho, Ciclope unties the strings in the back of his mask. He ducks his head down as Jericho looks on and Schiavone wonders why a luchadore - who the mask is so important to - is unmasking, and then...the wig comes off...he stands up...IT'S DEAN FUCKING MALENKO! Jericho looks like he just shit his tights as Malenko's cold stare turns to one of pure anger, and he just BEATS THE FUCK OUT OF JERICHO while the bell rings to start their match. By far my favorite five minute moment in wrestling. A good nod to the lead-up of The Chairshot Heard 'Round The World, and Taz trying to hold back tears after being eliminated by Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka when the whole locker room came out to show their respect to him. Seeing a man who had been billed for years as a cold-blooded killing machine in the ring crying just MADE that night.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    ICP. Hatebreed. As I Lay Dying (I've yet to meet a single AILD fan that knew who Exodus was, or how they contributed to metal). Metallica fans that think The Black Album is amazing. And, of course, EMOKIDS. Any and all of them. Annoying little fucktards. Oh, indie rock bands have horrible fanbases as well.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Lacuna Coil

    Lacuna Coil was around for at least 5 or 6 years before Evanescense, so that's why. Plus, the whole "female-fronted gothic hard rock band" thing has been around since the early 80's. My favorite Lacuna Coil song is "To Live Is To Hide," and it's also the only song by them I can really stand anymore. "Heaven's A Lie" isn't that bad, but most of their stuff is kinda grating. That said, Christina Scabbia has an amazing voice and is SSSSSSSSMOKIN' hot. Also, check out The Gathering and Theatre of Tragedy. I'm a bigger Theatre of Tragedy fan than I am of The Gathering or Lacuna Coil, but they're basically a more ambient, and a heavier, version of the gothic metal/gothic rock style. Two vocalists - one male who alternates between death metal-style growls and this haunting robotic voice (which actually has very little digital effects put on it, save for when its obvious), and the other is a female operatic-style singer - and some good, chilling music that is at times creepy and other times good to dance to.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Movies that everyone loves that you cannot get the love for

    The beauty of slow zombies is that they, themselves, are not scary. Not at all. 1, 2, 4, etc. Not even 30. You could drive by them quickly, hop on your BMX and ride away to safety, whatever. The horror of them is man's complete inability to properly deal with them due to his own ego. In Night, the people in the house could have survived the night if they detached all emotion and did what needed to be done. Cooper should have shot his daughter. Ben and Cooper shouldn't have fought. Judy-Rose and...Bobby, IIRC...shouldn't have tried to UNLOCK THE FUCKING GAS PUMP WITH A SHOTGUN BLAST. Romero zombies are wonderful in that way. It's a problem man could easily - and quickly - do away with, but we can't because of our own flawed emotions and, of course, the whole "seven deadly sins" thing (greed, sloth, gluttony, wrath, pride, lust, envy) that leads to the downfall of anybody.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    What is TNAs Financial Situation?

    Abyss is NOT a Kane ripoff. He is NOT a Mankind ripoff. He is a ripoff of one man, and one man only... THE MASTER BLASTER
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Best PPV Opener

    Jason Jett (EZ Money) vs. KweeWee (Alan Funk) - WCW Greed (March '01) SO MUCH HEAT for this match it's unbelievable. Plus, the work itself was solid. You'd think that two undercard guys wouldn't get heat, but they actually got heat that rivalled the main event just based on the quality of their work. Jett/Money was getting the fans involved a whole hell of a lot (especially his "play dead" tactic), and KweeWee was awesome in the role of "nice guy just doing a job until...**SNAP**...HE GOES FUCKING BONKERS!"
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Best Selling

    ECW Heat Wave '99. Taz is just WASTING Tajiri on the ramp after suplexing him through an angled table, and then Taz goes over to the entrance set (you know, the fake bricks, curtain, chainlink fence...BARBED WIRE...), and pulls some of the barbed wire off of the top of the fence. All Joey says is "go wide...now, GO WIDE..." And the camera go wide...and when they focus on Taz after Tajiri taps, raising his arm in celebration, it's covered in blood. I think that's one hell of a call.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    David Lee Roth Radio Show

    I never liked O&A. Then again, I rarely liked Stern, so hey. Call me a fucking tool, but I find Hillman and the crew to be the most entertaining morning show in New England (mostly because of Spaz living up to his name and going berserk for various reasons; that and the awesomeness of Mike Hsu).