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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Empire's 50 greatest Indie films...

    I know Carolco (or however you spell it) had a huge hand in the first two Terminators...but I'm pretty sure it wasn't an indie film. Just like I wouldn't consider anything by Kevin Smith post-Amy to be an indie film.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    "Cemetary Man" cominf to DVD This June

    YES! I FINALLY GET TO SEE IT! Yeah...there's a popular zombie movie I haven't seen...fuck off.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    For My First Post...

    I need to get my hands on some of Mercedes' Shimmer matches. I've been a Mercedes fan for 2 1/2 years now thanks to NECW (which I'll prolly go back to seeing regularly again in Framingham soon).
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Empire's 50 greatest Indie films...

    The list for those that don't wanna click on it: 50. El Mariachi 49. Run Lola Run 48. Cube 47. Blood Feast 46. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 45. Mad Max 44. Amores Perros 43. Shadows 42. Swingers 41. Dead Man's Shoes 40. The Descent 39. The Passion of The Christ 38. Grosse Point Blank 37. Being John Malkovich 36. Buffalo '66 35. THX-1138 34. The Blair Witch Project 33. Shallow Grave 32. Two Lane Blacktop 31. Pink Flamingos 30. Sweet Sweetback's Badassssssssssss Song 29. Bad Lieutenant 28. In the Company of Men 27. Dark Star 26. Lost in Translation 25. Drugstore Cowboy 24. Happiness 23. The Evil Dead ((DESERVES TO BE MUCH HIGHER)) 22. Nosferatu 21. Roger And Me 20. Slacker 19. Lone Star 18. Withnail And I 17. City of God 16. She's Gotta Have It 15. Blood Simple 14. Stranger Than Paradise 13. Memento 12. Eraserhead 11. Bad Taste 10. Mean Streets 9. Sideways 8. The Usual Suspects 7. Sex, Lies, and Videotape 6. Night of the Living Dead 5. Monty Python's Life of Brian 4. Clerks 3. The Terminator ((THIS WAS AN INDIE FILM?! SINCE FUCKING WHEN?!)) 2. Donnie Darko 1. Reservoir Dogs ...so nevermind that bullshit choice of Donnie Darko in the top 10, much less the top 20, but...a few of these I don't even think counts as indie films. Nosferatu was made before a lot of the film studios were even that big, so how can it count as indie? And Sideways just came out...what? Last year? How can it be so impactful and good that it's already worthy of being in the top 10? Bad Taste over Evil Dead irks me since there would've been no Bad Taste if not for Evil Dead, but Night of the Living Dead in the top 10 with Clerks makes me happy.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Ratings from TNA's first head-to-head showdown with WWE

    ...I was drinking beer and watching porn with friends instead of Impact or the HoF.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Ozzfest '06

    Well, to be fair, A7X only attracts the Warped Tour crowds because they dress like they all just came from an Antichrist-era Manson show, which is the "style" again these days (back then it was stupid, now it's cool...I get it). I fail to see how expensive shirts and ties torn up a little bit are "hardcore" or "punk rock," but hey...I also fail to see how a store that says Tinkerbell pillowcases is "punk rock," or a band that sells out stadiums constantly can still be labelled "punk rock." Warped Tour is good in the sense that their main acts are the ones that they know will attract the younger crowds, the ones who buy into the emo bullshit, and the older crowds (the more "true" punks) will be there to see the lesser-known and/or older bands. I know Valient Thorr is on Warped Tour again, so if any of you decide to go: find out what stage they're on. Uber-liberal rhetoric, but they're fucking insane live. Middle-aged, crazy, drunk, and they're "aliens." It's awesome. They nearly tour down the stage (literally: their road crew was hammered and having fun so they started swinging from the support beams and shaking the whole stage as a couple of things fell over) last year, and I can only expect they'll do the same this year.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    If you can put the blame on 1 person for the decline of the WWE...

    God. Blame God. ...Canada too...no, wait, don't blame Canada, blame yourself.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Yeah. The constant booing of the heroes was sorta annoying...no, actually, it wasn't. Just booing Rey, which is more because of the whole "I'm doing it for Eddie" thing and the constant abuse of Eddie's name since his passing for storyline purposes. Booing Cena was expected, and I don't mind cheering for Mickie James (fresh face) over Trish (who's been the dominant female talent since '01).
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Who wuld you bring back to TNA?

    Kazarian and Bentley worked very well together since they covered each other's shortcomings (Bentley is good as a prick in the ring, and Kazarian has some decent talent in the ring) and had good chemistry. Red should be brought back only if he's shaken off the ringrust that he accumulated following his knee surgery. If he's still the sloppy/sluggish mess he was immediately following it, don't even bother. LowKi should be brought back in whenever he's not touring Japan. I don't care how he acts backstage, there's bound to be somebody that can teach him a lesson - physically or legally - so sign him to x number of dates and have Ki/Joe on PPV after a month-long build. Sanders back as a heel broadcaster, or even just a mouthpiece for a talent that has ring skill but no mic skills, would be wonderful. That's the role he wanted but TNA wouldn't give him, so just say sorry and take him back. The man has charisma and is gold on the mic...HEYYYY!!!! And yes, BRING BACK SLASH. The man was a big part of the early tag division, and he and Brian Lee (as the Killdozer) were wonderful together (until Lee showed his true talentless side).
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    My spot of the night was most definitely Edge spearing Foley through the ropes and into the flaming table. Edge's selling afterwards - shaking, as if in complete shock - was PERFECT. Overall, I'd say it was worth the $30 I threw down (plus pizza for the 4 of us that watched it). I wouldn't have paid the full $50 price tag, but the $30 I threw down got me a good show.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Album of albums: Led Zeppelin

    I'm...I'm...agreeing with Czech? Live albums can often capture the essence of a band better than the studio can. KISS was pretty much nothing until Alive came out and people found out how much energy they had, IIRC. And yes, Zappa's live shit is tremendous. As for the topic at hand...I dunno. The majority of their stuff is equal to me in terms of quality work and just "okay, stop playing that one fucking riff for five minutes."
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    What film plots are you sick and tired of?

    Head of State ruled because of The Truth stomping on Chris Rock. And Vyce, why am I the only person who loves The Dead Hate The Living?! C'mon, man...compared to other indie zombie flicks (and everything released by Brain Damage Films), it's not NEARLY as bad as you say it is.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    OMF'NG! LAZ G0TZ M0r3 S#17z!!!! Summer's End - Summer's End Solid, SOLID thrash/death/metalcore (believe me, it all makes sense if you hear the first half of the album) with some live tracks thrown in that sound like a really flawless studio production (likely thanks to studio tweeking). More heavy on the thrash/death side than the metalcore for most of it, but a few of the later songs feature nothing but clean vocals. The singer, Josh Hansen, reminds me of Michale Graves a tad bit (think Gotham Road and not Misfits) when doing clean vocals. The more melodic stuff sounds like old-school Beyond The Embrace, while the heavier stuff sounds like Unearth before they became big and simplified a lot of their songs. I dig. Relapes Records presents Contaminated 5.0 Another sampler disc for another metal label. Their samplers work MUCH better than the more popular Identity series that Century Media puts out, mostly because they put more bands on them and oftentimes release multiple discs. Haven't listened to it yet, but I know a few of the songs and they're pretty damn good (Mastodon's "March of the Fire Ants" is on here, Cryptic Slaughter's classic "Money Talks"), so it's worth the $4 I paid for it. And my pride and joy... Stormtroopers of Death - Speak English Or Die "Hey, Laz, aren't you already a big SOD fan? Don't you already own this?" Yeah, I do. But on CD. This is a vinyl pressing. Re-released in '04 by Megaforce Records to coincide with the Platinum Edition CD release of Speak.... I have a record player somewhere in my house, so I'm looking forward to hearing "March of the SOD," "Sgt. D and the SOD," the title track, "United Forces," and the lost classic "Ram It Up" on vinyl.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    TSM Cliches.

    85. TNA is going to be gone by the end of the year.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    The Coolest Person Ever Tournament Starts!

    Lemmy uber alles.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    It's actually really good. More varied than Hellbilly Deluxe, and a lot less poppy than The Sinister Urge. Still can't touch White Zombie, but Educated Horses has three types of songs on it: horror movie themes (really, the last half of the album are tracks that would fit perfectly in any horror movie), stripper music (the first few tracks, including the single "Foxy Foxy"), and driving music (which all of his stuff has been since he began recording in the mid 80's).
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Best sountrack ever

    I'm agreeing entirely with Rock N' Roll High School, Shaun of the Dead, and ESPECIALLY The Devil's Rejects. It's just a shame that Rob didn't record/release his song of the same name when the movie came out. It's an industrial country song, if that makes sense. Really good, creepy shit. I sorta recommend the new Zombie album, since it is filled with little creepy horror movie music, more than any of his prior work is. Maybe it's the collaboration with John Five, or maybe it's just that he's maturing musically (yeah, I realize that sounds funny since all of his music thus far has been meaningless yet oddly satisfying...at least White Zombie was satisfying). But yeah. I'm gonna throw the Bride of Chucky soundtrack in here, as well as parts of the Ghosts of Mars soundtrack. The song "Kick Ass" on the latter is good old-school generic speed metal from Anthrax without vocals, so it sorta reminds me of an industrialized (at times) SOD. Sorta creepy in a way. And save for a couple of tracks, Bride of Chucky is fucking killer.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    A match made in heaven

    That would actually have been a funny idea, especially if they pronounced it "I less than 3 Internet Clips"
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    What film plots are you sick and tired of?

    The first concept is Solo, only with a cyborg that has a heart...or something. And the majority of Adam Sandler movies. The second one...uhhhh...I'm gonna go with Adam Sandler movies again. The plot I'm tired of seeing is discussed in the Slither radio commercial. "Psycho in a mask, good with powertools and lousy with English, stalks a bunch of sexually active teens in a desolate location." Basically, I hate slasher movies. The only ones I really like are the ones that parody slashers, like Freddy vs. Jason and the first Scream (though, again, if you look at the whole Scream trilogy, it is quite a parody of a series of slasher films). Oh...and zombie movies where the zombies just sorta shamble around and people automatically know how to kill them. Romero's movies worked because the later ones (Dawn to Land) had the heroes know how to kill the zombies due to them having dealt with the living dead for years. But when House of the Dead had people just go "hey, it's like a Romero movie," that pisses me off. It's funny, because Dave Parker proved with his debut, The Dead Hate The Living, that he understood zombie flicks. He understood that people with little training couldn't defeat the living dead, so they ran. Of course, this discounts the gunshot at the end of the movie (the only really, REALLY lame part), but hey: I love it for the heart that the actors showed while making it. But yeah. Lame zombie movies where the characters don't know how to do shit or are TOO knowing with no reason suck. See: all of the ROTLD sequels, Bruno Mattei's zombie flicks (the worst of the worst), and half of the Dawn remake (though that movie was awesome, but at the same time kind of annoying at times).
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    4 CDs in the last week (one of which was today) MC Lars - The Graduate ...can't find a picture of the album cover... Darkest Hour - Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation Cannibal Corpse - Worm Infested Rob Zombie - Educated Horses
  21. Corey_Lazarus


    I would seek it out intently if I didn't find Whitmer bland, and ditto Strong. Sure, Strong has amazing backbreakers and can work like a motherfucker...but I find him so damn vanilla that I can't get into his stuff.
  22. This could be fucking amazing, or it could be terrible. I'm not sure which, but I'll definitely be seeing it.
  23. Corey_Lazarus


    That line is everything right with wrestling. Jimmy Jacobs is keeping a good touch of kayfabe alive in the modern info-heavy Internet era, which is something most workers and companies could only hope to do. I'm not even a fan of his work (hell, I haven't even seen more than one match of his, if even), but this guy GETS it.
  24. Corey_Lazarus


    This is amazing. EDIT: Seen the video. Even better.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    When We Were Marks: That Dangerous Cool

    I'm heavily enjoying these articles. Taking things that relate loosely, if at all, to wrestling at first-glance and then making it all sensical in the end. Touché.