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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Ozzfest '06

    Fuck if I know. I missed last year's because I was busy drinking in my friend's driveway. The one time I saw Megadeth I wasn't impressed, anyway.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Ozzfest '06

    There's a very good need to see Mastodon and Slayer, even if Slayer is past their prime: they're fucking Slayer.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Where is a good place to sell off my

    Yeah. It's bullshit. I've bought CDs - USED - that were more scratched up than the ones I tried to sell back. It's crap.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Ozzfest '06

    See, but it's better when ALL of the bands suck. I'd love to see Strapping Young Lad and Unearth again. I just don't want to see them with Hatebreed...ever. Hatebreed may just be the reason why I absolutely fucking hate this year's lineup. Also, as I've mentioned, I'm more pissed about this because after 2 years of great lineup's...we get this.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Ashley Parker Angel

    I'm one of those Bruce Campbell fans, so fuck you. So am I, hence how I knew so much about you.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Ashley Parker Angel

    ...I want to see that...
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Never pee on a frozen lake

    I concur. I chuckled, though, mostly because I could image me and my friends doing that.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Where is a good place to sell off my

    I tried to sell a bunch of my old CDs I haven't listened to in years (or just bought on a whim or got as gifts and fucking hated) tonight to Strawberries. They only took the ones that I moderately enjoyed for one reason or another. The fucking bastards. Clerk: "They're too scratched." Me: "I bought them, like, 3 years ago. I've listened to them a handful of times. How are they too scratched?" Clerk: "Look, there's scratches on them." Me: "...those are fibers from the CD wallet. Look, I'll blow them off." **I blow them off** Clerk: "Sorry, we can't take them. Strict exchange policy." Me: "...eat shit, Chris." Yeah, I've known the clerk for years. Still couldn't take the CDs that I really wanted to get rid of. So it looks like my girlfriend's father, a pistol enthusiast who lives above the Milford Rod and Gun Club in Milford, MA, has some new targets.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Ashley Parker Angel

    If you have two balls and a penis and you were born with the name "Ashley," call yourself fucking ASH for God's sake. You'd at least get respect from the thousands of Bruce Campbell fans that sit around all day watching low-budget z-grade horror, calling it "tremendous art," and randomly yelling "EVIL DEAD RULES!" every 20 minutes.
  10. Mine's...been the same since we moved in...hrmmm...11 1/2 years ago. Still a crackhouse or two down the street, still a few of the same neighbors, not as many annoying kids (but the few kids around are extremely annoying because they're "tough motherfuckers," the kind that talk shit when I'm on the porch having a smoke and then as soon as I step off they run), bunch of old people...only thing that's changed for the worse is that nobody in the neighborhood talks to each other anymore. Everybody used to always at least say hello, but now? Nope, not at all. We avoid each other. But my town, altogether, is becoming pretty shitty. Franklin went from a nice quiet little farm town back in the 50's to a good suburb in the 60's and 70's, then the 80's started seeing more and more low-income housing and the scumfucks from Woony and Milford (which at one time in the 70's was the drug capital of the US) filtering now, mid-90's wasn't too bad, but now we got a bunch of pricks everywhere that try to start shit with everybody.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    I Love Toys

    Really? I sorta avoid Webjunk 20 BECAUSE of his commentary.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    HHH has family in the movie business

  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Recent Purchases

    Method of Destruction - USA for MOD Sixtwofive presents Japan Thrash Revolution: Barbaric Thrash #8 The Dickies - Killer Klowns (yeah, it's the soundtrack to the movie)
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Unstoppable: The Best of Samoa Joe

    Aye, Leena. Aye. Joe/Styles from (IIRC) Unbreakable was stellar.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Guilty pleasure

  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Unstoppable: The Best of Samoa Joe

    WAAAAAAAY too soon. Sure, he's already had plenty of awesome matches in TNA, but he hasn't even been with them for a year. It took how long to give Styles his when he'd been around since the company's conception? Jarrett and The Truth still haven't gotten one, too. Pulling the trigger too soon, TNA.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Brokeback Mountain

    Well, there's no pudding, but I do find it funny how 2 episodes of South Park have made relevant comments about films that were made years after. I just saw this movie tonight after my girlfriend told me all week she wanted to see it, and if it weren't for , this movie would be a total loss. I didn't see a thread for this movie by itself anywhere else in the forum, so I made one. The L-A-Z hated this piece of S-H-I-T, and if this wins the Academy Award for Best Picture, then I guess the Academy is going to have to overlook pacing, direction, editing, and acting.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    You know what I fucking hate

    All but one of my closest friends are people I hung out with in high school, so I see no problem with that. Then again, I just graduated two years ago. But yeah. I've run into a few people that treated me like shit in high school (see: claw end of a hammer) that chatted me up to see what life was like, and the moment I tell them I've played a show at the Palladium or that I pull in some decent cash their demeanor just drops down and they go "oh..." 'Tis a small bit of sweet revenge to know that the pricks you hated got fucked royally after high school.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    You know what I fucking hate

    Happens a lot, only with the assholes in high school who I would've liked to introduce to the claw end of a hammer.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Guilty pleasure

    ...how is Type O a guilty pleasure? Carnivore too, for that matter.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Rambo IV is now official

    That makes me wanna see it.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Chave's Faction.

    I'm not sure if Czech dislikes me or not. Hrmm...lemme wait until I get a pure answer before I join.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Belly Button Ooze

    I have a somewhat deep naval...but I've never had a yeast infection down there.
  24. Corey_Lazarus


    I think it'd be pretty cool if I was Sid Vicious in another life.
  25. I'd definitely go accept the award anyway, and say what an honor it was to lose to such an acclaimed actor as (insert name here, likely Sean Penn). I'd just make a complete ass out of myself, and then maybe blame alcohol and enter rehab or something.