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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    MTV is starting a wrestling promotion

    True, but Zakk Wylde is a huge wrestling fan, quite a few wrestlers are into BLS...so it sorta fits. I wonder if they'll use BLS as the intro song...which should be "Fire It Up" (only good song from the last two albums).
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    ECW One Night Stand II-It's Official

    The only roster problem is that outside of Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, and The Sandman...what ECW main event guys are left? Raven's in TNA, I'm pretty sure Sabu is still under TNA contract (at least for a little while longer), Buh Buh Ray and D-Von are in TNA, Corino likely won't do it because of differences with Paul Heyman, Credible would be wise to only do it if he can get the rights to the name back...so unless only a few of the matches are going to feature ECW mainstays with the rest being up-and-coming indy guys that likely would have been booked in ECW (as many have suggested to give it MORE of an ECW feel), then the show is lacking talent. Which, I guess, is a perfect homage to the later days of ECW when there was a lack of talent so everybody worked longer matches. Also, PLEASE have Awesome wrestle somebody other than Tanaka. Tanaka/Balls would be pretty good (their match at, IIRC, Hardcore Heaven '00 was better than it had any right to be).
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Foley is Blog

    Probably not that many seeing as how Foley is the only wrestler with two books laying claim to the #1 position on the NY Times Bestsellers list. And Foley never once criticized Flair's in-ring performance in his book. He always talked about how Flair was great in the ring and on the mic, maybe even the greatest, but greatly disliked him as a booker. That's not that harsh of a thing to say, it's just saying that Flair's best at what everybody knows he's best at, and that's wrestling and not writing. Plus, weren't Flair's criticisms of Foley all about his ringwork? Foley didn't talk ill of Flair's, so why would Flair say Foley's ringwork was terrible when, in truth, it's not?
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Awesome video

    It's funny to see the kid HIT THE SCREEN and then begin crying uncontrollably. How is that NOT funny to see him put his hands on the screen?
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Your thoughts....

    I think Reubens wanted Herman to just be a 12-year-old boy with a wild imagination. I've seen one stand-up he did as Peewee, and not only was it fucking hilarious, but it was also just like the kid's show but with more subtley dirty jokes.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    When's the last time we had a thread about cover songs?

    Nah. I'm sure you're no disco fan, but within it's genre, that's a perfect song. I like WZ's version too, though. Actually, I've been known to listen to some BeeGees now and then, and used to know how to do the Electric Slide.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    MTV is starting a wrestling promotion

    Well, I already had a few times earlier...but when somebody is pretty oblivious as to who one of the more popular rock acts in the States is? Yeah, I gotta make a comment.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    An idea for the end of Joe's undefeated streak...

    No. Killings is all punch/kick, so no. He's GOOD at punch/kick, and his matches are always worth watching, but no.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Your thoughts....

    I'm with Rant. If you see an overly goofy 'tard and you don't laugh, even when you leave their presence? You're too PC, man. I try my best not to laugh whenever I see this guy that is in hid mid-30's who works at the nearest WalMart and has the same disorder that Gary Coleman and Webster do (in fact, he looks JUST LIKE Webster), but damn as soon as he's out of hearing range...I crack up.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Kid Rock & Scott Stapp

    ...meh. Kid Rock sorta lost his popularity when he did the duet with Sheryl Crow, and Scott Stapp has always been a massive tool.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    When's the last time we had a thread about cover songs?

    Pick up Metallica's Garage, Inc. Listen. Disregard the Motörhead and Misfits covers. There you go. Also, White Zombie's cover of "I'm Your Boogieman" far surpasses the original. Then again, it was a different take on it, instead of the Boogieman being one who boogies down to the disco flavor, he means the Boogeyman, as in the one who creeps out from the closet door to devour the souls of children.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    CZW: Xtreme Action - Volume 1

    Some people like deathmatch/ultraviolent wrestling, and most people don't. Maybe he's not a fan of the style in general, but I do agree with his comments on Acid/Mondo: Mondo is pretty lame. Every match of his I've seen has just been some dull brawling, a sick spot here or there, and him playing to the crowd. And the Lobo/Zandig match was the one where Zandig's arm got busted open and a tendon (I believe) was hanging out. The opening of the match saw Zandig grab a sign from the crowd that read "XPW Sucks" and hold it up high.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    The Youtube thread

  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Awesome video

    Oh my god, that's so fucking hilarious.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Your thoughts....

    Modified for accuracy. But...how is asking if somebody wears a diaper sexual harassment? So if I were to ask my friend Mike in junior year if he remembered to wear his boxers THAT would be sexual harassment? Give the kid a suspension for making fun of a 'tard, and then let him come back with the knowledge that you aren't gonna take his shit.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Recently popular rock bands

    Robby Roadsteamer, having recently been signed to a major label, is going to own ALL of your fucking souls. I'd just like to say that now.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    CZW: Xtreme Action - Volume 1

    Well, while I disagree with your rating criteria immensely (since I'm of the belief that **, not ***, is your average match), and also apparently your tastes, a good review. But only giving Joker/Cash **? Damn. That's one of my favorite ladder matches. Did you miss how the ladder spots got bigger and bigger as the match progressed (a small hint of psychology in an otherwise spotfest)?
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    An idea for the end of Joe's undefeated streak...

    Mike, that's a good idea. Lynn/Joe goes on, and Joe just WRECKS Lynn's knee. Lynn tries to hit a dropkick, but can't get height and hits Joe in the ribs (as he puts his hands up to protect his face), and as Lynn rolls on the mat clutching his knee and trying to work up enough adrenaline to fight through the pain...Joe gasps for air. It's the trench of the Death Star: his ribs. Whoever is the first to win over Joe knows the gameplan going in, and maybe even injures Joe's ribs in a brawl or something before the PPV match where Joe loses. That not only puts over Joe a little more than it should (the man had injured ribs and STILL competed and STILL came close to winning), but also whoever does it (they were smart enough to weaken his only weakspot and then exploit it, PLUS they beat the unbeatable).
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Recently popular rock bands

    "Unfuckwithable" is a running gag at TSM used to mean, as I interpret it, "the man." So by calling Dylan "unfuckwithable," it's saying he's "the man," ie. great.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    ECW Bloodsport

    I just picked it up tonight. Can't wait to sit down, watch it, and bask in some of my favorite wrestling memories.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    An idea for the end of Joe's undefeated streak...

    The day that happens is the day I stop watching TNA again. Not that I watch all the time, but I at least try to catch it whenever I can.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    What religion were you raised under?

    Was baptized as a Protestant (the Methodist denomination), but not raised under any specific faith. Mother was Catholic, but never a strict one (though she always complained that I never had a Communion despite having never argued with my father about baptizing me into his Church), and my father has never been that religious at all (despite both of his parents working all the time at their church). So...I wasn't raised under any particular faith, honestly.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    Not MetalCore, just a modernization of some Heavy Metal styles for people with shorter attention spans. So I guess I'm imagining the few chugga-chugga breakdowns in a couple of their songs, and the overall hardcore flow of quite a few of their songs. Yeah, I must be. Definitely the most metal of the popular metalcore bands, but I'd still label them metalcore. I refer to bands like Black Label Society, Ozzy Osbourne, and Motörhead as "Heavy Metal," and they don't really fit that bill. Slayer, DRI, and SOD as Thrash Metal. Suffocation, At The Gates, and Deicide as Death Metal. And Shadows Fall doesn't really sound like any of them, but more like taking parts of them here and there. They do sound similar to Killswitch Engage, Unearth, and Lamb of God, though...who play Metalcore. There's more early In Flames than Hatebreed in the music of Shadows Fall, but that doesn't make them NOT metalcore. That's Thrash Metal. Real Thrash I mean. D.R.I., Cryptic Slaughter et al. I'm talking more modern hardcore...so, pretty much, fashioncore/emocore/screamo/toughguy/etc. The kind of bullshit that the FSU loves for no real reason. That mutation of hardcore, blended with metal, begat metalcore. Or, as I like to explain it to a few people here and there that listen to metal and don't know what metalcore is, "hardcore bands that began listening to Iron Maiden." They're not AMAZING or anything, but in the current crop of metalcore bands they stand out a fair amount. The chugga-chugga bullshit is kept to a minimum, and the riff changes are pretty good.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    New CEO

    Give Larry a cane and a glass of lemonade to go with his straw hat. And always have him be in a rocking chair when he's not actually walking.