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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Worst style: clothing and hair

    Band shirts where the logo is off-center, angled, and done so that it looks as if it were either sprayed or stenciled on. Yeah, that looks cool...a band shirt that I can't fucking read because it looks too weird. You're a jackass, so go fuck yourself.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    ...where do you get half of the avatars you have? The one you have now and the one before the porn that Alexis Laree did.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    favorite tna momments

    Oh damn...I got a lot from the first year alone... -The Styles/Lynn backstage brawl during Week 4. -Malice and Don Harris actually having a GOOD MATCH together (Last Man Standing). -Jeremy Borash getting decked by Ed Ferrara. -Ed Ferrara SPEARING Borash when he tried to cover up Jasmine St. Claire. -Puppet the Midget Killer beating off in a trashcan (sorry, but it was fucking hilarious). -How OVER and ENTERTAINING Jeff Jarrett was until his face turn. -The rise of Ron "The Truth" Killings. -Tenay: "HOLY SHIT, IT'S VINCE RUSSO!" -Raven debuting by DDT'ing Jeff Jarrett and stealing the NWA World title. -EVERYTHING KID KASH EVER DID AFTER TURNING HEEL. -New Jack/Shark Boy segments. -The build-up to Destiny. -The first half of the Styles/Lynn feud that MADE TNA in '02. -Chris Sabin's debut (still my favorite TNA match). -The insane brawls of the AMW/New Church feud. -The formation of SEX. -AMW/XXX in the first-ever Cage Match in TNA history. -AJ Styles as a prick heel. -Saturn/Barton stiffing the fuck out of each other. -Dusty Rhodes' promo about tradition with The Truth, AMW, and (IIRC) AJ Styles in the ring with him. -Dusty Rhodes climbing up the 2-step ladder to drop a Bionic Elbow on Brian Lawler. -Brian Lawler's first heel promo in TNA ("My real name is Brian LAWLER" etc. etc.). -Every Truth promo. ALL of them. -Jarrett nearly starting a riot by pissing off the Tennessee Titans and getting them to jump the barricade. -SEX hanging Jarrett and whipping him with belts until he goes unconscious. And my favorite TNA moment to date... "GO, RED, GO."
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Most Anticipated Hip Hop Albums of 2006

    Only hip hop album I'm looking forward to at all is MC Lars' The Graduate.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    No, you're not a poseur for owning the first (although it's probably Dysfunction, so it's TECHNICALLY the second) Staind CD. No, because Chino's voice is annoying and grating. They're sorta weird because the vocalist used to rap, but then he started just singing and screaming, so nu-metal sounds like a good placement. Doesn't take away the fact that they were a good band, though.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    American Psycho

    Yeah, it's really not. Bateman did the killings and everybody around him is too focused on themselves that they don't even know the names of the people they talk to. If he just THINKS he's Bateman, then why does everybody - EVERYBODY - but Paul Allen and his lawyer call him Bateman? Allen calls him Marcus Alberstram, and I don't even think his lawyer refers to him by name. Also, it's possible that Paul Allen was under a mistaken name as well. Seems likely. But yeah. Since the movie and the novel are satires of the self-centered ways of 80's yuppies, Deon, it DOES make sense that nobody in the apartment building called the police when they heard the chainsaw.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Chewy's Blog

    I don't know, I don't care, but all of the photoshopped images superimposing Chewie rule. My favorites were the Madonna/Spears kiss where Britney was replaced by Chewie, and the one of the 3 Tenors poster.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    "Gunshot" is great from the chorus ("Open fire..." etc.) on. The intro is good as well, but the verses I don't really care for. Singer's voice needs a lot of work, because his SINGING is pretty decent, but his screams sound terrible. Plus, Trivium kicked ASS when they opened for Bodom in December up here in MA (the random "Walk" cover, while both guitarists play Dimebag Specials, was a concert highlight for my life). That said, Trivium should vary up how their songs are put together. Every song has the screamed verses and the sang choruses, and then the overly long guitar solo (which is a breath of fresh air considering few metalcore bands even bother to solo) followed by a reprise of the chorus. Gets sorta boring when you listen to the album all the way through. And I cannot stress how much I hate the new Bleeding Through album, The Truth, enough. Trustkill's hyping of it as "the most important album of the year" is fucking ridiculous.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    News from Meltzer

    Deuce Domino getting a 50's style gimmick (hopefully this means he'll be a greaser) won't be too bad considering there ARE still greasers around.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Chewy's Blog

    You owe me a new keyboard.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    The only nu-metal band I can think of that incorporates melody, really, is Disturbed. I refuse to call System of a Down a nu-metal band simply because of how different they are than most other bands (and the fact that you can hear that Darian was listening to black metal before writing some of the guitar parts to Mezmerize).
  12. Corey_Lazarus


    Experience has taught me that few movies that concern any aspect of the military are anything more than dramatic bullshit. I haven't seen the movie, I don't really want to, but I'm sick to fucking death of the radio spots. In the van I drive for work, there's only a radio, and when I hear this commercial all the time, it does the exact opposite thing that it should and makes me want to stay far, far away.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Best worst film you've ever seen

    Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa Wow...I can't believe I remember that name off the top of my head.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    The music industry has been saved.....

    Double quarter pounder with cheese uber alles.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    Any band that plays hard rock with a little more distortion than normal and isn't playing punk and had some mainstream success between '96 and '02 is, pretty much, nu-metal. I wish I could describe it better, but it's one of those things where you need to listen to it and you can hear the difference.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    The music industry has been saved.....

  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    Which is why they're successful: show little talent but write somewhat catchy hooks, and you've got yourself a winning band. Just ask Jon Davis, Fred Durst, and Aaron Lewis.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Joe vs. AJ

    I actually feel it's a letdown anyway. If the feud is focused on AJ/Joe right now, the match should be AJ/Joe. Maybe have it be some inane gimmick like Double Tables or whatever (in order to win, your opponent must be put through two tables). Have Daniels screw both men over and it comes out a draw, and then the Triple Threat rematch can be the next PPV.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    John Wayne Gacy

    The cover art for Acid Bath's album When The Kite String Pops is a painting Gacy drew in prison of Pogo the Clown.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Criminal/Legal Question

    If he files a report that his neighbor threatened to burn his house down and requested surveillance to make sure that his neighbor didn't follow through, and then the neighbor DOES burn the house down? Then your co-worker has a case. Police negligence, I believe. If you file a report that you feel your life is in danger and the police do nothing about it, then they are held responsible should something happen to you.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Great/ Average/ Bad Bands...

    It's dumbed-down metal and hardcore with a lot of emo to it. As I Lay Dying, Bullet For My Valentine, It Dies Today, every single band on Trustkill...yeah. A lot of the bands that Metal Blade and Century Media have been signing for the past 5 years are extremely fashioncore, as well. Walk through a mall and be sure to pass by the Spencer's Gifts and Hot Topic areas, as well as the food court (usually near the Sbarro's or the closest door to go out into the parking lot), and just look at the majority of the bands that the kids in all black (ie. mallgoths) have on their shirts. Every now and then there'll be a Metallica, Black Label Society, Slayer, or obscure death metal band, but most of the time it's some fashioncore group that is "so brutal and hardcore" until the end of the week. And J0b, all of Nile's albums have the Middle Eastern feel to them. That's their gimmick: Egyptian death metal from North Carolina.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    American Psycho

    Which can be summed up as everybody in the apartment building being so self-centered that they don't care that it's happening (again, the entire point of the story). Okay, I took the spoiler tags off of this, and edited the quote slightly, to better explain it. Earlier in the film, near the beginning, Bateman talks about how Paul Allen constantly mistakes him for another coworker and rather than correct him, Bateman just lets him continue making the mistake over and over again. The lawyer also calls Bateman by the wrong name during their conversation, and when Patrick says who he is, the lawyer says "you're not Patrick Bateman, Bateman's a wimp," or something to that effect. Once more, mistaken identity and self-absorption.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    American Psycho

    ...no. Both versions say he did it, but the movie is so vague in saying that he did it that you can interpret it as it all being in his head (which is the "safe" interpretation, IMO).
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Hands down, what is the worst gimmick ever?

    Wait...I'm completely fucking stupid. Ravenbomb, your source for saying he's from South Dakota, please? I've always been under the impression that he was raised in Calgary.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Andre Was Closer To 4'7" than 7'4"

    The pro wrestling measuring stick doesn't start at 0", it starts at 1.5". Occasionally 2". And sometimes Vince doesn't use the stick, but rather the pro wrestling measuring tape, which has been known to fold up in the middle a bit and give a reading 2 or 3, sometimes even 4, inches off.