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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Heidenreich gone

    Fuckin-A. Sounded like a mix of Rammstein and fighting game music. I dug it.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Metal Fan Craving Industrial

    For fun you should check out Atari Teenage Riot. "Digital hardcore."
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Are you the only one that likes to do things?

    If he's under 22 and lived in Franklin within the last 4 years, I've prolly run into him once or twice. Laz = townie.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Which of the following is most annoying?

    ...why would anybody want to buy that overrated piece of garbage that is the epitome of how far "punk" has sunken?
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Metal Fan Craving Industrial

    Right now is when still seeing my buddy Wes would be great, since he's the biggest rivethead I know. Ummm...VNV Nation? Wumpscut? Not a big industrial fan, so hey.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Last movie you watched on VHS

    That movie is the perfect action flick, which is sorta ironic considering it's a parody of action flicks. Arnold starring in a parody of his own movies. Best one-liner's out of any non-Bruce Willis action yarn, IMO.
  7. It almost looks like Osama bin Laden wearing a white t-shirt and a grey long-sleeve shirt under it reaching out to tap the kid on the shoulder and ask him to go buy him a pair of pants.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Are you the only one that likes to do things?

    Oh yeah? How old is he, name, etc. Chances are I've run into him.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Wrestling fans

    Fucking hilarious.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Are you the only one that likes to do things?

    I'd prefer a few friends, a few beers and some hard shit, and bad movies over going to a club. But if my friends want me to go out with them late at night and I don't have work the next day, I'm gung-ho. But my evenings are usually spent with my girlfriend and some lame movies to watch.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Last movie you watched on VHS

    Dead Man on Campus. I've never seen it on DVD, and me and my girlfriend were looking for a movie to watch a) wasn't a horror movie (so that eliminate 80% of my DVD collection), and b) we haven't already seen a million times (thus eliminating the rest). I browsed through some of the tapes, saw Dead Man on Campus, and popped it in. Neither of us had watched it in years, so we laughed our fucking asses off at it. ESPECIALLY Cliff. Awesome Cliff quotes: -"You guys ever get horny? Like, sometimes I just...I just gotta...HUMP THIS LAMP...or SCREW THIS COUCH, YEAH!" -"Oh, they HATE IT when you do this!" (pulls a pistol out from his glove compartment and fires it at the police cruiser chasing him) -"OH, GOD! Where do you GET THIS SHIT?!" (with an oxygen mask while being loaded into an ambulance following his fall from his porch) -"Hey, lesbos, how's it hanging?" -"Whenever I'm on fire, I remember to STOP, DROP, and ROLL! I don't just stand there screaming like some chick!" -"...so I guess a blowjob is out of the question?" (after lighting a gil's hair on fire)
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Ugliest WWE Belt

    Women's title looks the worst. Also, what's with the love about the Big Gold Belt? I agree that it's a good looking belt, but I don't get the love for it everybody else does. I much prefer the WWE Title over the World Heavyweight Title (Big Goldie).
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Vince McMahon Not Happy With Joey Styles

    In my opinion? Yes. That was one of the biggest gripes I always had with Jim Ross: Val Venis could be wrestling Matt Hardy in the middle of the ring, the two of them having a decent little match, and he'd talk nonstop about HHH or The Rock or Steve Austin. It irritated me because it's basically telling the fans to not give two shits about anybody not in the main event, which is a bad thing to do when trying to get new people over. I don't care if it's a jobber exhibition match, the match should be put over as if it belongs on the show because somebody obviously booked it to be a part of the show and not a dark match. If a match, on paper, doesn't sound like it deserves to be televised, then put it on as a dark match. But if you plan ahead of time to put it on-air? Then you best believe that I feel the commentators should talk about that match. Bringing up past events on the show during another match that has zero effect whatsoever on what's going on currently is bad announcing, IMO. Referencing to past events on the same show, or even events prior, to put over the current match is fine, but to ignore it is wrong. To put it into an analogy, it's like talking about an ex-girlfriend when you're with your current girlfriend: it shouldn't be done, and if it is to be done, it should be done VERY sparingly. Those would fall under the "putting over the product."
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    Difference being that WWE could hype it as Mysterio flexing his 15-year experience and his massive speed advantage over everybody. Sorry, but it's ridiculous to believe that a smaller worker can't hold the belt just because he's not "big enough." It just proves that McMahon has influenced you all in pushing the huge hosses over the more talented smaller workers. Okay, here's an example of a smaller worker being a legitimate threat to any title: TAZ. He was pushed as a bad motherfucker with a black belt in Judo who just LOVED to fight, and it worked in ECW. It started working in the WWF when he first came in, but then they stopped pushing him and gave him that terrible "Thug Life Born..." gimmick. Basically, I'm saying that Mysterio as champ would work if the booking was right. If he won matches flat-out because of his speed and agility advantage then it'd work. If he won by fluke wins all the time it wouldn't.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Vince McMahon Not Happy With Joey Styles

    Per Rudo's request: WHAT MAKES A GOOD LEAD ANNOUNCER The knowledge of the names of the moves being performed. The ability to focus on the match in front of you and nothing else. The ability to, first and foremost, put over the talent in the ring. Gelling with the color commentator. Putting over the product as a whole. Quickly coming up with good excuses for botched spots/moves. Selling the story of the match. Selling the psychology of the match. Making it clear which end of the face/heel spectrum you are on (in most cases the lead announcer is meant to be a face). Explaining why each move is being done. Not putting yourself over at the expense of the talent (ie. not talking through promo's). Educating the fans listening at home about the product. There's only a few things on this list I don't see Styles constantly doing, and that's incredibly forgiveable given the WWE product itself.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Vince McMahon Not Happy With Joey Styles

    For those that think Styles can't tell a story or shill the product, I urge you to check out any of the ECW PPVs from 2000. His interaction with Joel Gertner and with Don "Cyrus" Callis made the two pairs (either one) my favorite commentary team of all-time, and the emotion he showed when The Network tried to kill ECW (or anytime in 1998/1999 when he was calling a Dudley Boyz match) was just as good as when JR would scream "BAH GAWD" every five seconds. In fact, it was even better, because Joey is usually a calm PBP guy. See, that's what makes the moments when Styles flips out better: they're spaced out. If he were to get emotionally involved into EVERY SINGLE MATCH, then they wouldn't stand out. But I specifically remember certain ECW moments when it was so obvious that he was tied up in the action and selling the story, such as, oh...the entire Heat Wave '98 show and his partnering with Douglas until the main event. So say Styles does nothing but call the moves is to underrate him entirely. He calls the moves, he puts the WORKERS over, and when the time comes he shills the HELL out of the event and the story.
  17. Edited for WWE-approved "accuracy."
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    WON News for Jan 10ths issue - Extensive

    Angle/Taker for the title...hrmmmm...could work. Taker should win, though, and here's why: When he loses at WM, it's going to be HUGE. Whoever beats Taker at WM, regardless of how they do it, is going to be put over bigtime since his undefeated WM streak is hyped every year. Taker should continue that streak until he's nearing retirement, and then put a less-established, less-over talent over CLEAN (can be a hoss, can be a cruiser, can be a heavyweight, can be ANYBODY so long as they have what it takes to be in the main event) at WM. Insta-star.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    New Girl....

    So you went from dating "Avril Lavigne after 6 months of heavy drinking" to "generic emo chick #4"? Ummm...the latter.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Best and Worst Songs on Albums

    BEST: "The Damned" WORST: "Lightning Breaks" BEST: "Super Charger Heaven" (though "I, Zombie" is killer) WORST: "Grease Paint & Monkey Brains" (only song on the album I have any motivation to skip when listening to it) BEST: "Tale Told by a Dead Man" (Zombie Apocalypse) WORST: "Funeral" (Send More Paramedics)
  21. I'm gonna claim hoax right now, just to be sure. Pretty creepy photo, though.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE plan to deal with TNA

    Pfft, who are you to question Vince McMahon's business models? He's VINCE McMAHON, DAMMIT! Whatever he didn't invent either came to him by accident or he stole from someone else and made more money off of it than they did! HE'S A BILLIONAIRE, GOD DAMMIT!! YOU'RRRRREEE FIIIRRREEEDDDD...
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Your favourite thing to do in the world?

    Cuddle with my girlfriend and fall asleep.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    WWE plan to deal with TNA

    Didn't the long-term no-compete clause in Brock's contract get thrown out as being unfair? So...who's to say that another class-action lawsuit from a worker signed to WWE with a long-term no-compete clause couldn't also show that the clause is unfair? Say what you will about how fucked the legal system is, but when it comes to contracts and their stipulations, it actually punishes vague wording.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Rate your drugs!

    Outside of butts and booze, all I've had was percs and pot. I found percs to be much more fun than pot, since it didn't involve that whole coughing fit thing, and I just needed to take one to be feeling just fine with everything.