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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Who would you like in TNA

    While on the topic of foreign workers...KENTA. Bring in KENTA. Please? I mean, KENTA is the man, and if KENTA can't put on extensively awesome matches and get over solely on workrate, than nobody can.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    artists you don't get

    Tool's fanbase, I find, is either mostly comprised of stoners or people trying to listen to the band since they're "different." I think they're a good band, not as great as most people make them out to be, but they have to grow on you in order for you to like them, really. A lot of the music is just noise, but there are quite a few nuggets of terrific songwriting thrown in there. Maynard also is a damn decent writer, albeit overrated by the HUGE Tool fanatics. Also...what don't you get about Slayer, lovecraft? I think it's funny you say King is a good guitarist when it's pretty obvious Hanneman is the better guitarist of the two (hell, the two biggest Slayer songs - "Angel of Death" and "Raining Blood" - were penned by him) and leave out the awesomeness of Dave Lombardo's drumming.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    The Devile's Rejects

    Dr. Satan was a doctor at a nearby mental institution known for his sick, inhumane experiments on the patients there. After people discovered what he was doing, a lynch mob hung him up by the tree that the Firefly clan had their Halloween party at towards the end of Ho1kC. But something mysterious happened: he just flat-out disappeared. There was a gravestone under the tree with his name on it, but nobody ever claimed to be the one to bury him. IMO, the early patriarch of the Firefly clan (Grandpa, the old loon in the wheelchair in Ho1kC that Otis threatens to kill if he changes the TV station) cut him down, nursed him back to health, and showed him the underground mines so he could continue his experiments.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    Because, as Tom Araya put it best, God hates us all.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    2005 Year End/Best Awards

    Wrestler of the Year Samoa Joe Feud of the Year AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels Match of the Year Joe Chece vs. Johnny Idol (Sure, not a *****, or even above ***1/2, but it had a lot of drama in it, and considering how green Chece is and how bland Idol is, the fact that this match was as good as it was means a lot more to me than perfect work.) Best Brawler Michael Sain Best High Flier AJ Styles Best Tag Team PRIDE Most Underrated Most of the NECW roster Most Overrated Cena (Yes, I think he's worse than most TSM'ers make him out to be.) Best Promos Jim Mitchell Best PPV I haven't ordered any PPVs this year but WMXXI and One Night Stand, though I heard many good things about TNA's Unbreakable (and a good portion of TNA's PPVs after LockDown, for that matter). However, ONS made me mark more than any other show this year, so One Night Stand gets it for me. Worst PPV One of the brand-exclusive WWE pieces of shyte. Most disgusting promotional tactic Carting around a coffin RIGHT AFTER EDDIE DIED (WWE)
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Kip James

    I missed that... how did he play off South Park? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The New Age Outlaws always wore South Park gear in late '97/early '98, when South Park was brand new and not quite a staple of pop culture but immensely popular. I do believe Road Dogg and Billy Gunn (obviously BG and Kip James, respectively) also stole a few lines from the show to use in promo's now and then.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    WO Newsletter News for the week

    Yay! Disturbed re-do'ing Hunter's AWESOME Motörhead-played-but-Jim-Johnson-penned theme! Oh, wait...that's not good. I don't mind Disturbed, but Motörhead >>>>>>>>>> Disturbed. Heh...Hogan playing ZEUS...they should have Tiny Lister play a character in the movie, just for little nerds like me. People are upset that Dinsmore OD'd the same week that Eddie died, thinking it was disrespectful? Boo-fucking-hoo. Guy can't control when he OD's, these things just happen when you pop pills and shit.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas

    No, it's not annoying that he actually tries to do what he says should be done, I find it annoying how much he says needs to be done and does so matter-of-factly.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Martial Arts that you've taken?

    You should get a tazergun, the kind with the projectile darts, and a blackjack.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas

    I kinda like "BYOB" lyrically in the sense that the verses are preaching about the various injustices the US government performs to the American citizens, and then the chorus is "everybody's going to the party, have a real good time" since that's the mindstate people are in (ie. "who cares that we're being fucked over, let's all just have fun" and such), but Serj REALLY needs to stop preaching so damn much.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    72 band names

    I'm gonna have to agree with YNA that The Zombies is either meant to be White Zombie (it IS a white zombie, after all, and there's only one), or it's just a double-meaning.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas

    The last 2 lines you, ahem, quoted are Daron, the guitarist, doing fill-in vocals for Serj. His voice is too shrieky. "BYOB" is a perfect example of what's good and what's bad about SOAD. The bad is fairly awful lyrics and annoying backing vocals by Daron, and the good is melodic and pretty damn heavy music with Serj's distinct voice. It's obvious that Daron, the bassist, and the drummer know what they're doing, and I love that they combined traditional Middle Eastern elements into their blend of metal, hardcore, and hard rock, but Serj's preaching is annoying. He's like Zach de la Rocha without the political knowledge or lyrical abilities (and I find de la Rocha's politics to be downright disturbing on a Michael Moore level).
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    artists you don't get

    I don't get what a lot of people see in Lamb of God, but that doesn't apply here since most of the metalheads dislike them as well, and the rest of you...either haven't heard them, heard of them, or just don't care for metal. As for why the Sex Pistols are important, it's quite simple: how many bands were so "dangerous" that they were deported from their own country? Nevermind The Bollocks is actually a good album that I feel still holds up today, especially the two big tracks ("Anarchy in the UK" and "God Save The Queen," obviously) and a couple others ("Bodies" and "Pretty Vacant" are my favorites). They didn't start the punk movement, but they did add an edge to it that wasn't quite there yet, and brought it very much so into the mainstream. Musically? Not very influential. But the fact that people BELIEVED they were dangerous bastards, when in reality the only one remotely dangerous was Sid (junkies, especially psychotic ones, are ALWAYS dangerous), is what makes them important to punk and rock in general. I don't get most of the bands people talk about nonstop here, like Wilco, Velvet, Radiohead, and the indie rock bands some people cream themselves over.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Vince saying "Nigga"

    He's making fun of how utterly stupid most rappers talk. Get the fuck over it. He didn't say nigger, he said nigga. One's a slur, the other's a slang term that many people use in quite a friendly manner, such as "hey, this guy's my nigga" and pointing to your best friend. Maybe if stupid people would stop using the word, then maybe other people wouldn't use it either.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA fans

    The Orlando crowd is quite terrible. Imagine what a Nashville homecoming would be like for TNA, though. On one hand, all of the old regulars would show up (most likely including the Heel Section) and show the Orlando fans how to REALLY be noisy. But then there's the drawback of the likely venom the Nashville fans have for TNA over the company just leaving them without even a proper farewell.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Who would you like in TNA

    I'd like to see some local talent to New England in TNA, at least for one-off matches on PPV. Eddie Edwards, Doug Summers, and Joe Chece are preferred. Also, I think a Michael Sain vs. Abyss garbage brawl would be good, as they're my favorite big men in the business right now.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Your Height and Weight

    Height: 5'10" - 5'11" (right in between) Weight: 215 lbs.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas

    Oasis may be one of the most annoying bands I've ever heard in my life. Sure, I agree with their "if you're gonna copy a band, copy the best" stance when it comes to comparing their songs with Beatles tunes, but really...they're just shit. Noel Gallagher is entertaining, but he really just needs to realize his band sucks more than a lot of the bands he rips on. You don't like Serj's voice? Understandable. I find it oddly entrancing because of how different his voice is from other frontmen. I don't care for the band's politics in the least, but I do like the arrangement of their songs. Except for "Hypnotize," which is shit.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA fans

    Actually, the Heel Section was responsible for a good 75% of the crowd noise in Nashville. The crowd's liveliness dwindled significantly when the Heel Section left after getting sick of being told after shows to not cheer for the heels. Which was funny, because the only heels they cheered for were the ones who were GOOD at it. And now look: the ones that they cheered are now faces (Sabin, Daniels, Styles, Raven). Hell, Sabin wouldn't have the whole "HAIL SABIN" thing if it wasn't for the Heel Section. Self-promoting? Yes. But did they rile up the crowd and get chants going? Yes. The Heel Section did more for crowd reaction in the Nashville days than TNA's booking did, oddly enough. They were also the only group that regularly paid to get into the Asylum.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Black Friday Hijinx

    Anybody else get the sudden urge to listen to Goblin?
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Smartest/dumbest States

    Doesn't make much sense that MA is in the top 5...considering none of us can DRIVE.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas

    There's much, MUCH worse bands than System of a Down.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    The Devile's Rejects

    I remember either watching an interview with Rob on TV or reading one with him online that he's done with the Firefly clan. I actually think he said he wants to make his next movie either a straight-up comedy or try something new. And yes, CGI gore is retarded. It's not hard to mix karo syrup, red food coloring, and a little bit of water.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Kip James

    The original New Age Outlaws were interesting...since they were just flat-out pricks who loved to offend and annoy. I actually LIKE the "I'm Kip James, BITCH!" catchphrase. It's a dumb name, true, but I like catchphrases or shirts or logo's for wrestlers that reference other aspects of pop culture.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Trimming the Fat

    Using the same key as DA (bolded are cuts, italicized are borderline, normal is keep)... A1 Abyss AJ Styles Alex Shelley The Alpha Male Monty Brown Andy Douglas Apolo Austin Aries BG James Bobby Roode Cassidy Riley Chase Stevens Chris Harris Chris Sabin Christian Cage David Young Eric Young Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels Gail Kim Jackie Gayda James Mitchell James Storm Jeff Hardy Jeff Jarrett Jerelle Clark Jerry Lynn Johnny Devine Kevin Nash Kip James Konnan Lance Hoyt Matt Bentley Petey Williams Prime Time Elix Skipper Raven Rhino Roderick Strong Ron Killings Sabu Samoa Joe Sean Waltman Shark Boy Shocker Simon Diamond Sonjay Dutt Sonny Siaki Team 3D Traci Brooks -WHO I'M CUTTING: A1, Apolo, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, Shocker -WHY: A1 is just a muscleheaded oaf to act as the enforcer of Team Canada, when Team Canada doesn't NEED an enforcer. And were they to get one, hiring a better wrestler wouldn't be that hard. Apolo just flat-out sucks. He showed a lot of promise in his first TNA run, and yeah, he may just be one of the biggest stars in Puerto Rico ever, but why is something I'll never understand. No promo abilities, so much muscle he can't move, and little charisma. Kevin Nash is gone since he'd likely be a liability at this stage. If he were to come in for a match or two to give the rub to somebody younger, or maybe work as a manager for somebody who needs to develop mic skills and/or a character (read: 3/4 of the roster), or even do SOLELY backstage booking work with Scott D'Amore and crew, then I'd say he'd be borderline, because what he adds to the product doesn't make up for what he could do - even accidentally - to damage it. Sean Waltman because he no-showed his last couple of bookings for TNA, and outside of a fire being lit under his ass in the working department, he brings nothing. Shocker because he hasn't impressed me at all in TNA, and I think he's on his way out anyway, if he's even still there. -WHO'S BORDERLINE: Alex Shelley, Cassidy Riley, David Young, Jerelle Clark, Lance Hoyt, "Primetime" Elix Skipper, Simon Diamond, Sonny Siaki, Traci Brooks -WHY: Shelley may be awesome in RoH, but he's been nothing but dull in TNA. They either need to invest in giving him a character and a program, or just cut their ties. -Riley has a decent enough look, and it'd be good to give Raven another set of lackeys after The Gathering turned on him, but he's mediocre-at-best in the ring, and abysmal-at-worst. -David Young...he's talented and works in the goofball department, but that's it. Fodder. -Jerelle Clark is just a jobber, basically, whose only real talent is his ability to do flips. He doesn't even do them NICELY like most of the X-Division workers do, he just flips. -Lance Hoyt is...yeah. Only reason I didn't decide to cut him flat-out was because of how over he is with the live fans. -Skipper...he has his "on" days. They only come in tag matches and multi-man spotfests, though. He's never really been able to work a one-on-one match, only multi-man spotfests and tag bouts, so unless he's restricted solely to those, I don't want to see him. -Simon Diamond USED to be good in the ring. Simon Diamond USED to be gold on the stick. Ever since ECW went under, though, Simon Diamond has sucked a major dick. No real reason for him to be there, no real reason to fire him either. -Sonny Siaki is a good tag worker. He just needs a GOOD PARTNER. His tag bouts when teaming with Ekmo (Jamal of 3MW) were good, as were his tag matches when in the Flying Elvises. -Traci needs to be used, dammit! Bentley needs a good tag partner, and Traci's his manager, so either Bentley gets a good partner and she manages them, or she manages somebody higher on the card. Otherwise? No use paying for just tits, ass, and a square jaw.