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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus
I think it's kinda funny that the anti-SurSer thread became the OAO one, while the OAO one has all of 5 replies.
whats the riskiest thing you've ever done?
Corey_Lazarus replied to Annabelle's topic in No Holds Barred
Making a few Nazi jokes at my band's show last night when I knew a good portion of the people at the show were Jewish and could probably kill me. Eh, nothing overly risky. Took a turn onto an offramp going 55 mph in the rain once, but that was when my car had nice brakes. That was also what ruined my car's brakes and caused me to crash it a couple days later. -
I'd say try to find a warehouse job, but you're looking for something part-time that helps you through school. Go with Fear Havoc's idea and do some custodial work for a company.
Re: Gangchant It's a term for hardcore. A gangchant is the part of a hardcore song where the vocalist's line is accompanied by either that of the audience or the rest of the band, much like a gang chanting the word. Hence, gangchant. For the most part, gangchants are used solely in the chorus of hardcore/thrash songs, though some are used during the verses and breakdowns.
I yelled "BANG!" in the theater opening night when DDP came on-screen for the first time. Diamond hand sign and everything. A couple laughs, but mostly people giving me awkward stares.
Mankind/Undertaker The feud brought The Undertaker back into the spotlight of the WWF after years of being stuck in meaningless feuds against huge monsters...and even a double that happened to be 4-6 inches shorter than he was...with matches so bland that the only highlights were 'Taker's entrance and the Tombstone. Foley brought out the best in 'Taker like no other could, save for Austin in '98, Brock in '02, and Cena during their brief run in '03. Boiler Room Brawl, Buried Alive, Hell in a Cell II...three matches whose legacies have been immortalized because of how much punishment the two gave each other. Mankind/Rock Foley has a way of taking somebody whose popularity is hitting an all-time low or who just needs that one push to become a bonafide main eventer and being the one to help them make it. The Rock was his first "uppercard-to-legitimate main eventer" success. They KILLED each other for three months solid, with Rock knocking Foley so silly during their infamous Rumble '99 encounter that not only were his kids and wife crying because they knew he was actually hurt, but also enough to be one of the few people to truly knock Foley out (IIRC, of course). Foley/HHH It's already been touched upon, but the awesome feud in '97 where Foley used all three of his personalities (Mankind, Dude Love, and Cactus Jack) to bring pain to Hunter. Then the pick-up during the McMahon-Helmsley Era in late '99 that all started off with the Pink Slip on a Pole match between The Rock and Mankind. If it wasn't for Foley, HHH would've never been taken nearly as seriously a main eventer as he was in 2000, and his entire career would have been much different. The promo's, the brawls, and of course the matches...they're all picture-perfect examples of how to build up a feud that is only meant to last 2 PPVs and make it legendary. I still stare in awe at my Foley DVDs when I see HHH's reaction at the transformation of Mankind into Cactus Jack on a SmackDown before Rumble '00. Austin/Hart A tremendous "passing of the torch" feud. I can't add anything that hasn't already been said, because everybody else has said it better. Austin/McMahon Again, the feud that brought the WWF back to prominence in '98. The Nation/DX Were the matches fantastic? No. Most of them were outright atrocious, as a matter of fact. Did every member of each stable have one single opponent on the opposing team? No, because outside of each stable's leaders (HHH and Rock for DX and The Nation, respectively), they all just hated each other. But was it memorable for an in-ring skit, a few good brutal brawls, and a damn fine ladder match to cap the feud off between each stable's leaders? Hell yes. The DX parody of The Nation is classic comedy, and I miss the days when HHH was more than just a "grr, I am the best" heel and actually had some humor to him. DX-era HHH is my favorite simply due to how good he was in the role of a pompous ass that made bad dick jokes. The brawl where The Nation singled HHH out and beat the hell out of him leading into Fully Loaded, IIRC, was shit, but the images it contained were memorable. The 2/3 Falls match between HHH and The Rock at Fully Loaded was decent enough, but the way the feud capped off at SummerSlam '98 - with members of each stable interfering to help their man, but the end coming when Chyna low-blow's Mark Henry and then The Rock so that HHH can grab the Intercontinental title - was more than just plain old overbooking: it was meant to show the unity in each opposing team. When The Nation lost the feud, D'Lo and Henry disbanded the group by attacking the other members. DX disbanded just over half a year later during a feud with another stable, that being The Corporation.
IIRC, almost all of the ECW alma matter from 1995 through 1997 are friendly with the Funks due to Terry's involvement. If you watch Beyond the Mat, New Jack's almost in tears when Terry announced his retirement at his daughter's wedding (he grabbed Paul E. by the shirt and was visibly shaken). Also, I would doubt Dory's seen a lot of the younger indy workers out there, or even much of the TNA crew. But hey, to each their own.
Eh, I kinda like the idea of putting quotes from the movie in between songs. It works on the Pulp Fiction soundtrack, so why not put some equally good, if not better, quotes from another movie on its soundtrack? I love almost every bit of dialogue from Devil's Rejects, as it's damn entertaining (especially when Otis wonders about the future of his pistol when he has the two guys from Banjo & Sullivan in the desert). Rob's quickly becoming one of my favorite directors. House suffered because it was too much like a music video at times (which I suppose was due to Rob's music video-only directoral history), but other times were perfect direction (ie. when Otis shoots the old man and the young cop as Mama Firefly kills the old cop, whose brother was Forsythe's character in Rejects; I love the direction of complete silence as the camera pans out, and then the gunshot is the only sound).
I'm going to have to echo the Sandman and Whipwreck sentiments. There was no point of either of them being there, since Sandm...HAK was just The Sandman without the awesome entrance, the beer, the bloodshed, or the cigarettes (you know, The Sandman's entire character), and Whipwreck being some badass cruiser made NO sense since he's always been best portrayed as a sympathetic loser or a lunatic (ie. how Heyman portrayed him). Lemme add Air Paris and AJ Styles to the list, since both weren't pushed at ALL during their brief 2-month run in WCW, but were both under contract. And now Air Paris is nowhere, whereas Styles is the franchise player of TNA. Also, throw Tylene "Major Gunns" Buck in. Why couldn't the Misfits In Action just, I dunno, be fine as themselves? Oh, right...Russo... Some notable mentions that I would've added, but I enjoyed them nonetheless: -KweeWee -ICP -Dusty Rhodes (in '01)
I haven't been impressed with Traci too much through her TNA work. But I loved her as the manager of The New Franchise and KazariShane. She added an element to the two of them, who were both pretty damn bland by themselves, that complimented the team and made them one of my favorites. I SO wish Kazarian would return to TNA ONLY if he reforms the team with Bentley. Only time I've ever REALLY liked Bentley (outside of the string of 3 matches he had that ended with Ultimate X 2 that were DAMN good).
Stupid things you do despite knowing better.
Corey_Lazarus replied to Hoff's topic in No Holds Barred
Those illegitimate ones piss me off. "No, don't use the sugar, I'm diabetic! The simple smell of it will make me turn into a rhinoceros for 5 full minutes before I shrivel away into nothing!" Fucking assholes. -
I'll probably take some course on either Kickboxing/Muay Thai or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu up the street from my house in a little bit when I save up more money.
I thought only the metalheads here had even heard of SOD...apparently I'm wrong. So, Czech, if what Mr. KOAB says here is true, which track do you prefer: "Speak English Or Die" or "United Forces"? I never quite understood the love for "United Forces" over "Speak English," even though it does have a nice gangchant and mosh part. ...oh, by the way, System of a Down is SOAD. SOD is Stormtroopers of Death.
I concur 100%. There's a reason FvJ is my favorite movie of 2003: it was a perfect nod to the genre, both franchises, and to the fans. Alien Resurrection could have been so much more. Weaver, Perlman, Ryder, Brad F'N Dourif...but no. They had to fuck with it by having a green alien with a pot belly and EYES. What the FUCK!!?!?!?!?! Okay, speaking of which, it's time to rip this piece of shit apart. They got Ripley back from DNA samples at Fiorina 161, which is the prison planet she crash landed on in Alien 3. Cool, I dig, I can understand that, since the doctor she had the hots for there prolly took some samples to give her some tests and such. But they got the alien DNA out of hers. Ummm...how? The alien doesn't bond with the host completely: it lays dormant, feeding off of the host, and then bursts out when ready. That'd be like taking a blood sample from some guy with a tapeworm in his intestines and finding tapeworm DNA in it: impossible. Oh, and "don't shoot, you could breach the hull"? SO WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE GUNS ON YOUR FUCKING SPACESHIP IN THE FIRST PLACE IF ANY SHOT FIRED COULD BREACH THE HULL?!?! Okay, I'm done. Though I'd love to rant more, the movie is so terrible that if I were, I'd want to kill somebody.
...who's talking about crying? I'm saying that I got so emersed in the main characters that the torture scene was odd because it was a complete reversal of roles. In fact, once they got to the whorehouse, the whole movie banged a U'ey in terms of who Rob seemingly wanted the audience to cheer for. I liked it. I liken it to a good double-turn in wrestling: the Firefly family, the heels, became much more sympathetic towards the end of the movie whereas Forsythe's character, the face, became much more evil and angry after stabbing Mama. It was, basically, a double-turn. Of course, everybody got what they deserved in the end, so hey: this bird you cannot change.
...so all football players act like snarling predators and call the ring/field the Serengeti?
I won't care for an R-rated Director's Cut version, because the movie sucks plain and simple. Only movies Anderson's made that I haven't completely hated have been Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon, the former because it's actually a GOOD video game/action flick and the latter because of the performances more so than anything else (Sam Neil is the man).
How many times have you seen House of 1000 Corpses? I hated it until my third time watching. Watched it once, hated it and thought it was boring tripe. Watched it a second time because I was bored and it was on HBO, and didn't care for it too much but found some cool parts (namely Otis). Watched it a third time, and now I love it because of how much of a breath of fresh air it is compared to almost every other horror movie that was made/released at the time.
I just realized I never commented in this thread. Re: Monty Brown I liked the promo exchange he did with Christian on the last Impact. I liked his promo's/matches from TNA's first two months. I haven't cared about a single damn thing he's done otherwise. I'm not as jaded as most other people here...in fact, I'm a lot MORE jaded towards TNA than the others (and y'all would be too if you had to review some of the WORST WRESTLING SHOWS IN HISTORY, ie. Dutch's booking)...but I can still appreciate a good match, a good promo, and a good angle. I haven't given a fuck about Brown during the whole Jarrett feud when Dusty was booking, when he returned, or after he turned heel again. That's a BIG problem if they're planning on making him into the big main eventer. TNA needs to make me care about him. Wow, he can make animal grunts and hit a shoulderblock. So can I. Wow, he has an impressive physique. So do half the wrestlers out there. If he can have a GOOD match (that beeing *** or above) without overbooking, then I'll be impressed. He does have a good look, and the fans do respond to him, but really? If he were to win the belt right now, he'd get turned on quickly.
-Samoa Joe being pushed as an unstoppable bad motherfucker. -Abyss/Sabu being built up over violence instead of some asinine personal "you killed my dog" BS storyline. -Abyss in general. He's being handled perfectly, as he's a believable monster, but also a vulnerable one. -Christian Cage delivering on the stick (hopefully he'll deliver in the ring). -Jeff Jarrett's face not being in between EVERY match.
Stupid things you do despite knowing better.
Corey_Lazarus replied to Hoff's topic in No Holds Barred
Continuously crack your thumb a certain way that makes it kill, but you do it only because that's the only way you can crack it for some odd reason. -
Meh. Just another day, only this one's filled with annoying relatives and turkey.
I really want this game. Played it at my friend Chris G's house Tuesday night, and the controls are incredible. Easy to use if you're used to the first SVR's controls, and I dig the new Irish whip system (O + Triangle together for a strong whip, and grapple then press Triangle for a regular whip).
That's definitely one of the things I loved about it. You WANT to hate the Firefly family...but you can't. Spaulding and Otis are so damn crazy that you have to love them, and Baby can revert to instant innocence (though she's the least likeable of the trio). And Forsythe's character (I forget the name off the top of my head, but I do know he's the brother of one of the cops in Corpses) starts off so damn likeable, and all it took was him to turn him into a villain.
Devil's Rejects is one of my favorite movies of all-time. So well-made, and the fact that William Forsythe, Sid Haig, and Bill Moseley acted so damn well in their roles made it that much better. Much love shown to Ken Foree, too, who brought the ownage as that pimp (I forget his name). I need to buy this ASAP. Fuck waiting for X-Mas, I'm buying it.