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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus


    I certainly hope Martinez/Del Ray is as good as this is making it sound to be. I know how well Mercedes works, so it'll likely be a damn spectacular bout.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'd certainly have to agree with you, DA. The only time the X-Division guys ever had any personality was when the shows were a blend of wrestling and sports entertainment (which, again, I loved, since it made almost every single worker interesting in some manner since they were all doing something), and even then? It was all about AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn, XXX, and Kid Kash. But they more than made up for the others, at least IMO. TNA needs to find a talent who can WORK and TALK. Hrmmmm... **thinks of Ron Killings again** ...why not just fucking push him already?!
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    People who snore

    If you were to ever wake up with your chest on the mattress, face buried in the pillow, knees tucked into your stomach with your ass up in the air, pants around your ankles, and vaseline smeared all over your buttocks...would you tell anybody?
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Turning around on albums.

    I used to hate Slayer and The Misfits. Then I had a few listens of a couple albums, and now I'm getting the Fiend/Crimson Ghost (whatever you wanna call it) inked on my right arm, and thought about carving "SLAYER" into my thigh or something a few times for fun.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    This originally was a double post...so why not make it interesting? T-H-U-G, we be It's our mentality We thuggin' Thuggin', thuggin', thuggin' Till the day we die
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    ...who cares? He's never been much of anything in TNA, since he either can't do what he's doing that's making him such a success elsewhere in TNA, or he just isn't that good in the first place. Of course, I'm a rabid Frankie disliker, as far as TNA goes, so don't mind me.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    Tenayand West

    West will forever have a place in my heart for standing on the announce table and yelling "GO, RED, GO!"
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    People who snore

    I snore like a bloody chainsaw.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Tenayand West

    Make Borash do backstage interviews, or Scott Hudson or something.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Which actually proves my point even more. It's all about how the smaller guys carry themselves in the ring, and about how the promotion books them. After that? Size doesn't matter.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Tenayand West

    A year or two ago, I would have agreed with ousting West. But now? I expect him and look forward to his shilling. He's come a long way as a commentator, and Tenay is still one of the best PBP guys in the business (I'd put him right behind Joey Styles at the current moment, honestly). Though adding a third man to do, say, HEEL color would be awesome. I'm sick of two face commentators, since the best way to do the two-man commentary is have one be a heel (color) and one be a face (PBP). Plus, until JR was taken off the air, Raw's commentary was much worse than TNA's. JR was nothing but a parody of his former self, King was terrible, and Coach was only good when he was heelin' it up.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Another mindgame

    It's a Scooner!
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Nile in January

    Soilent Green is pretty fun death. Raging Speedhorn is "meh" hardcore, but the dualing vocalist idea is refreshing for heavy music (the vocalist with the deeper scream/growl is the "lead singer," but the one with the higher-pitched one is one of the guitarists). Decapitated is alright, and pretty darn rootin'-tootin' brutal. With Passion...I've never heard of. Nile will kick your ass, and I'm sure you well know.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    If You Were A Wrestler, What Accomplishments

    I'd like to be involved in a match/angle that captures so much of the audience emotionally that when I, as the face, am covered in my own blood during a Submission Match and am locked in a Boston Crab, they YELL at me to tap out. Tears running down their faces, security having to hold back some fans from jumping over the guardrail, and then me tapping out to save myself. ...and, of course, the deafening pop when I return a few weeks later from out of nowhere to beat the shit out of my arch-nemesis. I figure if I become a wrestler and I'm involved in at LEAST one emotionally draining storyline/angle? I'm set.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I think the average person would have a tough time kicking the ass of a trained wrestler. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Doesn't matter if the average person can or can't, would or wouldn't. As long as they think they can, then there's a problem. How can they take that wrestler seriously? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> By the company pushing that wrestler as if they were an amazing athlete/fighter. For instance, take LowKi. Do YOU think you could kick LowKi's ass from just taking a glance at him? Sure. Then you see him throw kicks, and you see him just beat the hell out of people...and when you realize he's only 5'9", if even, you step back and go "damn." Besides, there's a simple rule to actual fighting: big guys are an easier fight than little guys. Little guys usually have speed, agility, and flexibility, whereas bigger guys usually are all about strength. As long as a worker is pushed as though the advantages they have over an opponent are those that they excel at, it's not hard to believe that they are capable of owning ass. Again, another comparison: Chris Benoit. Not a huge draw, I know, but the man has been a decent-sized focal point of every company he's ever worked for. You'd be hard-pressed to find many fans that would think they could kick Benoit's ass, and it's not only because of how Benoit carries himself in the ring, but also how he is booked. When the company books its workers as if they are superior to all others, then size is no longer an issue.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Another mindgame

    Odd. I froze it for a second without looking at the black "+" in the middle (right clicking it seems to work), and there was a green dot where the pink one should have disappeared. I didn't even look at the black.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    KENTA and Marufuji's matches in ROH

    I was incredibly impressed by Marufuji the first time I saw him. But after that? Meh. Just another Junior that does flippy. He's great at it, but his moveset is limited (as compared to others of his style, like half of TNA's X-Division from its first year). KENTA should do some tours of TNA...KENTA should own your soul.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    ECW Taz vs. Samoa Joe

    It's called being tossed up too high and not flipping soon enough. I have a feeling he originally tried to take it as a flapjack, but then decided to try to turn it into a backdrop halfway through, and then couldn't flip over all the way.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Best line in a song this year

    Zombie Apocalypse - "Tale Told by a Dead Man"
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Barbed Wire Match announced for Turning Point

    ...and what's wrong with Sabu wanting to prove to Abyss that he can take him? Do you need a storyline about somebody raping another guy's mother in order to get into a football game? No, of course you don't. So why can't the spirit of competition be the reason for the majority of the matches, with the commentators selling the other stuff (rivalries, respect/disrespect between workers, etc.)? While I agree that TNA should not go down an ultraviolent route, I disagree with saying that they shouldn't have any hardcore in it at all. Look at the height of the WWF's popularity during the Attitude era: they had a little bit of everything. Look at the height of WCW's popularity: they had a little bit of everything. Look at some of the most well-known feuds from the 1970's and 1980's in the NWA, and you'll see PLENTY of "hardcore" stuff (brawling, chairshots, etc.). There's a place for hardcore, so why not give the fans of that style their fix on the show and focus the rest of the card on what other fans want to see? There's a balance that can be achieved here, and TNA is close to achieving it (at least in terms of in-ring action). All they need now is to get some workers that can REALLY lay on the psychology to counter the numerous spotmonkeys and the punch/kick workers they have, and we have a better roster than any promotion's had in years. So I say keep the barbed wire match, but don't bring it out again for at LEAST another 18 months. Make the Barbed Wire match something to END feuds once and for all. Don't make it like Ultimate X has become, or like Six Sides of Steel is becoming, and just another gimmick match: make it special, meaningful. Of course, I say this as a fan of garbage wrestling (at least the garbage wrestling that's more than just "I'll hit you with a weapon, you hit me with one, DDT, repeat" for 20 minutes), so what do I know?
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    KENTA and Marufuji's matches in ROH

    I'm not sure which match I'd be looking forward to more...oh, yeah I am: KENTA/Ki. KENTA > Marufuji. I find Ki more entertaining than Danielson (that said, I haven't seen any of Danielson's work since he won the ROH title).
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Yes, Austin did bring in more money than Hogan ever did.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Environmental Terrorism

    Anything done biologically is bio-terrorism, yes. Eco-terrorism is any act of terrorism (ie. any act designed to instill terror in a group of people to further one's ideals and/or beliefs) done for the benefit of the environment.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Horror Update

    No, I'm not saying Gordon's didn't air. The reason I chose it was because of how faithful, at least in spirit, Gordon's adaptations of Lovecraft are (and since I'm a Lovecraft fan, I dig it). But what came on OnDemand was "Jennifer," not the Lovecraft-inspired episode Gordon directed.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Horror Update

    Funny thing: The episode "Jennifer" of Masters of Horror, directed by Dario Argento, is shown when you order Episode 2 (Tobe Hooper's, I believe) on Comcast OnDemand.