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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Environmental Terrorism

    I'd just like to point out something to you again, NoCal: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would bold certain parts of the definition of "terrorism" that help my point, but the whole definition does. Is this group of eco-fucks using force/violence? Yes. Is this group of eco-fucks organized? Yes. Are they using force/violence against people/property? Yes. Are they doing it with the intent of intimidating or coercing the people themselves/owners of the property? Yes. Are they doing it for their own idealogical beliefs? Yes. ...since the answer to every question has been "yes," how are they NOT terrorists?
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Barbed Wire Match announced for Turning Point

    When I saw the RoH event War of the Wire live in Framingham (main event was Corino/Homicide in a No-Ropes Barbed Wire match), it took the ring crew (about 10 people in all) roughly 15-20 minutes to set up the barbed wire itself...and I'd imagine taking it down would take longer since unrolling it from the spool is much more simple than cutting it down and rolling it up back onto the spool. So we'd be looking towards a 30 or 45-minute wait for the barbed wire to get taken back down and then the ropes put back up.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    iMPACT! tapings spoiler

    Because that's just what we need: a feud where the heel keeps going over, even in the blowoff. I could understand Abyss winning the first match. I'm glad he didn't win Monster's Ball. I can understand Abyss winning the match at Genesis. But Sabu NEEDS to go over at Turning Point in order for the feud to come to its conclusion. Besides: after a barbed wire match, what's left to do to up the ante in their feud? An exploding ring match? Some CZW-style ultraviolence with lighttubes galore? Nothing that can top a barbed wire match will be seen in TNA, as it shouldn't be (not until they at least are a strong competitor to WWE, as in head-to-head), so if Sabu doesn't go over, there's no catharsis.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    ECW Taz vs. Samoa Joe

    And if the guys can take it and make it look more devastating than it really is...which Joe can (and I'd presume Taz can also, seeing as how I never heard of too many Taz-related injuries to opponents).
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Songs that will make you think of

    The LWO theme.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    ECW Taz vs. Samoa Joe

    I don't know about it being one of the best matches in a long time, but it'd certainly be a very fun match to watch. As long as Taz didn't do his bullshit no-selling constantly (that annoyed the fuck out of me with him when it was against people in ECW that were built as dangerous, ie. Tajiri, RVD, Sabu, Bigelow). I don't mind Taz popping back up after a big move early on and going "fuck you, punk!" before clotheslining somebody down, because that's just a cool spot to do...EARLY in the match. Not 14 minutes in when you should be worn down. That said...I'd expect ***, maybe even ***3/4 for Taz's charisma, Joe's awesomeness, and the stiffness.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    ECW Taz vs. Samoa Joe

    Joe/Taz would be interesting...but Joe would totally outperform Taz in every manner except for maybe promo's and look. Taz had a perfect look for his gimmick, as he was short, EXTREMELY well-built (but not defined, which, to me, is much more impressive as it shows that the guy's focusing on strength and not looks), and just all-around intense. Joe tends to look very casual until the match starts, with an intense glare, but outside of that? Taz wins in the look department. ...and then Joe owns his ass with an Ole Kick, a Muscle Buster, and a Kokina Clutch. A match I'd love to see purely for the stiffness, though.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Environmental Terrorism

    Vandalism would entail that the repercussions couldn't possibly kill anybody in the direct vicinity. Set a car on fire with a full gas tank, and that gas tank is likely to explode if the fire isn't extinguished soon enough. BOOM! Anybody within, say, a 50-foot radius that isn't dead or injured is a lucky motherfucker and should play the lottery that night. Okay...would you say that the woman whose bomb didn't go off in Jordan isn't a terrorist because she didn't kill anybody?
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Will WWE end.......

    Re: accent Eddie was wrestling for over a decade in Mexico before breaking big in the States, so he spent most of his time going between El Paso, TX and Mexico. Mexican family, Mexico's his primary workplace...he's going to have a thicker Mexican accent. Chavo, I do believe, only worked a few years in Mexico despite being of the same family (IIRC, he was only wrestling for 3 or 4 years, if even, when he broke into WCW in 1998), so it makes sense for Chavo to have less of an accent than Eddie did. Also, throw in my vote for the old-school WCW/LWO theme. I LOVED that theme. So contradicting to normal entrance themes as it was slow, "chill" music, but it fit so well because of how slow Eddie's entrance was (he'd calmly stalk to the ring, I mean). Also, a Chavo/Benoit Tribute match is probably in order. I have little doubt that should Chavo request a tribute match he'd pick Benoit, seeing as how Chris was Eddie's best friend, and Chavo has to know how great of a match could come out of it.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    But hasn't the Attitude era changed all that? Who made more money: larger-than-life Hulk Hogan, or every-man Steve Austin?
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Stupidest things you've heard today

    "I'm Jim Sokolove. I need a hug." Said by me during lunch today after seeing one of those terribly retarded Jim Sokolove commercials. For those that don't know, Jim Sokolove is an attorney that specializes in personal malpractice/accident suits on the prosecution side. The commercials are terribly acted and many of them are just flat-out retarded.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    The Best Album of 2005.

    Only album that's come out this year I can actually listen to is Mezmerize by System of a Down, and even that's getting worn out due to how overplayed "BYOB" and "Question" are on the radio (since the van I do deliveries in at work only has a radio). I can't think of any metal discs that came out in '05 I really cared for, either. In fact, only disc that came out this year I haven't been bored with at all is the Tales Told By Dead Men split by Zombie Apocalypse and Send More Paramedics.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    ...but why? Wouldn't it stand to make more sense if your average fan (who is likely 6'1" and under) saw somebody on TV being hyped as a monster, and they weren't much taller than they (the fan) were? I know a big reason more of the smaller indy workers got into wrestling was because of the smaller guys getting pushed in the mid-90's, and those tend to be the guys who love the business the most, so why not advertise your promotion as the one that tells the fans the truth instead of bullshitting them? I mean, after all: seeing a 5'10" Rhino DESTROY somebody with a bad-ass tackle (GORE!) seems more impressive than a man built up as a monster doing it. At least in my book.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Anyone Know Where I Can Download Tonight's Raw?

    I don't wanna download it...but I do want the video of Eddie. Brought a tear to my eye. Wouldn't mind HBK/Rey and Angle/Benjamin either, as I missed both matches.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    WO Newsletter News and Notes

    Hey, a worst case scenario? He can always Steinerline somebody if they give him lip. Him as a member of the school board, maybe even a principal/head of discipline would put some fear and respect into some of these bastard kids that are growing up these days. Would you fuck around at school all the time if you knew there was the possibility your principal could break your neck with a simple clothesline?
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Environmental Terrorism

    I can't wait for the lot of these eco-fucks to become deathly ill and require medicine that has been developed through animal testing. Oh, wait, the head of PETA is diabetic, right? And wasn't insulin developed thanks to animal testing? Oh, I get it...others can't use these products, but you can. Fuck off and die, says I. It's time the eco-fucks wake up and realize that for every tree cut down in the forest, another is planted, and human beings need to survive more than Mr. and Mrs. Bunny Rabbit (which, you know, populate much of the earth still, and some are only bread FOR animal testing). As far as animal testing goes? My stance is this: if they're testing cosmetics? Then whoever's doing the testing needs to be kicked as hard as possible in the nuts/cunt. I don't care what a chimp looks like with blush and lipstick on, it's not important. But figuring out ways to treat cancer, HIV, and other illnesses that claim thousands of lives a year? Yeah, take that needle and stick it into that fucking dog right now.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    RUMOR: D'Amore May No Longer Be Head Booker

    That's what I remember, too. The only time I've ever truly hated Jarrett was after April 30, 2003, AKA "Destiny," and that's because how much he put himself over at everybody else's expense without even, you know, being INTERESTING like he was a year earlier.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    RUMOR: D'Amore May No Longer Be Head Booker

    Yes, because being offered better money elsewhere is ALWAYS a sign of having an ego. Jarrett went in-between WCW and the WWF all throughout the 90's, get over it. Yes, because shooting on people he was affiliated with in ANOTHER COMPANY is such a sign of an ego, right? Well then, I guess Benoit and co. must be egomaniacal pricks since they shot all over WCW and Bischoff when they left, right? Ahem...Russo's idea, Jarrett was for it, McMahon was originally for it, but Austin disagreed because he saw that the gimmick Jarrett had was a lame midcard gimmick and he wouldn't get over in the main event at all. It's true. Ummm...HIS CONTRACT WAS UP THE DAY BEFORE HE WAS SET TO DROP THE BELT TO CHYNA. The only way he would have done it for free was if he was FUCKING RETARDED. Dude, I hate Jarrett probably a LOT more than you do, but give the man his due: he wanted to get paid to put over a person with VERY LIMITED in-ring ability that was only over because she was the only woman booked to be even remotely strong and, to make sure he was paid, wanted the money up-front. That's not egomaniacal or egotistical: that's BUSINESS.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Chuck Norris facts

    That one made me burst out laughing.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Songs Stuck in Your Head Today

    Modest Mouse - "Bukowski" Playing it at my friend Adam's house many times today after awakening from a drunken night. Fell asleep after listening to it for a quick catnap. Still in my head.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Favourite Eddy Guerrero moments

    -Eddie yelling "GET 'EM!" to the rest of the LWO when Rey threw the shirt in his face at (I believe) World War 3 '98. -Eddie dancing with Too Cool following a match during his heel turn with Chyna as his mamacita, bailing out of the ring to grab a chair/pipe (I forget which), and them unmercifully beating the hell out of Scotty and GM. -The shrug he gave at Vengeance '03 when Rhyno GORE!GORE!GORE!'d Benoit before he covered him for the pin. -The visual of Eddie and Benoit hugging, both men reduced to tears, as they hold the WWE and World titles respectively at the end of WMXX.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Come up with real songs for TNA wrestlers to use

    No, Barber. He uses "Disposable Teens" by Manson. Similar in sound, though, but "Beautiful People" is much better. Good riffage, though. As an aside, that's one thing I really, REALLY miss about Manson: you always knew that Twiggy would come up with some catchy riffs (ditto Gidget before he left, and then John 5). Now it's all...boring. Just recycling riffs from past albums.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Come up with real songs for TNA wrestlers to use

    The trick is to not go with the obvious, but use the same reasons as the obvious choice. If that makes sense.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Come up with real songs for TNA wrestlers to use

    No, he really shouldn't. That's too damn expected and doesn't require any thought at all to put that song to somebody who's booked as a beast and/or has a "jungle" gimmick like Monty does.
  25. Corey_Lazarus


    They're the best for kegs and mixed drinks. Fill up a cup of keg beer, down it, and you're good to go. If it falls? Whoops, you spilled your booze. Go get more. If it were a glass cup and it fell? Spilled your beer and broke a glass. Now you have to go buy more glasses, sweep up the broken glass, AND get more booze. That's just too much of a hassle. I have, I believe, TWO pictures of me in my MySpace account drunk and/or with an alcoholic beverage in my hands, and one of is of me and my best friend (AKA my "sister") and we both have drinks in our hands, and one is of me after half a bottle of Jager and some shots of Smirnoff Blue Label (and it holds deeper meaning because that was the night I found out my girlfriend, as we weren't together then, was interested in me).