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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Breaking down the TNA roster

    Whether or not he's a good man outside of the ring isn't the question. Plus, everybody's complimented Eric Young on his strengths (ie. bumping). He just isn't that good of a worker otherwise. Also, why change Killings' gimmick too dramatically? Everybody seems to think that when he first made the shift from K-Krush to The Truth that he suddenly dropped all aspects of the rapping wrestler. He didn't. He still rapped, he still danced, he still did everything he did as K-Krush/K-Kwik...just not nearly as much. The focal point was that he was held down in the WWF for being a black wrestler, and was sick of being passed over wherever he worked because of his race. Right now that argument wouldn't work too well because he's a TWO-TIME NWA World champion, but toning down the rap/dancing? Yeah, I fully agree with that. Just don't get rid of it completely, because part of the thing I like about him is that he'll do a dis rap against an opponent that, you know, is a RAP and isn't just a few sentences thrown together that rhyme (take note, Johnny C), and I admit fully to liking the dance he does before his sidekick/leg lariat/whatever you want to call it (the backflip, the James Brown split, and then the kick). I also like how he twirls his body around after making impact with any big strike where he leaves the mat, as it adds more show to the move and helps differentiate him from others that have a similar moveset. I think Killings should be the man to dethrone Jarrett if Raven doesn't, in all honesty. All he would need to do is bring up how Jarrett could never beat him cleanly (he lost the title, and the rematch, to Jarrett due to interference by Vince Russo), and after he wins the belt? Hold it for a month or two, then see how Brown works as champion. Either that, or have Brown dethrone Jarrett (again, assuming Raven doesn't, though Raven taking the title off of Jarrett would be the best route, IMO), and then have Killings take the belt off of him to transition it to Joe later in '06.
  2. Corey_Lazarus


    ...why must it be a joke? Pirates still exist, son, and it wouldn't surprise me for them to be more heavily located in areas with a lack of central government.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Breaking down the TNA roster

    No silly as the next black heavyweight champion, again I don't care for the dancing or his music career as it pertains to wrestling.....it just looks like bad comedy considering his partners consist of the blue collar redneck rapper and an extra from an 80s mexican gang movie. Ron Killings needs to be a monster heel not stuck in a lame comedy gimmick. Why can't 3LK breakup in the same manner as 3LW.....have them kick Ron Killings out because he isn't "redneck" enough and be replaced by Billy Gunn. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So you'd rather Ron Killings be all about "hey, I'm a wrestler," rather than be who he actually is? True, I think he should downplay the rap, but keep an aspect of it. Don't be like Cena where the whole gimmick is "HEY, I'M A RAPPING WRESTLER, LOOK AT ME DAWG," but just have it there. If he goes back to how he was when he made the transition from K-Krush to THE TRUTH, then I'm all for it, because I want to see The Truth as NWA World champion again in the next year or so. Dude deserves the World title since he was the only heavyweight in the whole company worth watching for its first, oh...4 months or so.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Breaking down the TNA roster

    I will forever find that hard to believe considering I've yet to see a Jarrett match with anybody, ANYBODY, but Styles, Killings, or Raven that was remotely worth watching in TNA. Okay, the 3-on-1 of BG James, Heavy D, and Christopher Daniels taking on Jarrett was decent, but that was because of the booking of it and Raven's debut at the end. But yeah. I can't stand Brown and my hatred for Jarrett is well-known.
  5. Aye, vivi. I notice he didn't try to fuck with Dan O'Bannon's baby (the Alien franchise). Why? Well...because it's not all that impossible. There are organisms that are parasitic, live inside of you, and then leave when they're fully developed...so why not an entire race of things that grow inside you, kill you when they leave your body, and then try to continue their race much like insects do? Yeah, fuck you. Don't fuck with the dwellers of LV-426!!
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Breaking down the TNA roster

    So you'd rather Killings just go "DAAAAAMN" and drink a beer, or be all about the Nation of Islam? I don't see him doing the K-Kwik gimmick at all. I see him being RON KILLINGS, since I'm willing to bet he's like that outside of the ring, too. You know, since he DOES have a rap career, maybe he's just being the same in both fields?
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    AJ Styles

    ((ASIDE: Coffey, you're making some damn fine threads, my friend.)) 1. Do you think AJ Styles is a good worker? a. Does he have good psychology? b. Good selling? c. Do you think he blows a lot of spots? a. In a sense. He has the same kind of psychology that, say, Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels possess that make it so that, even though it may ruin the flow of the match and make little sense, it makes you pop. AJ is an entertainer in the ring, first and foremost, and this likely comes from the fact that he didn't care for wrestling much until his late teens when he started thinking about training for it (I do believe this is when he started training, as I know his potential basketball career was cut short in high school/college with a knee injury). Unless you're a lifelong fan, you're not going to get a lot of the small elements of psychology that matter a lot (subtle working, so to speak). He can pop a crowd without having to do many insane spots anymore, which is good, and when he decides to flip out and be INTENSE? He does it good. So yeah, he's good at a certain form of psychology, and that's drawing a crowd into a match. b. Short-term (ie. individual selling of moves)? Yes. Better than a lot of other people, and I'd say right up there with RVD's short-term selling (since, you know, Van Dam makes even the simplest of DDT's look like DEATH). Long-term? Pfft, no. Not that I've seen, anyway. But that can easily be worked upon (and I'm also willing to bet that the original word from management about the X-Division matches being mostly spotty still stands for many of the workers). c. I haven't seen a blown spot in a Styles match that was his fault in a couple years, honestly. When he does come close to blowing a spot, he covers it up fairly well by either stopping what he's doing and selling it like he meant to do that way, or trying to hit it as best as he can. The only big blown spot I can even remember involving Styles was the Styles Clash '03, but that was mostly Kazarian's fault for, you know, tucking his head IN instead of leaning it OUT. 2. Do you think AJ Styles is the ideal poster child for TNA, excluding his devotion to the company? a. Is there anyone better? If so, who? Excluding his devotion to the company? Yes and no. It's his devotion to the company, much like Sting's to WCW and Tommy Dreamer's to ECW, that makes him the poster child, really. TNA knows that AJ won't be going anywhere else because the touring schedule for TNA is good (ie. non-existent) and the pay is better than he'd be making anywhere else right now. That, and whenever TNA needs somebody to step up to the main event quick? It's usually AJ that's called upon, since he's so over with the crowd that he could go on a month-long losing streak to jobbers, even, and then win a match against, say, Monte Brown and it would be credible. Also, AJ is the TNA posterchild because he embodies everything that makes TNA different than WWE: he's a relatively young guy (mid 20's at the oldest, I do believe) who is incredibly athletic, very quick, amazingly death-defying offense, and has an innovative moveset. a. If not AJ, I'd say the TNA posterchild would have to be Samoa Joe, considering he's the future of the company and all. 3. Do you think AJ Styles is charismatic? a. In ring charisma, crowd involvement b. Out of ring charisma, promos. a. Yes. The man pulls a crowd into him just by throwing a punch (which, though they are weak, still pops a crowd). He builds drama for his matches by bumping his ass off, and makes his opponent always, ALWAYS seem like they have a chance of winning, even when he's squashing a jobber. His movements are solid, and he gets the crowd involved in his matches by simply being intense with some minor showboating. b. During his heel run in 2002? Hell yes. I loved his promo's back then, especially the one about what he said to Ricky Steamboat. "Ricky Steamboat came up to me in the back and said 'kid, one day, you're gonna be great.' And I said 'Ricky? I'm ALREADY great. I'm going to be the GREATEST.' Jerry Lynn, you're in the Path of Greatness. MOVE." Such a great promo. Does his Southern accent hinder his promo's? Yeah, a little bit. Was he likely coached during those promo's? Of course. But why can't he be coached now to do promo's? Outside of his '02 heel run, though, his promo's are pretty lame. 4. What's the best AJ Styles match you've seen, not just limited to TNA? I'd have to say one of the matches with LowKi in Ring of Honor. I do believe the event was "Honor Invades Boston" sometime in '02, but I remember the match simply because of a SICK double-pump brainbuster AJ gave Ki, and the fact that most of the best spots in the match were later copied for the Styles/Ki match on July 17th, 2002 in TNA (specifically the reversal of the running Ki Krusher into a DDT). 5. Do you think that AJ Styles has the "tools" to be a top-drawing money maker? In all honesty? No, not really. He's TNA's equivalent of Sting, and unless he pulls a Sting and builds up a big match with some uber-heel in TNA over the course of a year? It's not likely he'll make TNA much money anymore. He's still great for the main event and deserving of a GOOD World title run where he's NOT overshadowed by his manager, and his reign lasts for MORE than 3 weeks, but I don't see him ever being TNA's top draw. I hope he can prove me wrong, though, because I'd love to see him do it.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Breaking down the TNA roster

    A1 Don't care for him at all, and definitely the weakest link of Team Canada (which is BAD considering how much Bobby Roode sucks). Abyss Currently the best big man in the business. His feud with AJ Styles in late '03/early '04 MADE him and helped AJ's career in TNA after that horribly botched World title reign, and I'm liking the feud with Sabu right now. I watched their match from Unbreakable on OnDemand the other day, and aside from a couple of botched spots (it's Sabu, so it's expected, and he makes up for it), it was a decent match with a really good finish. AJ Styles I don't see how the Styles Clash isn't a realistic finish. I've done it to people while goofing around at parties and it's knocked the wind out of them, so it's effective in that sense (which is why he usually goes right for the pinfall after it). Most DEFINITELY the single most deserving man to be in the main event in TNA. Why? Because he's been with TNA since the beginning, never politic'd his way through it, and has always been over. He's had some amazing matches with Jerry Lynn, LowKi, Red, Abyss, and Christopher Daniels, and I don't see how people can say his mic work is the shits when his heel promo's were terrific in '02. Alex Shelley Whatever people see in him in RoH isn't transitioning into TNA, unfortunately. "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown IMO, one of the biggest wastes of space on the roster. Is he over? Yes, so I guess he's not THAT big of a waste, but has he had a good match since returning to TNA in early '04? No. I like how the Pounce can be hit from anywhere, practically, but it's a fucking SHOULDER TACKLE. Few people sell it right at all, and it doesn't look NEARLY devastating enough for him to be considered anywhere near the main event with it. Andy Douglas Eh...pretty indifferent. Is a good tag worker, but needs a personality overhaul BIG TIME. Apolo One of the suckiest sucks to ever suck. Austin Aries See Alex Shelley. BG James Charismatic and a good mic worker, but the only time his matches are even REMOTELY entertaining are when they're garbage brawls. Bobby Roode I don't get the love for him at all, really. Is it because he's a big guy in Team Canada? Is it because he's slow, plodding, and has one of the most generic movesets on the roster (and not even the sense of psychology to make up for it)? No charisma, decent-at-best look, and dull. Cassidy Riley What Shane Douglas would be like if he were to try to be a cruiserweight. Chase Stevens Just like his partner, he's a good tag worker, but needs a personality. Chris Harris He's good at two things: brawling and creating some drama. For some reason the TNA fans have ALWAYS loved him until the recent heel turn, and his heel work is decent enough. Chris Sabin Spotmonkey that knows how to build his spots and tie them together pretty damn perfectly without going way over-the-top. I see a lot of Jerry Lynn in him. David Young I might be the only person who misses him teaming with Glen Gilberti, or who misses Glen Gilberti at ALL. Eric Young He can bump good...but otherwise I don't care for him. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels Basically TNA's version of Chris Benoit. The man can work any style of match, just about, and make it worth watching. Good promo's, his look is unique, and he's definitely one of the few people on the roster who could have a good match with ANYBODY. Gail Kim Stop doing the Litacan'trana and start getting naked. James Mitchell My favorite manager, other than Paul Heyman and Joel Gertner, of the last decade. The man has terrific promo's, tons of charisma, and accomplishes something many other managers can't: he PUTS HIS WRESTLERS OVER. James Storm The workhorse of AMW, in my eyes. He carried the majority of the work in all of AMW's memorable matches, but I just don't buy him as anything other than a goofy cowboy. Jeff Hardy There just to put people over, do some crazy spots, and attract the few Hardy Marks that remain. Jeff Jarrett FUCK. JEFF. JARRETT. 'Nuff said, next. Jerrelle Clark Bad look, all he does is flips, boring. Johnny Devine He would be the most over member of Team Canada if he wasn't injured all the time and he was PUSHED LIKE HE SHOULD BE. Great look, looks to be the only member of Team Canada that knows how to layout a match, and has a decent finish (Frog Splash Moonsault). Kevin Nash Wasn't worth the money he was paid to show up and put TNA over. Kip James Outside of his shirt, "I'M KIP JAMES BITCH," he's got nada. Konnan THROW THE SHOES AND START DOING ONLY MANAGERIAL WORK. Lance Hoyt Hated him when he was teaming with the Notorious K-I-D (mostly because he somehow made Kash's matches SUCK, which is HARD TO FUCKING DO), and don't care for him at all now. Matt Bentley He's come a long way since he debuted in TNA, but he really needs to be a part of a tag team to flourish. Petey Williams I hate his finisher, but he's a good worker, surprisingly. Again, come a long way since his TNA debut (where he botched EVERY SINGLE SPOT he attempted), but I still don't care for him too much. Relishing in the fact that he's a heel, which is GREAT since he's good at being a prick, but he should get rid of the damn Canadian Destroyer if he wants to ever be taken seriously instead of just some cruiser spotmonkey. "Primetime" Elix Skipper He was good in WCW, great in the early days of TNA, damn good in XXX v1, and then...wow. He's sucked since returning from Japan. Raven Best promo man still active in the business, hands-down. He hasn't given a damn about his match quality since Destiny, basically, and I don't blame him: every time he's been given the ball, it's been snatched away from him for no real reason besides Jeff Jarrett wants it back. The man shouldn't have TNA built around him, of course, but dammit: GIVE HIM HIS DUE SHOT. Raven/Jarrett III will be huge, in my eyes, as long as they promote it JUST right. Maybe save it for the first PPV of '06? Or hype it up for the New Year's special? They should try to do a similar build to how it was done the first time, only make it so that the finish is Raven winning and the interference adds to the match instead of detracting from it. Rhino BFG put him over as a nearly unstoppable monster. Definitely over enough to be in the main event, and should at the very LEAST be upper-mid due to the fact that his matches are almost always brutal. Roderick Strong See Alex Shelley. Ron "The Truth" Killings What? Get rid of the piercings and the jewelry?! Dude, that's part of his gimmick! He's a RAPPER, remember? He was a rapper before he broke into wrestling, raps on his own entrance theme, and actually, you know...can WORK, unlike the E's token rapper (fuck Cena). Deserves to be in the main event permanently, so fuck this random 3LK tag crap. If they're going to keep 3LK together, then make it so that Ron is in the main event, BG teams with Kip (the latter of which is NOT in 3LK, but is similar to the Candido/Storm team and the Triple Threat in ECW) in the tag division, and Konnan is either a manager or just works a couple matches a month against lowercard guys. Ron Killings vs. AJ Styles would be a GOOD main event, man. Sabu The man broke his body for the business, and is still going. Since returning from the surgery, he's been on fire, just about, and adds the HARDCORE element to the show that needs to be there for TNA to be a well-rounded promotion. I dig him, especially now that his matches aren't complete shitfests anymore. Samoa Joe Like every other person says: the FUTURE of TNA. Samoa Joe will be in the main event by the end of '06, says I, and will pull a great match (**** or higher) out of, say, Jeff Jarrett or Monte Brown by the end of '06 as well. He's being built up the best out of anybody on the roster, so TNA obviously knows he's going to be a big deal for them, and he already brings credibility with him to the ring by simply looking like a bad motherfucker. What Taz should have been. Shark Boy Good comedic relief, and he knows that. I miss the New Jack/Shark Boy skits, though. I mean...HULK HANDS, MAN~! Simon Diamond Eh...never cared for his work outside of ECW. Sonjay Dutt The only good matches I've ever seen him in were all from CZW, so...yeah. Sonny Siaki One of TNA's many decent-at-best workers who excels in tag matches. Give him a partner (maybe Bentley?) and let the two just be total degenerates. Try to have them be faces, but, of course, let the fans decide. TNA is flooded with heel tag teams, so a Bentley/Siaki team would add some faces to the mix outside of The Naturals, Team 3D, and 3LK. Team 3D They put over AMW better than anybody but XXX has. I just wish they weren't, you know, the WWE-ish Dudley Boyz as opposed to the uber-awesome ECW-ish Dudley Boyz (as in VIOLENT, SADISTIC BASTARDS). Traci Meh. I don't think she's that hot when she's not wearing her glasses, honestly, but hey.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    What makes a 5 star match?

    "Often considered" yes, but the long term selling wasnt there, and the Ankle Lock to Crossface reversal sequence was mind numingly stupid. Wouldunt break *** for me. Id say the best Angle match ive seen was against Austin at Sumerslam 2001. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I actually enjoyed the Anklelock/Crossface reversals, as it showed both men had so much pride in their own chosen finishing holds that neither wanted to win with anything else at that point. Every time one went for their chosen move, the other had a counter for it until Angle finally said "fuck this" and sat down with the Anklelock, making Benoit tap. Angle/Benoit from Rumble '03 is the closest thing to a true ***** match I've seen. Keep in mind that I don't import tapes so I haven't seen ANY Misawa/Kawada (though this WILL change soon, as my friend Chris is interested in importing tapes of Brock in Japan), and yeah. Another match I'd say comes close to ***** that I've seen/love would be Raven/Saturn vs. Benoit/Malenko from Spring Stampede '99. A lot of drama with a few different styles of work in the match (Raven's brawling, Saturn's blend of martial arts and technical wrestling, and Benoit/Malenko bringing the pure technical madness), and so much emotion.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Misused songs

    I do remember some interview with Sting where he said he got the idea for the song after reading 1984, but alas. Yes, when it comes to new wave and music of less testosterone, I am out of my element.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Misused songs

    The Transplants' "Diamonds and Guns" for Garnier Fructis shampoo/conditioner (the song's about heroin and murder). Oh, and Slayer, "Every Breath You Take" isn't about a stalker. It's about Big Brother and an Orwellian society. I think Sting was quoted as saying that in an interview once, saying he read 1984 and then wrote the song.
  12. Corey_Lazarus


    Actually, win/loss records mean a bit to fans, especially if the wrestler in question loses every time they're in a big match. Says to the fans "this guy just doesn't have what it takes to be a big shot." This is an interesting predicament, but since I don't care too much for Christian outside of his promo's (his matches bore the hell out of me), let's see where this goes before we talk about how good it is for TNA.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA gets first broken neck casualty!

    Sorry, my b. But still, the doctors not doing their jobs right doesn't have much to do with TNA.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA gets first broken neck casualty!

    I bet he wouldn't since TNA is one of the reasons he got his life back on track. Seriously, that's just plain old fucking disrespectful. The guy died because of the long-term effects of YEARS of drug abuse, not because of working in TNA. That's almost as disrespectful as the assholes that use Owen Hart's death as a way to say wrestling is "real," or whatever.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    “Heaven Sent, Hell Bound"

    I found the TNA Best of Raven DVD at the Newbury Comics in North Attleboro last Thursday, but decided on buying Land of the Dead instead.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Austin Walks Out Again

    Yes...because wanting to protect his credibility so that the rumored Hogan/Austin WM22 match-up has some meaning to it is BAD. While I disagree with walking out, it's a stupid fucking idea if the end result isn't Coach getting his ass handed to him by everybody he's helped fuck over.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    Rules Of The Road/Driving/Passing

    I believe you're not held responsible at all. Especially if you, a) speed away from the scene, or b) are a good enough liar and say that you weren't speeding, they were trying to pass you, and bam. Actually, I do think that trying to outrace somebody at any point, whether or not they're illegally passing you, constitutes as drag racing, as a friend of mine got into trouble because he was being passed on a backroad, lost control, and hit a telephone pole, and when he explained the story to the cops, they called it drag racing.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Zombie Apocalypse/Send More Paramedics

    Which is why I put the links to the bands' sites in the first post (click on their names).
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Zombie Apocalypse/Send More Paramedics

    These two bands, possibly the finest horrorcore bands around, released a split EP together earlier this year (mid-August or so) entitled Tales Told By Dead Men. 5 songs from each, and I just bought it last night. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE 1. Just Meat Good track, only 45 seconds long or so. Starts off with a George Carlin quote (Zombies! Where the FUCK are the zombies!?), and then it's spaztastic hardcore insanity. Longer than a good chunk of the tracks on their debut EP, This Is A Spark Of Life, that came out last year. 2. God I Hope The Data Is Lying Oddly enough, this one seems like a more CONSTRUCTED song than the band's usual work...until it breaks down into chaos, which seems to be their trademark. Not my favorite track of theirs on this split, but definitely catchy, and possibly the most melodic of them. 3. Breaking Off Fingers Starts off thrash-y, then goes right into hardcore. More "punk" than what ZA usually does, but it's still a nice track. Definitely something to get the pits going, accomplishing the creation of an urge to mosh in me better than most of their other stuff does (which should say a lot, considering every song is mosh-worthy but ONE song), so it's good. 4. Murder Be A Lady Tonight A metal start, then right into hardcore, and again: more constructed than their usual stuff. Ultimately better than the entire Spark of Life EP put together, but one of the things I admired about ZA originally was their complete embrace of chaos in their music. It's still there, just not as big, although still an entire soundtrack the oncoming raising of hell. 5. Tale Told By A Dead Man My favorite track of theirs so far, and it's because it sounds NOTHING like them. Garage rock-y intro, then slow, plodding hardcore...and clean verses with spoken word over them (mixed with screaming). There's actually a good solo in it, and if you're into heavy music and don't love how they randomly break out into the intro of "South of Heaven," then you're not REALLY into heavy music, are you? Either that, or one of the few "heavy" fans that doesn't like Slayer...stupid cunts, all of 'em. But yeah, good song. Melodic solo over moderately paced heaviness, and I guess this could be Zombie Apocalypse's "ballad"...but it's better than a ballad. Slow hardcore + "South of Heaven" + PIANO + melodic solo = I love it. 6. ... Just a bagpipe drone to lead into the first Send More Paramedics track. SEND MORE PARAMEDICS 7. From The Void AWESOME intro as the ambient solo goes over the thrash breakdown nicely...and then BAM! You're spazzing out and wanting to mosh. If you hate vocalists like Paul Baloff, Steve Souza, or Tom Araya, you'll HATE SMP's frontman. If you like thrash (although their production leaves much to be desired, as it sounds as though the guitars are coming in over some shoddy practice amp and a cheap distortion pedal, or something), you'll dig them. Weak drumming (but that's present in all of their work). Good arrangement of the riffs and solo's in this song, and I dig the gang chant at the end as the ambient solo returns. 8. Zombies vs. Shark I love the name of this song. Slow, plodding bass intro to set the tone of unease, then the guitars come in to bring the heaviness. I can definitely see SMP doing the soundtrack for a horror movie better than most other horrorcore bands could. I like the flow of the vocals throughout the song, and the chorus is, actually, the best part of the song. 9. Funeral If you like thrash, you'll like this song. Short, fast, heavy, and filled with moshy goodness. The one song that probably couldn't be in a horror movie, oddly enough, as it's a pure thrash tune with little-to-no ambience or true unease (outside of the dissonance that comes with playing thrash). 10. Nothing Tastes Like This Good intro, but a little too reminiscent of "Zombie vs. Shark," and then the verse is pure 80's thrash goodness. Hardcore chorus with some cheesy solo stuff over it that sounds like they lifted it from an emo band, and yeah. GOOD solo part as there's dueling solo's (at the SAME TIME) going right into a rather generic hardcore breakdown. Good gang chants at the end. And then...a VERY subtle bass solo/dance track that leads right into... 11. This Is The Place of Wailing and The Gnashing of Teeth GREAT intro to get the pits going. Pure hardcore song for a lot of it, but that actually works to their advantage as its hardcore in the "hardcore punk" variety more than it is of the "HONOR, DESTINY, BLOOD" tough guy bullshit. A good ender to the album as the breakdown is nice, but I think that "Nothing Tastes Like This" would have worked as an ender better, or maybe have ZA as the last 5 tracks. Wait until the VERY end of the track for another Carlin quote, too. Overall, a worthy purchase if you're into these bands, and the songs are at least worth a download if you're not into them but into heavy music.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Awesome 1-2-3 punches in albums.

    Zombie Apocalypse - Tales Told by Dead Men Breaking Off Fingers, Murder be a Lady Tonight, Tale Told by a Dead Man
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Yeah, but more because he was managed by Russo than anything. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Technically, he wasn't. When Russo returned after a brief hiatus to be a manager again, he disbanded SEX and took on managing AJ.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    “Heaven Sent, Hell Bound"

    They should include that mint-ass 6-man from the last show of '02, XXX vs. SAT, because of how awesome it was (plus, ya know, XXX won). And I'd say Ultimate X 2, but he didn't win it, so maybe not.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    A Brief History of TNA

    Feedback me, mofo's.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Bravo's The 100 Scariest Movie Moments

    I'm loving Phantasm in the top 25...but really, that movie was never too scary. I saw the whole series (well, aside from part 4, but that came out just a couple of years ago) before I was 10 and wasn't scared once. Hrmmm...it's probably about the first appearance of the Ball. That shit kinda IS scary when you think about it: a floating Ball that whizzes through the air and attaches itself to your head with blades and then drills in between your eyes to drain your blood from your body. Don Coscarelli is one fucked up son of a bitch. And that scene from Alien that made it number 2 BETTER be the Chestburster scene. The very thought of something popping out of my chest scared me so much when I was little that I had oh so many nightmares (then again I watched Alien and Aliens a million times when I was 7, so that could be why). Nice to see Evil Dead on the list, but it should be higher. A LOT higher. That movie freaks out a lot of people just by the tension it builds all throughout it. Starts off with a creepy atmosphere and the character goofing off, and then BAM! Tree rape. BAM! Stabbed in the ankle. BAM! Everybody's dead/possessed but Ash, the PUSSY of the bunch.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    TNA gets first broken neck casualty!

    TNA should ask Chase if he wants the match shown. GO WITH A CHASE/LOVETT FEUD. Sure, the matches prolly wouldn't be too good, but the feud would write itself, and I'm sure D'Amore and co. wouldn't be able to botch such a simple feud. It doesn't have to be epic, but it'd be something to push Lovett up the card a little bit and see if he can hold his own, as well as give The Naturals some more heat as babyfaces.