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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    NOES re-make casting updates

    I'd say pay to see that, but only if Heather was changed to Mary. MARY~! MARY~! ...and he bakes kittens in pies...YES!!!
  2. Corey_Lazarus


    They have a whole hell of a lot to live up to, even to just satisfy fans who just want something better than St. Anger. That's why fans get disappointed: the first 4 albums are just so flat-out good, just across the board GOOD, that anything besides that is fucking rubbish.
  3. Freak-a me? FREAK-A YOU!!! ...man, I hated that show. And for the 3 other fans of thrash metal, GET THRASHED: The Story of Thrash Metal comes out on DVD on September 16. IMDB has it rated at 8/10, which is higher than American Hardcore (which has a 7.1/10). Looks to be a decent study of thrash's rise, fall, and impact on the modern metal scene.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    NOES re-make casting updates

    Which now opens up the question of who is?
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    History of ECW

    It was pretty boring, in truth. Of course, it didn't help that it was Mikey's debut, and this was when Kidman started to lose his fanbase in WCW (which sucked, because he had that string of great matches with Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juvi).
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    History of ECW

    I like how Mikey evolved. I always knew he did, going from never once throwing even a punch to being just an all-around respected talent, but it's been great seeing him go from point A to point B. I also love how haphazardly he seems to do most moves, as if he's doing them simply because he thinks they'll work, and not because he's mastered them (which, to be fair, is likely the truth, but it just fits the character so damn well).
  7. Corey_Lazarus


    Overall quality-wise, there are plenty of bands that are better (faster, more technical, etc.) than Metallica from the same time period. But they didn't force metal - REAL metal - to the forefront like Metallica did. It also kinda helps that Metallica was, overall, the best package: more easy to get into due to the more mid-tempo style, vocals that were intelligible and coherent, drumming that didn't take attention away from the guitars, and just technical enough to get beginning guitarists going "wow." Plus, as songwriters, Lars and James were probably the overall best in the 80's metal scene. Just about every song from Kill 'Em All to Master of Puppets at least FEELS complete. I personally rank Slayer and Exodus as the best of the 80's thrash bands, and just 80's metal in general (with Maiden directly behind them), but Metallica's catalogue during the 80's was just...heartier. The great was great, the good was good, and the bad was only bad compared to the rest of their output. Also, Slay, I think we've talked about Euro-thrash. IMO, most of it is complete rubbish, lacking that true passion on display from their American counterparts. Demolition Hammer (AKA best undiscovered US thrash metal band ever) says "hello, entire European thrash metal scene, and prepare to see what heavy metal REALLY is."
  8. Corey_Lazarus


    Master of Puppets Ride the Lightning Kill 'Em All ...And Justice For All Load Metallica ReLoad St. Anger
  9. I only caught Jim Norton and Gilbert Godfried, which also means I saw the taped Don Rickles. Funny shyte, mang!
  10. Corey_Lazarus


    Actually, that argument has merit. As a full-on complete album? Load isn't half bad. It's easily the best of the post-Black album stuff, which is like saying that 3 Dollar Bill Y'all$ is Limp Bizkit's best album: they're all sub-par, but it's the least sub-par of them.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    NOES re-make casting updates

    The thing I don't get is why remake classic movies, classic for being either different or just flat-out GOOD, when there are plenty of awful movies made in the past that could be improved upon?
  12. Corey_Lazarus


    4 monumental, amazing, genre-defining albums mean nothing at all to you, I take it... Get rid of St. Anger. It's gone altogether. What are you left with? 3 great thrash metal albums, 1 very good thrash metal/borderline prog album, a solid hard rock/heavy metal album whose best songs were never released as singles, and 2 hard rock albums that were still better than most of what was passing as "quality" rock in the mainstream when released. You're absolutely right. I can't see why anybody would like a band whose best years are behind them, and actually look forward to new material, especially since every other band that could be classified as their peers have come back with new albums over the last 3 years that are positively reviewed (read: Slayer, Exodus, Anthrax, Iron Maiden).
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    NOES re-make casting updates

    I can't wait for the big-budget remake of The Toxic Avenger that Lloyd Kaufman's been joking about for almost a decade now. You know it WILL happen, one day, and thus throw out everything that makes Toxie (and Troma) great.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    If you YouTube "Tourette's Camp," the first little British chick is pretty funny, as is the little fat kid at the end who keeps yelling "JANE GIVES HEAD!"
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Pineapple Express

    Nah, I'd say the best part was . It was so awkward, and Franco nailed the character 100%.
  16. Aye. Lynn was meant to be the heel, but the fans responded sympathetically to Lynn demanding Styles's respect compared to Styles not showing Lynn any.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    NOES re-make casting updates

    Bad example, touché. But he's not great on the levels of, say, Oscar winners. Hell, I wouldn't even say half of the Oscar winners of the last 20 years were great actors themselves. Campbell is extremely charismatic, but I wouldn't say he's a great actor, and like I said: I'm a fanboy.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Staying Productive

    I don't care for being drunk anymore. Well, I like it when I'm at that peak, but I sober up way too quick, and then just get really tired and aggrivated.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    The one with his "father" is when you can tell 100% that it's fake. Painful to watch, save for the "fuck you, and fuck every mall Santa that looks like you" line. That said...I'm angry Tourette's Guy is (supposedly) dead! GRRR!!!
  20. Corey_Lazarus


    This year is kinda lame with the bigger tours. Summer Slaughter's US branch got railed since the best bands stuck to the Canadian or European dates, and there was basically 2 or 3 worthwhile bands compared to mountains of shit, and the worthwhile ones weren't even that great. Sounds of the Underground was cancelled due to a combination of rising gas prices and the negative reviews last year (primarily due to Necro's inclusion and subsequent departure halfway through the tour), which basically leaves Gwar with nothing to do until Rock & Shock and a short tour afterwards. Ozzfest was only a one-off in Texas. New England Metal & Hardcore Festival was pretty fucking shit this year (too much hardcore, not nearly enough metal, as has been the trend since '03 or so). So, really, the best tour this year is pretty much the Suicide Final Tour, which was one of the best concerts I've ever been to.
  21. So Lion's Gate is to horror what TBS/TNT is to WCW, or Century Media is to black/death metal?
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    NOES re-make casting updates

    Well, considering most horror icons are (often) pretty average actors who just happen to have a decent amount of charisma (read: BRUCE CAMPBELL, and I'm a total Campbell fanboy), having somebody the general public views as a good/great actor attached to the project? Really, that's nothing to be mad about. And how did Thornton ruin the Bad News Bears remake? The script fucking ruined it before anything else. When you take away all of the factors that the original great, and leave only a Disney-ized semblance in its wake, then of course the movie's going to suck. Didn't help that not a single member of the cast was likeable, even in a "oh, those darn cheeky kids" manner.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    The Dark Knight

    ...only decidedly less cool, considering he needs a suit of armor to keep him, y'know, ALIVE, whereas Batman uses some gadgets but usually fights with just his hands... Really...fuck DC Comics because a director decided to make a psychologically intense drama out of a man who dresses up like a bat to fight criminals? Well, then fuck Downey Jr. for US Marshalls.
  24. Corey_Lazarus


    Hey, look at that. I haven't been to a ridiculously huge concert in a while, so I'm not sure if this would be worth my while, but I'd never seen Metallica in concert, so they, like Slayer, I feel obligated to see since I like some of their stuff. Tell me though guys, for anyone that's seen a Metallica show lately, do they play a lot of the 80's stuff (read: Black Album and before) or is it all mostly newer shit? If it's mostly newer stuff, fuck it I'll save my money. Mostly older stuff. I saw them in '03, and they played the two original singles off of St. Anger ("Frantic" and the title track) back-to-back, which got booed HEAVILY, and then stuck to Black Album and earlier. They even busted out "No Remorse," which I heard they rarely, if ever, have done in full since the Justice tours. Say what you will about their newer shit and how they obviously don't have what it takes to write material on par with their first 4 albums, but they know what their fans come to see.
  25. Yeah. Seed of Chucky is horrible. Which sucks, because Bride was so good.