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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Return of the 'Rush

    And I'm going to pay for these PPVs how? I may have just gotten a steady job, but expenses, man...
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    More news on the TNA 2 Hour Special

    That's always been the way it is with the X-Division, though. Like, there were clear-cut faces and heels for a brief period (the faces being Jerry Lynn, Red, Los Maximos, and Styles; the heels being Kid Kash, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, and LowKi), but after that...yeah. Just sorta hit purgatory. I wish TNA management didn't hate Kid Kash, and vice versa. The Notorious K-I-D ruled (well, I've made my Kash markdom known very well) as he had consistently good matches and got over that he was a complete heel while STILL doing some amazing spots that would make the fans cheer for him, but then boo him as soon as he went back to being his prick self.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    More news on the TNA 2 Hour Special

    Eh...personally, I think the next time Raven wins the belt, it should be from around Jarrett's waist. Would make the match seem THAT MUCH better, IMO, seeing the finish we all wanted and were utterly denied at Destiny.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Should TNA do away with Ultimate X?

    Yes...because any stipulation that gives us the best match of the show on TNA's "biggest" show to date SURELY needs to be gone with... Monster's Ball is staying. It's really nothing more than a glorified hardcore match, but I dig the name. Get rid of the "locked in a room for 24 hours" bull, though. Hold it every now and then with the winner getting a World title shot, or something, or have it be a tournament, and voila.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    More news on the TNA 2 Hour Special

    When is this special again?
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    Getting Revenge At Work

    Ummm...I do. We get simple revenge on our boss, since she's a neatfreak and does nothing but come up with different ways that you don't do the job right when everybody does the job just as good, if not better, than she does. Of course, there's usually only 4 people in the offices, sometimes just 2 (when me and my buddy Crawford, the two delivery guys, are out), so hey. Anyway, she's a neatfreak. She doesn't come into the office on Mondays. She has a whole system to how she arranges things (notes, pens, catalogs, even the calendar and the clock), so we try to mess it up a little bit. She's always straightening shit out, and it's only a minor revenge, but fun nonetheless. Though one time when I was working at a pizza joint, I got revenge on a prank calling customer. Wicked busy night last year during the ALCS (seeing as how I live in Red Sox Country, I didn't have a minute of quiet time), so I'm busy making two pizzas and a calzone all at the same time while also answering the phone. Me: "Franklin Pizza and Deli, pick up or delivery?" Caller: "Have you ever served in infantry?" Me: "Uhhh...pardon?" Caller: "I served in 'Nam. Lost my left testicle there, and...hahahahahahaha..." Me: "...actually, I just got back from Iraq." Caller: "**click**" So yeah, fun. As for your situation, chazz...just piss in their locker or something, or strike a deal with one of the kids to intentionally fuck with 'em.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    'Friday the 13th' Alums Celebrate 25 Years

    I prefer to say "smart." It's going to make those that are doing the remake focus on the PLOT and not the STAR. Much more likely to make a quality movie that way, you know? Plus, Bruce and Sam created an icon with the character of Ash, so what if the remake sucks, and thus lessens Ash's popularity? Then they'd be kicking themselves in the head. If I made a classic movie and a character reached iconic status, I'd never want them touched by ANYBODY but myself.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Take a Poll for me

    No...I just love pizza. Seriously. I could live off of it if I needed to.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Rosa Parks dead at 92

    Don't mind if I do... All she did was sit her ass down because she didn't feel like standing no more. Okay, okay, I stole a joke from Barbershop, I'm sorry. Rosa Parks, by doing such a simple thing that was ultimately unheard of at the time, helped jumpstart the Civil Rights movement, and to see that such a historical figure as her just RECENTLY died is actually something of a shock to me. I thought she died a long time ago, in all honesty.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Take a Poll for me

    Then you'll hate the Return of the Rush tonight, since I just plan on commenting on the big spots of the match (which, in truth, will be PBP) and mentioning how much I hate Jeff Jarrett and love pizza, or something. Hopefully I still have the password to the account I used to upload the old Rush's. EDIT: And...I have no idea how to go to the upload page. Haha...yeah.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    'Friday the 13th' Alums Celebrate 25 Years

    The only remake I'm the least interested in seeing is the remake of The Evil Dead that's rumored, and that's only because Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell won't let it happen unless they produce it and it turns out GOOD.
  12. Corey_Lazarus


  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Take a Poll for me

    No, it really wasn't. You confuse good PBP and complete markdom for Kid Kash for a good review.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Take a Poll for me

    I'll try to take the Impact leading up to BFG that's being replayed tonight, since I originally planned on watching it since I missed it Saturday (beer + pussy > wrestling), but no promises.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Should TNA do away with Ultimate X?

    Better ways of hanging the X: 1. Cable ABOVE the criss-cross cables that hangs from the ceiling. 2. A better clip. 3. Padlocked chain wrapped around the intersection of the two cables that runs through a loop on the back of the X.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    Psycho Sid's Theme Music

    Yeah...it's time to change the sig, dude. You do realize that the line you quoted from me was entirely sarcastic, right? ...just as I realize you actually DO know it, and quoted it simply because it was sarcastic... ...and I peed myself.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    When you shave

    I get mad razor burn when I try shaving without cream or gel. The gel I use, Gillette I do believe, also has a moisturizer and helps the stubble stand up on end so it's easier to shave off. Moisturizer gives me soft skin. Soft skin = what the bitches love.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    Things That Unintentionaly Look Like They're

    I was waiting for a Bob Barron pic.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    'Friday the 13th' Alums Celebrate 25 Years

    Loopholes? So? It's a fucking slasher franchise. It's not supposed to make sense. Actually, the first film with a true loophole was #6, but hey...
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Forever Hardcore- The Documentary

    Yeah they can. You can make a documentary about something without owning the rights to it, ya know.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    Aside from the fact that Jeff Hardy is broken down and too many people don't realize that Sabu is better now than he was between 2000 and his surgery, most people don't seem to like hardcore wrestling. Which is very interesting, considering when you ask what some of the greatest matches in recent memory are, some of the most common names (Foley, HHH, Austin, etc.) work a pretty violent, semi-hardcore style in their big main event matches. Which is, once again, why I hate HHH saying that hardcore wrestling is just two guys hitting each other with shit, since his career has been made off of 3 matches (Ladder match vs. Rock @ SummerSlam '98; Streetfight vs. Cactus Jack @ Royal Rumble '00; and HIAC III vs. Cactus), basically. But yeah. I may order the replay just to see the Monster's Ball match and the return of the Rhino-Driver (since Rhino has the sickest piledriver I've ever seen).
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Should TNA do away with Ultimate X?

    The only Ultimate X match I've cared for has been UX2, and that's because LowKi and Daniels were in it. It was also the ONE TIME where the match didn't come across as a 100% clusterfuck spotfest, mostly thanks to Daniels and LowKi again. But yeah, just do away with it.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Possibly moving to Delaware or Massachusetts...

    Well, I think every Masshole that's read this thread has replied with the same "SPRINGFIELD SUCKS" sentiments...
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    Share Your Live Show Stories

    So many chants at the Framingham Civic League during NECW shows geared towards Violet Flame...oh dear... "WE LIKE FISH STICKS!! **clap, clap, clapclapclap** WE LIKE FISH STICKS!! **clap, clap, clapclapclap**" Guy behind me: "HEY, I THINK I JUST SAW JUPITER!" Me: "DON'T YOU MEAN URANUS?!"
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    Good idea to use your biggest PPV ever to build to a free show. ...sorry, but TNA shouldn't have advertised BFG as its MOST IMPORTANT SHOW TO DATE if they didn't plan on making everything deliver in spades. Yes, I know that Nash having to pull out at the last minute wasn't planned in the least, but still: always have a contingency plan. Even if the contingency plan was rushing right into Raven/Jarrett III, or having Joe go over Jarrett, or having, say, Truth fight Jarrett and succumb to near-insurmountable odds (Team Canada, AMW, Gail Kim, Abyss, Father James Mitchell, guitar shots), it'd be better than having a lower-midcarder like Rhino go over Jarrett, because now it makes everybody that's lost to Jarrett when the match with JJ was their only match on the show, not their THIRD, look like crap.