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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Don West Interview

    I don't really wanna wish harm on the guy, but if Jarrett's such a pivotal figure backstage, and he still doesn't put people over that the team wants/demands him to, then he's gonna need a career-ending injury to make him step out of the ring for good and stick to the backstage stuff. He seems like a really nice guy to know personally, from all the stories people tell about him, but him being all over the show will mean TNA will ultimately fail, since at least HHH is a better go-to guy than JJ is, seeing as how HHH had that run in 2000 of, you know, terrific matches and his main-event's actually DREW good buyrates and ratings, whereas Jarrett was main-eventing WCW and...well, we all know how WCW went. Jarrett should go back to being a face. It'd be VERY interesting...face Jarrett vs. heel Truth in a brawl with no interference leading to the finish (not saying no interference at all, but it wouldn't directly lead to the finish) would be a good match, since they had back-to-back HIGHLY entertaining matches in November '02.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    People who use MySpace:

    Most people prolly don't send 50 messages a day, though.
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    I wish I can be two people...

    Yeah, back on topic...KOBASHI IS JUSTICE, KOBASHI IS RULE. ...I've always wanted to say "x is justice, x is rule."
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    "Outlaw Torn" is a good one. Depressing for a multitude of reasons, with one being that it signified the end of Metallica's great "epic" songs (Load has its fair share, as has been discussed here...and no, Agent, we're not listening to you about this topic), and the overall feel to it. I can't believe nobody's said "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd yet. Just hearing it from start to finish gets me thinking about shit I don't like thinking about (more friends dying, me dying, everybody just leaving, etc.), but yet the song is so beautiful I can't help but listen to it whenever I can. In fact, I think I'm gonna go pop it in right now. Also, once we get our demo recorded, I think you guys should listen to a song my band wrote called "Oceana." I'm not too proud of the lyrics since I just threw 'em together with the exception of the 3rd verse, but it's just a sad song that you can mosh to.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Has Lex Luger always been this bad?

    Haha, hilarious. That's actually a fairly good promo. "AND YOUR SHIRTS ARE TOO TIGHT!" Best Luger promo I've seen in years.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    I wish I can be two people...

    But I've seen them way too many times, even back when they were using a few different names. I'm wondering when they're playing, because if they're playing around, say, 4 in the afternoon, I can see them and bang over to Worcester to see ZA and GWAR.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    The Best and Worst

    Slayer-style, best on the left and worst on the right.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    Asian/Japanese Cinema...,

    I love Returner, and if you like good action movies, you will too.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Favorite/Least favorite wrestling belts

    Favorites: 1. ECW World Tag Team titles (the ones with the buzzsaw design) 2. WWF Attitude belt 3. WCW World Tag Team titles 4. TNA X-Division title 5. NECW Heavyweight title Least: 1. WWE Cruiserweight title 2. WWE Spinner (Cena's) 3. WWE US Heavyweight title 4. WCW Hardcore title 5. NWA World Heavyweight title (TNA could at least chock up some cash to get a sharp-looking belt made, though the one they use does have the history behind it)
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    Bound For Glory

    Eh...I think it might be best if Ortis is ref in the main, but Jarrett loses CLEANLY (no fast-count, no cheap weapon beatdowns while the ref's back is turned, no interference, etc.). Jarrett can still blame Ortiz for costing him the title, but not having a screwy finish on the debut BIG show for TNA is the way to go.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    Don West Interview

    I'll respond paragraph-by-paragraph. I can see his point here, as Jeff and Jerry DID build TNA from the ground up. Unfortunately, that should then tell them both that at the current time, Jarrett is not the BEST choice for champion. The few fans remaining from the Attitude Era (though we're still in the tail-end of it, technically) of the WWF last remember Jarrett as a woman-beater who lost to a shemale. Those from WCW remember him as being a main-eventer, but one that lost the belt almost every other week before gaining it back before finally dropping out of the main event and into the upper-midcard (where, personally, I feel he belongs with some occasional main event runs). And those that know of him from Destiny and beyond recall Jarrett being the one that pissed off the core fanbase so much by putting himself all over the show and beating those that rightfully deserved to win that the few paying fans TNA had stopped showing up, and many fans stopped ordering the shows. Is Jarrett a good heel? Yes. Is he a good face? Yes, because I've said a few times that I loved Jarrett's work from the beginning of TNA up until Destiny. Is he the best choice to be World champion, the standard-bearer of TNA, right now? No. So...who else could that title be placed on? We'd need somebody who can go in the ring, go on the mic, have a good marketable look, and be able to get over with the 18-34 male demographic. I guess it's time to echo the sentiments of bps and say Ron "The Truth" Killings. His run as World champion, especially leading up to it and the matches he had with Jerry Lynn and LowKi, was entertaining, and if given enough free reign with what he does (and it does seem as though many TNA workers are given free reign to do whatever right now as long as D'Amore and co approve of it, which they'll do if it's good as the last few months have shown), the guy could get over like never before. We (and I say this as a TNA fan, though I'll admit I don't buy the weekly shows and haven't actually watched an episode of Impact since they left FSN due to not having RealPlayer) need a World champion who can do something different from what the competition (in this case, WWE) is doing. Why not give The Truth another chance to be a draw since he was part of the company's initial success? This is because of human nature. It's always easier to argue the negative than it is to agree on the positive. But that doesn't mean that the IWC doesn't talk about positives. Is the Samoa Joe push loved? Yes, and they're continuing with it, because - once again - the IWC was right in who TNA should push. Is the current feel of the show accepted? Yes, because it's presented as a PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING show as opposed to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT program offered by the E. While I agree that we need to be given more of a reason to care for the majority of the roster than "they're good/great workers," that's something that can be taken care of in time, and I don't doubt that D'Amore and co can do it. But I guess Don West must have missed all of the TNA fans from the start that's said he's grown A LOT as a color commentator, and what's one of the best-known moments of TNA's first year? West standing atop the commentators' table during the SAT/XXX 6-man yelling "GO, RED, GO!" Not fully, but Don's definitely on his way. I'd like to see him start favoring the heels, personally, if only because commentating teams need at least one face commentator, who is usually the play-by-play guy, and one heel commentator, who is usually the color guy. If West wants to continue being his loveably goofy self, then I think TNA should get a heel commentator in there to just flat-out root for the villains. Perhaps giving Don Callis another ring wouldn't be too bad of an idea? No real argument here, but I still remember Brown as being the uber-green "monster" who was just talking about THE POUNCE...PERIOD! And I still liked his original "hey, I just like to wrestle, but don't piss me off" gimmick and, IMO, his best match so far is STILL the streetfight with Elix Skipper from Week 8 or 9. I think West has a better mind for the business than most give him credit for. He's echo'ing nearly everything the fans are saying that are positive about TNA, and agrees with what the fans want to see to make TNA different than the E. That's definitely a GREAT decision: having one huge spot or very good/great match that makes people want to see the show again. It makes them stick out rather than piling the show with huge spot after huge spot like the weekly's did (though, to be fair, they needed to do that to ensure people would continue ordering). Can't comment because it's just a shill, so yeah. Overall, I agree with Don West on most points, but still disagree that Jarrett is the best choice to be World champion going into the SpikeTV shows. The only way this will really work is if Jarrett either loses on the first edition of Impact on Spike or loses at Bound For Glory and drops the belt to somebody.
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    Bound For Glory

    I still hope that the main event is Raven/Jarrett III with Raven going over this time.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    Dave Sahadi on Between the Ropes

    Yeah. Using tables isn't a Dudley Boy-exclusive, and it'd also be too hard of a suit to win (for the E, I mean). Because then a few TNA and indy wrestlers that made certain moves popular before they were shown on WWE television could sue and if the E won the suit about using tables, then they'd win the suit about using their moves.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    Just played a Ladder Match in the Season of SmackDown vs. Raw between Corey Lazarus (CAW, me) and Shawn Michaels (CPU). LEAD-UP: Three weeks before Unforgiven, HBK and Laz have a match for the World Heavyweight title, and HHH is the special guest ref. Laz wins, but Bischoff reverses the decision because he found out HHH knocked the ref out backstage, restarts the match with himself as ref, and HBK school-boy's Laz for the win. The next week it's Laz vs. HHH vs. HBK, and Laz and HBK are both touting World Heavyweight titles. Laz goes over HHH (I always love it when I beat HHH) with an Enziguri (one of his SmackDown's, and I believe it's official name is Enziguri 04 or something similar) after kicking HBK to the outside. Next week (week before Unforgiven), it's HBK vs. Laz in a Last Man Standing match. Match is decent, but it's ALL Laz as he's just hitting HBK with absolutely everything. Two table bumps to HBK, and then Laz sets up a table on the outside, puts HBK on it, and hits a topé over the top onto HBK, putting him through the table. Count stops at 9 so HHH can run-in, and that sets up the Ladder Match at Unforgiven as Bischoff is sick of not having one champion. Match is pretty good for the first 5 minutes but, again, it's all Laz. Taking HBK down with dragon screw's and various armbars and such to wear him down, and then HBK hits a running superkick and gets the ladder. BIG IMPACT MOVES GALORE. HBK does some standard shit (snap suplex, the three-punch combo he has, diving forearm, etc.), but Laz fires back with a few Shining Wizard's (I have, like, four of 'em in Laz's arsenal), roundhouse kicks, and a couple German's. Laz goes for the belt but HBK pulls him down, and it's back-and-forth for the next 10 minutes. Around the 20 minute mark or so, HBK hits his 6th Sweet Chin Music on Laz, but Laz gets up before HBK can get to the belt. Laz nails his 8th Enziguri on HBK, but HBK gets up onto the ladder just as Laz is about to reach for the belt and hiptosses him off. Laz has one SmackDown, HBK is about to get another one, and he's on a babyface "clean" comeback. Laz whips him into the corner so that HBK's back is turned, and BAM! SmackDown #2 is hit: BURNING HAMMAH~!!~!!~ Michaels is DEAD. Laz climbs up, gets the belt, and hurrah. I just loved the match because it's probably the best SDvR match I've had to date.
  15. Corey_Lazarus

    Lots of News

    Because he was a decent heel manager that was willing to take bumps. Also a long-time fan of pro wrestling, and could bring in some publicity for being a reality TV star and being his prick self on-air.
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    I wish I can be two people...

    I'm more excited to see Zombie Apocalypse again, actually. They were insane live, and with the new EP out they'll have about 5 more minutes onstage (their liveset was about 20 minutes last year, and since their album is only 11 minutes long, there was a lot of filler for an intro, and then I believe a cover of something). Looking forward to fighting my way to the front and trying to get to scream into the mic.
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    House of the Dead

    Yes, House... sucks. You guys should see Evil Ed. It's one of the best "so bad it's great" movies ever.
  18. Corey_Lazarus

    I wish I can be two people...

    I'm torn between seeing the last time my buddy Crawford's band Inheritance, probably the best local death metal band ever, will be playing a show (as they've split up, but agreed to do one last show) on October 8th and going to see Zombie Apocalypse and Gwar at the Rock and Shock Festival on the same day. I think I'm going with the latter, seeing as how I've seen Inheritance a bunch of times, only seen ZA once, and never seen Gwar.
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    Song title with the best track record.

    "Wake Up" is one that's terribly overused.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    Vote on the new Edge shirt design

    Dammit! I vote top left. Why? Because in my efedding, my character (Corey Lazarus, duh) is part of a tag team called TV-MA.
  21. Corey_Lazarus

    "He needs to spend more time in OVW...."

    It's worked so well for Chris Masters that people didn't care at all about him until he was put into programs involving Flair (who is ALWAYS over EVERYWHERE he goes just because of how long he's been in the industry) and Shawn Michaels (who is one of Vince's golden boys). And when the program with Michaels is done (if it isn't already)? Yeah, he's going back to being pretty unover. Fuck, you could stick a monkey in the ring with Flair and the fans would care about the monkey. Wait...a wrestling monkey...hrmmmm...
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    HUGE Maven news

    And Ron Jeremy and Verne Troyer on commentary.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    I'm invincible

    So today was bloody terrific day. Hung out with this girl I've been hanging out with every day for the past week or week and a half (it really feels longer than it is, which is awkward) who I have a thing for and has a thing for me (but neither of us want a relationship), and had some great times (nudge nudge, wink wink). We come to an agreement that we are "untitled friends," meaning we're not going out but we're more than friends with benefits, and I think that's awesome because I haven't really had this much of an emotional attraction to somebody since me and Heather first started dating (and she turned out to be quite a bitch, as some of you may recall, later in our relationship). So we decide to leave her house after our second round, and we're heading out to our friend Kim's so we can hang with her before she (my untitled friend) goes to a party with her older brother, and I go to Club Hell with a few of my pals for Anarchy in the UK night (a special event where all music played was 70's/80's British punk and metal). We're heading down, dooby dooby doo, and I go to change the radio station, taking my eyes off the road for less than a second...and she yells "SHIT!" I look up, and an airbag pops me in the face. I scream "FUCK, WHAT THE FLYING FUCK, GOD DAMMIT" and then ask her if she's alright. We both get out of the car and I look at the damage: whole hood of my car is folded up, trailer hitch of the car (an Envoy) in front of me that I just rear-ended burst through my radiator and is spilling antifreeze all over the place, and there's two cars in front of the Envoy that were also rear-ended due to the whole chain reaction thing. Turns out that the car in front stopped short, so everybody else did, and I did it just half a second too late. So I sit here with a sore nose, a busted lip, and a pair of friction burns (one on my left cheek and one on my left wrist), and my untitled friend only has a small bruise on her chest from the impact of the airbag. You wanna talk about lucky? So now I have to go fill out an accident report tomorrow at the police station, I'm getting a full-time job on Monday (after I just worked everything out so I'd be working my current part-time job from 6am-10am only and then head over to the local Strawberries and start a little after 10 until whenever) because my insurance is gonna go through the roof and I need a new car. After the crash, my parents came and picked me and my untitled friend up, dropped her off at Kim's, and then we came to our house while they sorta joked about everything (because I was alright and all) and I saw two of my pals that were going to Club Hell, Salina and my buddy Crawford, and my "little sister" (known each other since we were in diapers) Jackie. Told 'em all what happened, and Jackie was in shock for the rest of the night while Salina gave me a couple hugs and Crawford actually choked up a little bit. Later on I went to Kim's and met up with everybody (they all went, too), including my other pal that was going to go to Club Hell tonight, Petone, who LITERALLY broke down crying and hugged me tighter than almost anybody else ever had. For a small Polish man, he sure has a good grip. Hung around Kim's for a little then went to Crawford's RV and had a few shots of Jager in celebration of me still being alive, and I got home about 40 minutes ago. So yeah, that was my day.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    More News On Puder's release

    IIRC, Angle DID rant and rave after the incident that he was pissed off about the whole ordeal, but once he calmed down he said "you know, we could make a great angle out of this." Angle didn't go to bat for him. So? Who cares? Neither did anybody else. Let Puder work elsewhere with people more talented than those in WWE, and let him gain some knowledge from different styles all over the world. The reason Shamrock failed is because the WWF let up on the "he's fucking dangerous" push and turned him into more of a comedy gimmick, and Severn failed because he had no charisma. Ditto Blackman. Puder seemed to have some, so let's see what the kid's made of in a few years' time if he decides to go the pro wrestling route instead of going MMA.
  25. Corey_Lazarus

    NWA Championship News

    That's arguable, since if you look at the thread about the OnDemand TNA matches, I go into detail about why I didn't think Joe/Sabin was as good as people cracked it up to be. A good match? Of course, but I've seen matches from both men that I'd call better and/or more entertaining. One of which was Sabin's debut in TNA on 4/30/03 in the 4-team elimination X-Division tag bout. Was it a spotfest? Hell yes it was a spotfest, but a damn fine spotfest that came to a nice close (despite the interference which was part of a bigger angle involving the X-Division champion Kid Kash). That was when I was most interested in TNA, and also the only time that TNA actually had PAYING fans in attendance besides the Heel Section. I think Jarrett is much worse. Raven at least puts people over when he beats them, but JJ? He buries people, and does so worse than HHH. Where's Ron Killings? Exactly. That was three years ago.