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Everything posted by Corey_Lazarus

  1. Corey_Lazarus

    Dazed and Confused making of doc

    There needs to be one. There really does. And in 5-10 years, the quintessential 90's movie.
  2. Corey_Lazarus

    Rick Steiner--real estate agent

    And then laugh harder when he starts barking. And then cry when he punches you. And then whimper as he does it again. After that, the next noise you make is groans of pain in the hospital as the nurse puts the catheter in and takes it out a few weeks later. You'll have to quit your job working for the Post Office now because whenever you hear a dog barking you automatically curl up into a fetal position, regardless of whether or not you're driving or walking or anything. That's why you put the muzzle of your .357 to Fido's head: to silence Rick Steiner, WOOF WOOF WOOF!
  3. Corey_Lazarus

    Family Guy and American Dad for 8/18

    No, it's terrible. Only time I laughed at American Dad tonight was at the "why do we still graze here?" joke.
  4. Corey_Lazarus

    NWA Championship News

    You missed the best ringwork and angles TNA has had to this day (IMO on the ringwork, but I'd bet money angle-wise), as well as the turning point where they began losing everything (4/30/03 Destiny) and the first AJ Styles non-X main event. Russo was actually GOOD in his role, though not as good as he was as a face in the DOA role (IMO, of course), and while the whole show seemed to revolve around him hating Jeff Jarrett, there was plenty of other stuff to keep your mind occupied as well. The video packages definitely got better during this period, too.
  5. Corey_Lazarus

    Would you be able to pass a drug test right now?

    Yes on alcohol/illegal drugs. No if the test was to see if I smoked butts, since I'm a pack-a-day.
  6. Corey_Lazarus

    update on the Dudley Boyz' situation

    Damn you, Rudo! Spoiled a bad Nova joke run! Why not just come out in STANDARD camouflage and be "invaders from up North"? HOHOHO! Simpsons did it. Well...no.
  7. Corey_Lazarus

    PPVs and your moneys worth

    Almost all of the 4th quarter '04 TNA weekly's. WWE-wise? Ummm...prolly KOTR '02, since that's the last non-Big 4 PPV by WWE I bought until Vengeance '03. Even WM21 was extremely underwhelming to me, as I was bored by everything but Angle/HBK and 'Taker/Orton.
  8. Corey_Lazarus

    More News On Puder's release

    The current trend is to feature more athletically-gifted workers, and the best homegrown talent in years have been those with a legit fighting/amateur background. Puder had a legit fighting background, and won the TE Challenge because the fans OBVIOUSLY wanted to see him. So no, of course they wouldn't want to see him when he's in ring-shape and ready to go.
  9. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands that everyone hates, but you like.....

    I dig Huey Lewis and the News, and not just because I love American Psycho either.
  10. Corey_Lazarus

    The Corpse Bride

    I like Ed Wood more for Depp's depiction of the man himself and how it wasn't your typical Burton work. There wasn't the standard "goth" atmosphere to it, not much absurdity to it that wasn't rooted in fact, etc. I can't get into most of his work, especially the likes of Edward Scissorhands, because I just can't stand how he tries to make everything seem weird as if to yell "HAHA, I'M DIFFERENT, SEE?!" Plus, that whole "Anybody who knows me knows that I would never read a comic book" quote in a published interview as part of his reply to Kevin Smith's joke about Burton ripping him off (Smith joked that the end of Planet of the Apes was ripped off from one of his Jay & Silent Bob comics where Jay talks about monkeys taking over the world, and one panel has chimps replacing Lincoln's head with a gorilla's) and directing Batman and Batman Returns and just sorta, you know...making them a lot worse than he should have. Of course, I've been spoiled by GREAT comic movies like The Crow, Spider-Man, and Batman Begins in the last decade or so, but alas. His direction just doesn't entice me. I say this because after seeing Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, all I could think about was just how bland everybody in the movie BUT Wonka was. A lot of that was the script, and quite a bit was also the child actors, but the overall visual style of the movie didn't make me wanna see it again.
  11. Corey_Lazarus

    NWA Championship News

    So you must've missed the entire first half of 2003 then, eh?
  12. Corey_Lazarus

    The Corpse Bride

    I must be the only person who sees little-to-nothing special about Burton's work outside of Big Fish and Beetlejuice.
  13. Corey_Lazarus

    NWA Championship News

    I think it's a definite slap in the face. Interest in TNA has picked up tremendously ever since Jarrett lost the title, as top-to-bottom the cards have been enjoyable, but now with Jarrett back in the main event and holding the NWA World title, we're right back at the position where many TNA fans left. Well, let me rephrase that: where many of the paying TNA fans left.
  14. Corey_Lazarus

    The 3rd annual Ripper got laid off thread

    U-S-A! U-S-A! Well, if it makes you feel any better, Ripper, I have to quit both jobs I have now (one of which I haven't even started yet, and was supposed to start training for next week) so I can get one big full-time one (which I'd prolly be making about the same money from, if not then prolly a little less) just so I can have health insurance.
  15. Corey_Lazarus


    Well, it's Wisconsin. What else are they gonna do?
  16. Corey_Lazarus

    update on the Dudley Boyz' situation

    He INVENTED expiration dates!
  17. Corey_Lazarus

    NWA Championship News

    What was the buyrate that was believed? Also, Massacre was probably the second-best ECW PPV of 2000, right behind Hardcore Heaven. Guilty As Charged 2k was decent, Living Dangerously 2k sucked, Heat Wave 2k had a good match or two that were overshadowed by the XPW bullshit, Anarchy Rulz 2k was mediocre (ESPECIALLY since Anarchy Rulz 99 was insanely good), N2R 2k was "meh," Massacre was solid. GAC '01 was good for what it was: a farewell to ECW with the best they could get at the time. And Mike, pedestrian booking by a guy with a skullet and 1 hour of a sleep a night (ECW in 2000) is better than awful booking by a guy who works best with somebody standing over him going "okay, that's TOO stupid" or somebody right next to him going "okay, we'll do that tonight, but never again" (WCW in 2000).
  18. But they also made for bad television. What's more important: getting somebody over by just having them squash somebody, or getting somebody over while also entertaining the majority of the audience?
  19. Corey_Lazarus

    update on the Dudley Boyz' situation

    He invented inventing. Wow..."Nova inventing" jokes. In 2005.
  20. Corey_Lazarus

    NWA Championship News

    Exactly! And let's face it, where the JJ marks wanna admit it or not, being "the new ECW" is infinitely cooler than being "WCW 2000." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, not really. No, it really is. Casual (well, non-SMARK fans) still think of ECW as some ultra-cool renegade promotion that changed the way the product was done. Hell, WWE even admitted that with the release of the Rise & Fall of ECW, as they heavily hyped how revolutionary of a promotion it was in the ads for it. So, really, being hyped as the second-coming of one of the most talked-about promotions of the last decade? Definitely cooler than being compared to the darkest era of another company that went out of business. So THAT was why ECW had to paper their crowds heavily...wait, no, they didn't. So THAT was why ECW still had the same guys on top in 2000 as they did in 1996...oh wait, no they didn't (though for different reasons). So THAT was why ECW in 2000 is looked at as a complete joke and one of the worst booked promotions ever...again, no, they aren't. You can argue that ECW in 2000 was a joke (which, compared to just two years prior, it was), but I don't see how you can argue that giving some decently talented unknowns a place to show that they can - and even DESERVE - be seen nationally/internationally is worse than having a man from Long Island with a Brooklyn accent yelling about Hulk Hogan and Jeff Jarrett and Booker T trading the World title back and forth sometimes two or three times in one night. Hardy just may be the only choice WORSE to be World champion than Jarrett at this point. Again, only choice in TNA worse than Jarrett to hold the title. I still do not understand why they'd put the belt on Jarrett besides to have him drop it to either Brown or Raven at BFG, or maybe somebody else that TNA wants to push as their focal point when they're on Spike.
  21. Actually, I sorta hope they DON'T sign Mercedes, if only because I enjoy seeing her beat the shit out of people every month in NECW.
  22. Corey_Lazarus

    Jake 'The Snake' Roberts DVD

    I'm grabbing it, since Jake was one of my favorites in 80's WWF. Right behind Rowdy Roddy. Speaking of which...RELEASE A PIPER DVD! His book was an interesting read about the old-school territories, and is entertaining when he begins ranting about how stupid some of the shit he did was. Also, I wanna see the Piper/Hart match from WM8 (I believe that was the show, where Piper put his distant cousin Bret over for the IC title), as well as the match with I believe Bad News Brown where he painted half of his body black and was doing disco dances for half of it.
  23. Corey_Lazarus

    Bands that everyone hates, but you like.....

    They despise them for completely pussifying their sound after Clayman. Seriously, listen to The Jester Race and then to Cloud Connected. It's like the Black Album to Load transition, where they're both good...just not what the fans expected or wanted at all.
  24. Corey_Lazarus

    update on the Dudley Boyz' situation

    Maybe Bubb...er...MARK will go back to being MONDO, his original gimmick in ECW, and Devon will be his sidekick CONGA. Yeah, I got nothin'.
  25. *smacks you* MsChif > Martinez <{POST_SNAPBACK}> **smacks you harder** Mercedes is better simply because she STIFFS THE FUCK out of everybody.