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Henry Spencer

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Everything posted by Henry Spencer

  1. Henry Spencer

    Is your dislike for a artist due to them or their fans?

    Damien Rice is too boring to really inspire strong feelings of either hatred or love.
  2. Henry Spencer

    Albums Listened to Today

    Guided By Voices - Under The Bushes, Under The Stars Melt Banana - Bambi's Dilemma Black Moth Super Rainbow - Dandelion Gum Aesop Rock - Float
  3. Henry Spencer

    Bad Covers

    I can safely assume you've never heard the original then, right?
  4. Henry Spencer

    Bad Covers

    Metallica's cover of Loverman is amoung the worst musical crimes against humanity.
  5. Henry Spencer

    The Last Boy Scout

    Like they aren't now?
  6. Henry Spencer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I dunno, White Blood Cells is still fantastic, and the first two albums both have moments in the good/great area. Elephant, a few standout tracks notwithstanding, is the beginning of the downward spiral.
  7. Henry Spencer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I love Liquid Liquid.
  8. Henry Spencer

    Best movie of 2007 so far?

    I don't think the point of the Academy is to have its finger "on the pulse of the people". It's supposed to, y'know, reward GOOD movies. Although it doesn't do that very much, either.
  9. Henry Spencer

    Shirley Phelps Roper arrested

    You seem to have stumbled upon the answer to your own question.
  10. Henry Spencer

    So I'll be going to my first ever concert on Wednesday

    I'm seeing Melt Banana in about a month. I like them a lot more than either of you guys, and the fact that I'm seeing them without Tool is a bonus.
  11. Henry Spencer

    So I'll be going to my first ever concert on Wednesday

    My first was (gulp) Incubus.
  12. Henry Spencer

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    Okay, this has gone on long enough. Is everybody satisfied yet? Good, let's just leave this thread alone. Jingus posting his intelligence test scores is a fine finale.
  13. Henry Spencer

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    This is misleading.
  14. Henry Spencer

    Who is worse?

    I wonder how much about Marney is her real personality and how much is just an internet persona to acquire attention and respect. She's our web community's Vincent Gallo.
  15. Henry Spencer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I can't say I've ever heard a full length QotSA album, but I do enjoy most of their singles that I've heard. Any of them worth tracking down?
  16. Henry Spencer

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    I'm in your corner, World's Worst Man!
  17. Henry Spencer

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    Assuming for one second that there is a God, how can one be certain that the "mainstream" Christians have it right? How can one ascertain that Fred Phelps ISN'T actually talking to God? Because he's mean? I find a lot of religious teachings to be very mean spirited, but that's not the foundation of my disbelief. It seems to me that once one takes the leap to believe in Christianity, all of the sects, including the extremists, have just as much likelyhood of teaching the correct ways of Jesus.
  18. Henry Spencer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Queens Of The Stone Age covered Goin' Out West by Tom Waits as the B side of their new single. It's actually not too bad, although it plays it pretty safe and sticks by the original very closely.
  19. Henry Spencer

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    Hey, I agree one hundred percent. Hug!
  20. Henry Spencer

    Who is worse?

    I don't hate gary floyd. If he has a fault, it's that he's far too earnest and eager to please to survive the slings and arrows of TSM life unscathed. luke-o is blatantly awful in every way, although that's fairly obvious.
  21. Henry Spencer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    New Order's Movement is an underappreciated album. It's generally dismissed as being an inferior and half developed album that showed the guys having not yet outgrown the shadow of Ian Curtis and Joy Division, but it's got a wonderful atmosphere and memorable songs.
  22. Henry Spencer

    Who is worse?

    Why is this not a poll?
  23. Henry Spencer

    Who is worse?

    Yes, luke-o is worse.
  24. Henry Spencer

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Point, but her voice is the most prominent (to my ears, anyways). Besides, without it, my already paltry list would be diminished further. Anyways, Top five as of late: Echo & The Bunnymen - Nocturnal Me The Replacements - Unsatisfied Blackalicious - Blazing Arrow 13th Floor Elevators - Baby Blue Morrissey - The Last Of The Famous International Playboys
  25. Henry Spencer

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    These Are The Fables is only okay. Really, I just wanted to call attention to To Wild Homes.