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Henry Spencer

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Everything posted by Henry Spencer

  1. Henry Spencer

    Guess the Album

    Czech's was Clouds Taste Metallic by the Flaming Lips. 1st: "Disarm the settlers/The new drunk drivers" 2nd: "Picture my amazement/When it doesn't always pain me/And I will reproduce faster"
  2. Henry Spencer

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    Elephant was great. You people are Philistines.
  3. Henry Spencer

    Guess the Album

    Tupac - All Eyez On Me 1st: "I went out walking the other day/The heat hung wet around my neck" 2nd: "She screams out 'Jack the Ripper!'/Every time I try to give that girl a kiss"
  4. Henry Spencer

    Sounds of the Underground

    I saw Horse The Band live once. I wish I hadn't.
  5. Henry Spencer

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    http://www.shootproject.com/thepit/index.php?showtopic=2255 Meanwhile, over at The Pit...
  6. Henry Spencer

    Let go of your old prejudices.

    Man, If Only was awful.
  7. Henry Spencer

    Let go of your old prejudices.

    This exact thing was fairly common at my high school, for reasons I don't quite understand.
  8. Henry Spencer

    Kurt Vonnegut dead

  9. Henry Spencer

    Where were you when you first heard "MacArthur Park?"

    The one where Lisa is entered into a beauty pageant. One of the girls performs the song on a tabla.
  10. Henry Spencer

    Where were you when you first heard "MacArthur Park?"

    Like many culturally stunted children of my generation, I first heard this song on The Simpsons.
  11. Henry Spencer


    Nickelback - Rockstar
  12. Henry Spencer

    Imus Remarks

  13. Henry Spencer

    "No-skip" Albums

    Nevermind. not the Nirvana album
  14. Henry Spencer

    Imus Remarks

    Autodidacticism? Big words and all!
  15. I regret interrupting this.
  16. Great great great song.
  17. Henry Spencer

    The Youtube thread

    Pretty lame, but bonus points for sneaking the Shaggs in there.
  18. Henry Spencer

    Banky thinks I'm a gimmick

    Ooh, I found somebody I don't like. Carlito Brigante.
  19. Henry Spencer

    Imus Remarks

    Why hasn't this question been answered yet?
  20. Henry Spencer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Ben Folds has his moments.
  21. Henry Spencer

    Banky thinks I'm a gimmick

    But I like Lovecraft/Gary Floyd, too. So much hostility in the music folder.
  22. Henry Spencer

    Banky thinks I'm a gimmick

    So do I! I like Banky, too, though.
  23. Henry Spencer

    Recent Purchases

    We're going to a party! It's a birthday party! It's your birthday party, happy birthday darling! We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much!
  24. Henry Spencer

    The most hated family in America

    I see these people around all the time. They picketed my friend's funeral, in fact (since he was neither gay nor a member of the military, I suppose it must have been a slow day). They all have that strained Jack Nicholson as the Joker smile all the time, from what I can tell.
  25. Henry Spencer

    Imus Remarks

    If this is your definition of moral obligation, then the fact that the majority of Americans aren't up in arms over Three 6 Mafia lets them off the hook, doesn't it?