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Henry Spencer

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Everything posted by Henry Spencer

  1. Henry Spencer

    Top Three Most Played Albums in Recent Weeks

    No, and are the correct answers.
  2. Henry Spencer

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Television - Guiding Light Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely Neil Young - At The Turnstiles Leonard Cohen - Chelsea Hotel #2 Joy Division - Transmission
  3. Henry Spencer

    Albums Listened to Today

    Radiohead - Kid A Love - Forever Changes
  4. Henry Spencer

    Nick Cave

    The only two I have are Murder Ballads and Tender Prey. Both good, but Tender Prey is fantastic.
  5. Henry Spencer

    Paramount releasing Classic Nickelodeon on DVD!

    I had completely forgotten about this show's existance until just now. I'm so getting that if it comes out on DVD.
  6. Henry Spencer

    Recent Purchases

    Supreme Clientele and Only Built 4 Cuban Linx are both better.
  7. Henry Spencer

    First set of bands announced for Warped Tour

    Looks awful. There's not a single band on there that I would see even for free. Sorry I'm late.
  8. Henry Spencer


    I have that album, and I enjoyed it, but there were moments where it reminded me of a synth-heavy My Bloody Valentine ripoff. So, yeah, check out Loveless by My Bloody Valentine, mostly.
  9. Henry Spencer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Hail To The Thief is, with the exception of that stupid Mars Volta album, the most self indulgant rock album to be released in years. It's still a lot better than I remember it being the last time I listened to it, though.
  10. Henry Spencer

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    It also annoys me when I ask my mom why she doesn't like rap music, and she pretends not to be racist in her explanation. Actually, it more amuses me than annoys me.
  11. Henry Spencer

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    People who claim that they listen to everything annoy me. More often than not, these people turn out to hate music.
  12. Any director who's made a lot of movies at all has made a bunch of crap. Hitchcock made a metric assload of movies, and maintained a pretty high consistancy of quality.
  13. Henry Spencer

    What are you listening to right now?

    I had forgotten how execelent this album was.
  14. Henry Spencer

    Top 100 Drummers

    Is Buddy Rich the Danzig of jazz?
  15. Henry Spencer

    Best Album Openers.

    The Smiths - Reel Around The Fountain
  16. Henry Spencer

    The Misfits!

    I was in a Misfits cover band in the seventh grade.
  17. Henry Spencer

    Best Album-Opening Lines

    When you were young, you were the king of carrot flowers. - Neutral Milk Hotel - The King Of Carrot Flowers Pt. 1 - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea I am an American aquarium drinker. - Wilco - I Am Trying To Break Your Heart - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
  18. Henry Spencer

    Top Three Most Played Albums in Recent Weeks

    Hard to describe. Acoustic strum-y, with flashes of marching bands and psychedelic pop. It's extremely emotionally intense, regardless of categorization. Pop bliss. This album will never, ever leave my brain. Inc already mentioned this band. I haven't heard any of their albums except this one, but it's brilliant. Inc already described them well enough, anyways.
  19. Henry Spencer

    Best Album Closers

    Forgot about that one, too. Good song.
  20. Henry Spencer

    Best Album Closers

    Agreed. I may be the only person to find Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands to be pretty dull.
  21. Henry Spencer

    omg he has the *best* coke

    The song quality of Rock DJ is debatable, but the video clearly is a triumph.
  22. Henry Spencer

    Discovery's 100 Greatest Americans

    George Washington Abraham Lincoln Martin Luther King Jr. Thomas Edison Henry David Thoreau
  23. Henry Spencer

    Best Album Closers

    It's not so much a great song (although it is good), but it makes a perfect closing track for the White Album. And if you were to take out Paul's stupid intro to Rocky Raccoon, I'd love it.
  24. Henry Spencer

    Best Album Closers

    Neither is this.
  25. Henry Spencer

    What are you listening to right now?

    Black Flag - Room 13 Such anger.