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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 2/08-2/10

    They actually discussed that scene on the IFC mini-series, Indie Sex (About sex in independent films obviously) in a segment about the MPAA. If he was erect, they would have gotten an R. Of course, it ended up not really mattering since I think that movie went Direct To DVD anyways...
  2. King Kamala

    Let's Talk About...

    Yeah it was Borga who ended the streak, pinning Tatanka with one finger no less. That jerk!
  3. King Kamala

    The Baconator

    My prediction for the rest of this thread; somehow we veer into talking about lentil soup and then it finally ends after a meaningful discussion about Dinty Moore stew.
  4. King Kamala

    Dumbest Comment of the Day at TSM

    bigolsmitty quotes it on the second page of the Radical Opinion thread.
  5. King Kamala


    Then ban majormayhem to balance it out. I'll second this motion. majormayhem1 besmirches the good name of the Maine contingent of posters which consists of me and the guy who started the thread about his landlord coming into his house unannounced.
  6. King Kamala


    Ah shit! I voted no but meant to say yes!
  7. King Kamala

    Radical Opinions

    Isn't Chieng Meng Wang Korean anyways?
  8. King Kamala

    Dumbest Comment of the Day at TSM

    Thank you NYankees for reviving this thread. Baby Licenses will go down in TSM history with The Foodman.
  9. King Kamala

    The Baconator

    I've grown to like tofu more and more over the years but the only thing I really like involving tofu is fried tofu which kind of defeats the purpose.
  10. King Kamala

    What songs should be banned?

    Yeah "Crazy Train" kind of sucks which is weird cause I kind of like solo Ozzy. At least, I like him enough to own a greatest hits compilation. Has "Centerfield" by John Fogerty been mentioned? Hearing it tends to be one of the few terrible things about going to a professional baseball game.
  11. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Did Lauryn Hill ever record an official followup to The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill? I know she had that weird episode of MTV Unplugged but I don't remember anything else since that.
  12. King Kamala

    The Writer's Strike

    Variety says SNL will be back on February 23rd.
  13. King Kamala

    Let's Talk About...

    I'll start the thread tomorrow afternoon after class after I get out class (Around 5ish). I'll let this thread play out a bit more.
  14. But how big of a role did it play? That's a question, I really don't know the answer. From my recollection of reading Loose Balls (Great book about the history of the ABA), it played a big part for some teams and little for others. I agree, it's kind of an odd thing to knock a guy on.
  15. The three point shot rule was in effect in the ABA.
  16. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 2/08-2/10

    I take most of you haven't seen Joseph Gordon-Leavitt's recent movies (Brick, Mysterious Skin, The Lookout). Dude, can flat out act.
  17. King Kamala

    Regional Differences In Fast Food Joints

    Not many Canadians visit down your way? I head over to Buffalo all the time and they are fucking everywhere. They must come during the summer or something because there are 3 or 4 within a 30 minute drive of my house but none of 'em are ever anywhere near packed.
  18. King Kamala

    The Baconator

    Fried eggplant is one of my two or three favorite pizza toppings. Lord is it good.
  19. King Kamala

    What songs should be banned?

    The only version of Jingle Bell Rock I can tolerate is Hall and Oates.
  20. King Kamala

    What songs should be banned?

    Fuck you! And if anybody mentions "Wedding Bell Blues", I'll cut them! "Up, Up, and Away" is fair game
  21. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 2/08-2/10

    I think ugly women are probably the most discriminated people in Hollywood? When's the last time there was a movie where one of the leads was an ugly chick that was actually played by an ugly chick? They're all played by hot women! I want protests in the street dammit!
  22. King Kamala

    Roy Scheider, dead at 75.

    Wow didn't see that one coming. Of course I didn't know he was that old. RIP Roy
  23. King Kamala

    This week in the NBA

    The Heat have fans? I watched about five minutes of the game today and it seemed like the majority of the crowd were Laker fans.
  24. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 2/08-2/10

    I don't think Christina Lakin's being offered a ton of roles these days, Marv.
  25. King Kamala

    Dumbest Comment of the Day at TSM

    That hypocrite! For shame Kawalimus! For shame!