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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    Chinese Democracy

    I think the record company is wondering how to market its release because there's little to no chance of the thing being profitable. . I mean this is a record that supposidely cost $15 million and hardly anybody buys CDs anymore.
  2. King Kamala

    How to Not Throw Up When You Have Drank Too Much

    I think I've heard variations of that same rumor with Elton John and David Bowie in there instead of Stewart.
  3. King Kamala

    How to Not Throw Up When You Have Drank Too Much

    I don't know if a single song has killed a career quite as violently as "Thank You" killed Alanis Morissette's
  4. King Kamala

    The Youtube Thread

    Now here's some for all two of you coronation marks. King Duggan's coronation(Love Andre The Giant consoling Haku backstage) And on the flip side Haku's coronation The Brooklyn Brawler makes his debut and decks Gorilla Monsoon and The Red Rooster
  5. King Kamala

    The Old School questions thread

    IIRC, he was The Taylor Made Man back when he was in The York Foundation as Terrance Taylor around '91. The York Foundation were to me like yuppie nerd versions of The Million Dollar Man.
  6. King Kamala

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    Yeah I can't wait to see how that turns out. Anyway 377. Conan saves Lincoln from being assasinated!
  7. I vaguely recall Al stating his appreciation for the musical stylings of Tori Amos. Edit: Well there ya go, my vague recollections were right.
  8. theintesifier lives up to his name and exposes the truth. Czech is afraid of black people!
  9. Lest we forget that Lushus doesn't care about the tournament! He really doesn't. Milky- Poor alkeiper squeaks into the Final Four only to get crushed by The Mighty Milky. Both are Top 10 posters but Milky is Top 3 for me so he gets the win. King- I always like Cinderella stories and Czech told us not to vote for him so he'll get his wish.
  10. I like OK Go. I guess it's one of the things I have in common with Mik. Does this mean we can vote yet?
  11. What does it matter? I've been out of the tournament for a while! And I beat you fair and square, asshat!
  12. King Kamala

    Worst Excuse for a Face Turn

    No, it's because he hates fat Japanese guys like Yoko.
  13. King Kamala


    I kind of like the one where the emo kid is like "Wuh wuh what?" and I liked the first one but they're really driving it into the ground.
  14. King Kamala

    Worst excuse for a heel turn

    Albert turned on Scotty 2 Hotty and broke up their short lived tag team because Scotty made him dance. It happened shortly after WrestleMania X-8.
  15. Hey I got a write in vote!
  16. King Kamala

    The Royal Rumble Prediction Game

    Is Flair even going to be in the Rumble? He's facing MVP on the undercard but guys in the undercard have been in The Rumble in years past.
  17. Alaska has an ECHL team that's been around for about a decade.
  18. King Kamala

    Kong vs. Angle

    I hate to nitpick but Storm was the U.S. Champ in WCW several times. I'll grant you WCW was on its deathbed at the time and the U.S. title's prestige had dropped but it was still a solid mid-card title and IIRC, he even main evented a Nitro or two. That's not even mentioning his ECW or SMW runs and his brief runs with the IC and Tag Team titles in WWE.
  19. King Kamala

    Final Resolution

    Anybody care? I just wanted to say I started a PPV thread. I don't know why.
  20. Since Al didn't ask a question, I'll ask one. Do you think professional baseball could ever be successful in Florida?
  21. King Kamala

    The Royal Rumble Prediction Game

    Why the hell not? 1. Who Will Win The 2008 Royal Rumble? The Undertaker 2. Who Will Be The Runner Up? Batista 3. Who Will Be The Iron Man? Kennedy 4. Who Will Last The Shortest? Santino 5. Who Will Have The Most Eliminated Opponents? Umaga 6. Who will draw #1 and #2? Hardcore Holly and Shelton Benjamin 7. Who will draw the most successful winning entry of #27? Mark Henry 8. Who Will Draw the #30 spot? Khali 9. What # will the eventual winner draw? #24 10. Will there be any unannounced entrants? If yes, who will they be? Yes, Lashley. 11. Will the endurance record of 62:12 be broken? If so by whom? Nope 12. The final six men eliminated will compete in the second chance Elimination Chamber next month, who will those people be? The Undertaker, Triple H, Batista, Kennedy, Umaga, Lashley 13. How many instances of interference by non-competitors will we see? None 14. How many people will Hornswoggle eliminate: 1 15. Will anyone bleed? If so, who? No
  22. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    That's why I put it in quotation marks. I was being somehwat sarcastic. Besides people I've seen on TV is a bit wordy.
  23. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    All I have to add about The Czech Republic (the place not the poster) is that my brother got his laundry stolen there when he was studying abroad. And for lack of a better place to post this I saw not one but two "celebrities" last night within a hour span in Boston. Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe and (more importantly) Around The Horn at Mike's Pastry and Gary Gulman from Last Comic Standing and Tourgasm at Fanueil Hall. Unfortunately, I didn't get to tell Gary Gulman that Tourgasm sucked.
  24. King Kamala

    Campaign 2008

    It really crushes me that majormayhem1 is the first poster in years to come from the same state as me and is absolutely downright retarded. I hope my five years of middling posting has proven to you that not all of us in the Pinetree State are dumb as he is.
  25. King Kamala

    Recent Purchases

    Ah, so the 2nd most expensive record store chain got bought out by the most expensive. *shrugs*. I rarely shop at either.