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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    Chinese Democracy

    Rumor has it, $13 million.
  2. King Kamala

    Worst excuse for a heel turn

    Power and Glory form Doesn't really explain why they turned heel but here it is. Funny to hear Jesse Ventura ask McMahon if he think there are two Ultimate Warriors at the beginning. I think this begins and ends with "You Made Me Dance!"
  3. I bet if any of us are still around for the board's 10th anniversary, there probably will be a Hall of Fame.
  4. I'd say even though he's out at the moment, NBA-wise, Elton Brand holds the position of best player on a consistantly awful team. Sure, The Clippers had that decent playoff run three years back but since then its been back to mediocrity. I'm not entirely unconvinced that the Spurs wouldn't be as successful with Brand on the team instead of Tim Duncan. Here's sort of an oxymoronic question but bear with me; which team in any of the four major sports (NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA) was the worst World Champion of all time?
  5. Venkman: I love Milky as much as the next guy but AoO was right, there's something inherently wrong about declaring him the Best Poster. I agree with Cheech's assesment. And Venkman is a damn fine poster. Definitely deserving of an Elite 8 spot and I think worthy to upset the mighty Milky. King: Close one. I decided to support King because I enjoy his blog and he knocked me out of the tournament. But Slayer's a damn good poster in his own right. Czech: I wanted to vote all upsets this round but as much as I like Vitamin X, I just can't consciously vote him over Czech. Alkeiper: Al is still one of the best posters in the sports folder and while I think Black Lushus seems like a hell of a nice guy, I think even he'd agree that Al is a much better poster.
  6. King Kamala

    Brad Renfro died

    Nowadays yes. Haim is pudgy one who isn't sober and Feldman is the little one who is.
  7. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Fun fact: ^ is TSM's #1 writer of fun facts.
  8. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    My best friend in 2nd grade convinced everybody (self included) that his dad was The President of Cartoon Network. Thankfully, I was the one who exposed him for the pathological liar he was (and last I knew, still is). Last I heard about that kid, was last summer when a mutual acquaintance told me my former BFF had a massive porn collection.
  9. What'd they cut out? And Peter Berg is directing this? Sign me up, I'll be there opening weekend.
  10. Fun "mixing up name" story: My sophomore biology teacher flipped out at my friend for thinking Carl Sagan was the lead singer of Steely Dan.
  11. Isn't that the name of the singer of Modest Mouse?
  12. Fun Fact: I second the idea of a Fun Facts thread.
  13. I still feel bad for taking part in scaring JN News away from this board. He may never post on another message board cause we made fun of his e-fed!
  14. King Kamala

    Brad Renfro died

    I thought he was already dead. He was a pretty underrated talent. RIP.
  15. King Kamala

    What are you listening to right now?

    Bob Dylan- "Blind Willie McTell"
  16. King Kamala

    Recent Purchases

    Well the local Strawberries is going out of business on Thursday so I decided to take advantage of their everything must go sale. It really wasn't good at all. 20% for all new (not used) CDs and DVDs. That's not that good and Strawberries was always the 2nd most expensive record store behind FYE but I expected a little more since they're closing in 48 hours and still had a lot of their shit left. So I didn't quite get the loot but I did expand my Dylan collection with.... This is on the whole rather forgettable but nowhere near as terrible as the little I've heard of other Dylan stuff from the 80s. "Sweetheart Like You", "License To Kill", and "Jokerman" are all pretty good but the rest is kind of forgettable and marred by cheesy 80s production. I haven't listened to this one. I don't own/haven't heard any of his latest trilogy (this one, Love and Theft, Modern Times so I figured I'd better start with this one. That and well, it was his only studio album in the used section. Couldn't beat the price at $6...
  17. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    A passionate hatred for TaigaStar is one thing me and Carlito can agree on.
  18. Tampa Bay Devil Rays. They have no history, have always been kind of crappy, they have a shitty stadium and despite some good prospects, don't have much potential for the future thanks to being in the tough AL East. The Arizona Cardinals are a pretty close second but they've had decent years here and there and always seem to be one year away from being successful. Will we ever see another professional two sport athlete?
  19. King Kamala

    Terribly inaccurate wrestling predictions you made

    I thought latter day WCW Saturday Night mainstays "Hardwork" Bobby Walker and Kid Romeo would get bumped up to Nitro and Thunder and get sizable pushes. Romeo did have a nice, short run teaming up with Elix Skipper but they formed about a month or two before WCW closed so we all know how that turned out. IIRC, Bobby Walker was one of the guys, who along with Sonny Onoo sued WCW for racial discrimination. Unfortunatley, I was right with my prediction that "Tarzan" Chuck Palumbo would get pushed up to the A shows and recieve a push.
  20. Winipeg or Quebec City, cause hockey already worked at both places at one time. I can't think of any American cities that really deserve an NHL franchise that doesn't already have one. Of the three major sports (baseball, basketball, football), which is the most likely to have a successful second professional league?
  21. I'm not the biggest Will Smith fan but this one looks pretty damn funny. Plus it's got Jason Bateman in a supporting role. Even if it isn't that good, It'll probably kick Superhero!'s ass in terms of superhero spoof movies.
  22. Cheech's former avatar, Don Mossi has to be up there. As for current players, Sam Cassell and Charlie Villanueva are certainly up there. Question: Do you think Los Angeles will ever get another NFL team?
  23. I'm going to guess The Supersonics. They don't seem to have any sort of plan for a new arena unlike The Marlins. They don't have a post-disaster sympathy effect like The Hornets and they aren't semi-successful like The Jags. It's only a matter of time. In a similar vein, which defunct sports team do you miss the most?
  24. King Kamala

    The Youtube Thread

    In honor of Monday Night Raw being on right now, a tribute to mid 90s Jerry Lawler! Lawler falls off his throne (carried by Duane Gill, a young D Lo Brown and some less notable jobbers) and Macho Man laughs and laughs Jerry Lawler Vs Vince McMahon----the Karate Fighters battle (Complete with bad Todd Pettingil commentary) Tiny Tim on The King's Court