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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. The 2007 World's Strongest Man competition is on ESPN! That's a perfectly masculine substitute! Seeing guys pick up trucks and shit.
  2. Come on Carlito, everyone knows The Principal was a way better "high school teacher turned vigilante tries to drive evil drug dealers out of the high school" movie. I hate Jim Belushi as much as the next guy but he rocks the shit in that one.
  3. The Prince and Me is a damn weird movie to make a sequel too. The first one didn't do that well nor did it get any sort of acclaim. Not as bizarre as the fact that there are two sequels to The Skulls or numerous The Substitute sequels but weird nonetheless. I guess Czechers wasn't kidding around when he said he wouldn't watch the NFL playoffs. But surely there must be something better on than The Prince and Me 2!
  4. King Kamala

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    I liked Disco in WCW. He was a perfectly competent and more often than not, entertaining comedy wrestler but man, these blogs are turning him into the new Tom Zenk. But I still love The Boogie Knights!
  5. Leave it to Matt Young to have a serious argument with EHME and in the process, besmirch the good name of this tournament. Thanks Matt! And I've been away from this board for five hours and now EHME is popular? That's certainly strange. I'm never leaving this board again!
  6. King Kamala

    Your ultimate pizza

    I was just about to say I've never had any sort of fish on pizza but then I remembered an awesome pizza I had with salmon and capers with white (I assume) alfredo sauce. It owned.
  7. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Is resigning himself to the fact that his one man mission of getting this thing back on track may be futile. I guess they don't get Red Baron frozen pizzas in Canada.
  8. King Kamala

    You Don't Mess With The Zohan

    I didn't hate Superstar, I didn't like it but I didn't hate it. Then again, the last time I saw it was 14 so my opinion has almost definitely changed since then. I've seen a lot of shitty Chevy Chase and Steve Martin movies and none of them surpass It's Pat in shittiness. Eddie Murphy on the other hand? What I've seen of The Adventures of Pluto Nash does and Norbit also likely does.
  9. King Kamala

    You Don't Mess With The Zohan

    Trailer Oh boy. This one is co-written by Judd Apatow too. Even by Adam Sandler standards, this one looks terrible.
  10. The #1 reason Hot Fuzz is awesome- Timothy Fucking Dalton. That guy should play over the top villains from now on. He owned.
  11. It's the Clash of The Canucks!
  12. I really have a hard time explaining why something's funny to someone who didn't think it was funny (in fact, it's downright impossible) but I just thought they really aped Michael Bay's style well. Have you seen Shaun of The Dead?
  13. King Kamala

    Terribly inaccurate wrestling predictions you made

    I thought the WWA had the best shot at becoming the WWF/E's first competitor after WCW's death. I thought TNA had no shot at lasting with their newfangled weekly PPVs. Boy was I wrong. Now barely anybody but me remembers WWA!
  14. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Voted against me out of laziness. Still seems like a cool dude though.
  15. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Well, I've changed the name!
  16. Milky: No offense to Man in Blak who is a pretty cool dude but this is another squash for the mighty Milky. Ripper: A real close one, both are mainstays here and great posters but it came down to the fact Agent voted against me. Dr. Venkman: One of my favorites. Canadian Guitarist is pretty good but Venkman in a walk. kkktookmybabyaway: Matt Young doesn't really deserve to advance after last round's debacle. Me: Sorry NYU King: Another toss up. I just wanted to see the Clash of Two Kings in Round 3 Slayer: Slayer has just been around more this year and is a rock here. Treble: Another toss up here, can't explain why I really went with Treble. Think I just like him a bit more. Czech: I like Alfdogg but I really like Czech Kinetic: My 2nd favorite poster here Gary Floyd: Nice guy. I like Vitamin X too so this was a close one. El Dandy: Another coin toss one. Black Lushus Incadenza:The master beats the pupil alkeiper: See above Scroby: Eh, I don't really know either that well. But I like Scroby's blog
  17. Who doesn't like rock and roll legend Gary U.S. Bonds?
  18. The National Nightmare is Over!!!
  19. I'm Matt Youngin' it ba da ba ba ba
  20. Dammit Czech, post these results. I got to get my ass up early tomorrow and I can't sleep not knowing these results!
  21. The validity of this tournament has been shot straight to hell!
  22. Hmmm, the homophobe and the sexual fetishist. I smell a sitcom.
  23. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Kamala's Torn Pec Kamalakeiper