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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    The Wire: Final Season

    Interesting bit...I happened to catch the last ten minutes of the half hour special hyping Season 5 and they showed a brief clip of Larry Gillard Jr. (DeAngelo Barksdale) talking about the new season. Maybe someone recieves a ghostly apparition this season.
  2. King Kamala

    What did you do today?

    Woke Up, cooked up some frozen Mozarella Sticks just to clear out the freezer, watched Pennies From Heaven (Steve Martin movie), visited some friends, went home, ate dinner and now I'm here.
  3. King Kamala

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    I don't think Gorilla was the best wrestling announcer of his time. I'd rank Solie, Lance Russell, and 80s JR all ahead of him easily. However, even though I'm exposed to far more wrestling than I was as a youth in the early-mid 90s, for my money, Monsoon and Heenan is still the most entertaining commentary team I've ever heard.
  4. King Kamala

    So, hey, cockfags.

    She's back! How long does she last this time? I don't think she'll make it a day.
  5. King Kamala

    What are you listening to right now?

    Feist- Inside and Out
  6. King Kamala

    What are you giving for Christmas?

    I got Mom and Dad tickets to see James Hunter (some British dude who does 50s old R&B covers and originals that sound like 50s R&B songs) on March 7th in New Hampshire. I got the older brother a $30 gift certificate to Bull Moose (a local music/DVD/video games store chain) I got the younger brother Superman/Metallo Rock 'Em,Sock 'Em robots. I got the best friend The Wire Season 1 on DVD.
  7. King Kamala

    The Youtube Thread

    Some WCW 2000 shite Yapipi! Mancow! Battledome! Kwee Wee! And The Monster Meng!
  8. King Kamala

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    I'll agree with you Vince was a crappy announcer in his last few years. But when he was with Ventura in the mid to late 80s and during the pre-expansion era, he wasn't bad. No better or worse than Michael Cole. It's funny how Gorilla is so universally beloved these days because I remember someone posted some Wrestling Observer readers polls from the 80s here a while back and he was always voted worst announcer for some reason. It must have been solely because he was associated with The WWF's "circus act" of the time cause Gorilla was in no way imaginable than Vince and probably most wrestling announcers.
  9. King Kamala

    All Kinda Farts

    Amusing fart story; one Christmas Eve, I was ripping some nasty farts during my mother's extended family's Christmas party. It got so bad when everybody was opening presents that my dad forced me to leave the house and locked the door on me. Oh and it was freezing rain outside. I blame it all on the fact that I ate Spaghetti-Os that afternoon and I've never eaten them again. Yeah...I don't think that story really translates well over a forum. Oh well.
  10. King Kamala

    All Kinda Farts

    Hey man, farts are funny
  11. King Kamala


    Don't they still have Fruit Coolatas? I think they're pretty terrible but they're cold...
  12. King Kamala

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - December 2007

    Thinking about it there was a lot more stuff in '98 that I liked then I remember (Crazy Eddie Guerrero, Malenko/Jericho feud, the mini Flair/Bret Hart feud, Booker/Benoit Best of 7, DDP/Raven's Flock/Benoit feud) but yeah any goodwill they built in the first six or seven months was lost in the last half of the year which I still maintain is less enjoyable than 2000 WCW. And WCW in the first part of '97 is overrated. Looking back at it, the only stuff I remember liking in specific was the DDP/Savage feud. I'm sure the cruiserweights did some good stuff but the only thing I remember being really good was the surprisingly good push of DDP.
  13. King Kamala


    Speaking of coffee and donut places, Dunkin Donuts has Milky Way Hot Chocolate. I highly recommend it. Best thing I've had at Dunkin Donuts in a long time. Oh and Dunkin Donuts also now has hash browns but I didn't get any but I'm mildly interested in getting some in the near future.
  14. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    ^Our subtitles are the only reminder on this forum of the great poster that once roamed the TNA folder known as Jearan.
  15. King Kamala

    The Youtube Thread

    Here's some more cool stuff from Memphis. Randy Savage and Jerry Lawler Vs King Kong Bundy and Rick Rude (Joined In Progress) Part 2 Funk calls Lawler a son of a jackass and a lover of chickens All this leads to... Jerry Lawler Vs Terry Funk in a Empty Arena Match Part 2 of the Empty Arena match Gotta love Funk's cursing and crazy ranting. Not very good quality unfortunately
  16. King Kamala

    Wrestling References

    Ladies and gentlemen, the female Razateca!
  17. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    ^Makes a damn fine frozen pizza
  18. The cartoon is a little bit more vulgar but not much. The comic strip is so much dirtier than anything else in the funnies.
  19. King Kamala

    Wrestling References

    The weekend sports anchor for the local NBC affliate always used to host all our pep rallies during high school and his name was Lee Goldberg and inevitably I would help lead a "Goldberg" chant. The gym turned into an episode of Nitro circa 1998 during every pep rally.
  20. King Kamala

    The Youtube Thread

    Here's one to celebrate the holiday seasons. The 1976 Memphis Wrestling Christmas Special featuring Jerry Lawler, Rocky Johnson, Tojo Yamamoto and Bill Dundee amongst other old school wrestlers. Oh yeah and The Rock makes his TV debut. (Featuring a three year old Rock)
  21. King Kamala

    Wrestling References

    There's a residence hall at the college I go to named Scott Hall. I giggle everytime I walk or drive by it.
  22. King Kamala

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    People still read MAD magazine? I was going to say MAD Magazine had MAD TV quality satire but it should be the other way around. Either way it sucks. I bought an issue last year for something to read on a train from Boston to NYC and I honestly believe a 12 year old me could have written funnier shit.....but I digress. Now back to the topic at hand...
  23. King Kamala

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - December 2007

    '98 is my second least favorite year of WCW behind '99 (Granted, I've seen very little of early 90s WCW). Weirdly enough at the time as a mark, I fucking loved it. I loved the nonsensical Wolfpac Vs Hollywood storyline and the fact that Nitro was three hours. But looking back at that stuff- yeck. It's all terrible outside of some cruiserweight stuff, Jericho's promos and Flair's comeback promo. Call me crazy but I liked 2000 WCW better than '98 or '99. Sure, they were all incredibly shitty but 2000 was a more interesting and entertaining trainwreck IMHO. And I had just started enjoying WCW again in the first few months of '01 before WWF bought it.
  24. King Kamala

    So, hey, cockfags.

    Why bother at this point? She always comes back to make fun of our "shitty forum".