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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    So basically, he's like Rikishi circa 2000 except he's black and he's ripped?
  2. King Kamala

    VH1's Top 100 songs of the 90s

    Wait is Boyz II Men even on this list?
  3. King Kamala

    TSM Death Pool - 2008

    1.Muhammad Ali 2.B.B. King 3.Jim Neidhart 4.David Oreck 5.Britney Spears 6.Pete Doherty 7.Bob Cousy 8.Eli Wallach 9.Richard Dawson 10.Shane Douglas 11.Sean Waltman 12.Larry Hagman (Best Bet) 13.Jimmy Carter 14. Blackjack Mulligan 15. George McGovern 16.Kirk Douglas 17.Andy Griffith 18. Jeff Conaway 19. Artie Lange 20. Ruby Dee
  4. King Kamala

    The Youtube Thread

    Yeah, they mention it on commentary. Amusing to hear JR as a straight shooting heel. I may have posted this in the thread before but worth bringing up again as this match has always amused me. Sid Vs Hercules from the 2-23-92 MSG show. Hercules' last match in the WWF to my knowledge. Watch as Herc no-sells pretty much all of Sid's offense Johnny Polo gives us a tour of the WWF headquarters.
  5. King Kamala

    VH1's Top 100 songs of the 90s

    If they're going to put a pop song by a male vocal group in the top 5, they should have put "End Of The Road" by Boyz II Men .
  6. King Kamala

    Led Zeppelin played tonight

    Anybody here can trash Zeppelin all they want even though I enjoy them but if anybody trashes Creedance can go fuck themselves!
  7. King Kamala

    Grammy nominees

    Try 1966 I mean The Starland Vocal Band won Best New Artist for god's sake at one point. Edit: Well I don't know how the fuck I did that but I blame it on fatigue.
  8. King Kamala

    Grammy nominees

    Try 1966
  9. King Kamala

    VH1's Top 100 songs of the 90s

    As one of this board's foremost experts on 90s mainstream music, that is one terrible list. I didn't even know VH1 still did these countdowns. Hell, they barely still do music related programming.
  10. King Kamala

    Led Zeppelin played tonight

    I almost saw The Steve Miller Band with The New Cars this summer but there was a severe thunderstorm so my plans went awry. Slowly, I'm coming to realize my niche on this board is guy who talks a lot about late 90s alternative rock and crappy classic rock. Every post I make here seems to pertain to one or the other.
  11. King Kamala

    Severe ass kickings in the NFL this week.

    Marvin must be THRILLED with that news.
  12. King Kamala

    The Youtube Thread

    Part 2 Part 3 Whose idea was it to put a heel Vs heel match on as the opener? Shawn Michaels Vs Steve Austin- Monday Night Raw 10-14-96
  13. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Is in the TSM chatroom whenever I seem to go in there.
  14. King Kamala

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - December 2007

    http://slashwrestling.com/monday/PTW.930104.final Here's a recap of the last episode of Prime Time on January 4th, 1993 with featured bouts The Headshrinkers Vs Tito and Virgil and Shawn Michaels Vs Skinner for the WWF Intercontinental title..
  15. King Kamala

    Ike Turner Dead

    "Rocket '88" is often credited as the first rock and roll record and that was years before he was with Tina. Yeah he's an asshole and I don't want to excuse any of his actions whatsoever, but I also think he's one of the unsung originators of rock and roll.
  16. King Kamala

    Right Said Thread/I'm Board Da Ba Dee Da Ba Di

    You know what? I actually like Sugar Ray. Not enough that I'd buy all of their albums but enough that I'd probably buy their Greatest Hits if I found it for cheap enough. And I'm not even ashamed to admit I like that band. Even if the "rapper/DJ" in the group was kind of annoying and superflouous.
  17. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Recognizes my culinary expertise
  18. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Frequenter of the TSM chatroom
  19. King Kamala

    I am a roadie for Skid Row now.

    At first I didn't believe it but what kind of person would make this type of shit up? Congratulations Matt.
  20. King Kamala

    Speed Racer movie

    That's my sentiment. I don't like crappy movies based on TV shows but I hate people who complain about movies based on TV shows that weren't that good to begin (Charlie's Angels, Dukes of Hazzard) with almost as much.
  21. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    ^My personal favorite of the WWE 24/7 thread contingent (Sorry Black Lushus)
  22. Amy Winehouse is the only current artist my parents listen to. And they seem to listen to them at some point whenever I'm home. At the very least, it's certainly better than the two or three months where all they listened to was Joss Stone..
  23. King Kamala

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    His avatar picture is of a dictator that for a long time ruled "the homeland" of my avatar.
  24. I got a Patti Smith vibe from the bra and jeans picture myself.
  25. King Kamala

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Agreed. I watched it tonight out of boredom and maybe it was my low expectations but I really enjoyed it.