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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Chan Ho Park has a blog!? link plz
  2. King Kamala

    Since Czech questioned Satellite Radio...

    Whoopsies double post
  3. King Kamala

    Since Czech questioned Satellite Radio...

    It's amazing how late some people were to hop on the DVD bandwagon. Heck, there's probably a very small minority out there who still refuse to get a DVD player.
  4. King Kamala

    Since Czech questioned Satellite Radio...

    Same argument I remember my friend making when I was arguing with him about whether DVDs or VHS were better back in '99 or '00. He was arguing for VHS. My friend is kind of an idiot.
  5. King Kamala

    Albums Listened to Today

    Issac Hayes- Hot Buttered Soul The Zombies- Greatest Hits
  6. King Kamala

    30 Rock

    Well I liked it. And is it just me or is 30 Rock by far the most inconsistant sitcom on television? Every time I watch it, it's either really good or awful. There's a little bit more of the former luckily but not much. Tonight's episode was terrible.
  7. King Kamala

    30 Rock

    Maybe it's just me but I like how Earl worked around it. Heck I liked Earl in general tonight.
  8. King Kamala

    Pizza Hut

    Worst pizza I ever ate was whenever my pops got the Boboli pizza kit with the crust and the sauce. The Boboli crust was awful in itself but the sauce was just as bad. No topping or cheese could save that abomination! Yuck! 2nd worst was Shaws store brand pizza. Salty as fuck. Though nothing Shaws store brand is any good. Shaws is a shitty grocery store in general. I think Consumer Reports rated it 3rd or 4th worst out of 25 or so grocery stores.
  9. King Kamala

    Since Czech questioned Satellite Radio...

    I'm surprised Marvin hasn't written an angry three paragraph response yet. And HD baseball (and football and hockey) is a thing of beauty.
  10. King Kamala

    Robert Goulet died today

    (paraphrasing here) Goulet: Are you sure this is Burns' Casino? I want to talk to my manager about this. Nelson: Your manager says you should shut up. Goulet: Vera said that? And of course him singing "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells", swinging the microphone and accidentally hitting Millhouse in the head with it. That was like the funniest shit ever when I was 8.
  11. Best friend lent me Brotherhood:Season One on DVD. It's really not good. It has its moments once in a while but the acting is atrocious and the writing isn'tmuch better. There isn't a single likeable character on the damn show. Sure, The Wire doesn't have very many likeable characters but almost all of them are compelling. Brotherhood has just a bunch of one dimensional jerks. And Ethan Embry as a streetwise cop is downright awful casting. And Jason Issacs can't do an accent worth shit. Damn my friend! I introduce him to The Wire and he introduces me to this. Damn him! That bastard!
  12. King Kamala

    Campaign 2008

    Probably cause Kucinich looks like a Keebler Elf. The guy just screams "fringe candidate" while Paul has some little sliver of a chance of winning. Idiots want to back people who might have a shot at winning the nomination.
  13. King Kamala

    Worst President Ever?

    Should've remembered that cause my 11th grade U.S. history teacher was one of said conservatives. Cool guy though despite some of his ludicrous opinions. I don't know if I'd count TR as a universally beloved president due to the aforementioned imperialism but he probably is the closest thing to one besides Washington, Lincoln, and maybe Jefferson.
  14. King Kamala

    "Interstate Love Song" is the last great American rock and r

    I like Audioslave too but I don't know if I'm respectable.
  15. King Kamala

    Did we recently discuss Steely Dan?

    Amusingly enough- one of my dad's least favorite bands alongside Buckingham and Nicks era Fleetwood Mac (He loves the old blues band and hated it when they sold out). He really likes "Dirty Work" though and he was upset when I told him that it was a Steely Dan song when we were driving in the car, listening to it on the radio. As for my opinions on Steely Dan but depending on my mood, I either really dig them or am somewhat annoyed by them. That goes for most popular 70s and 80s soft rock acts (Hall and Oates come to mind)
  16. King Kamala

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - November 2007

    Benoit definitely wasn't on the card for '98. He may have somehow been involved with Flair-Bischoff. That's a really lame show outside of the first two matches. I mean Prince Iaukea-Norman Smiley and Jerry Flynn and Fit Finlay Vs nWo B-teamers on what's supposed to be the biggest show of the year? What the fuck. Plus you've got the cheesy as hell ending to the main event, Bischoff beating Flair (and then having the blowoff for the feud on Nitro the next night), and Jericho jobbing to Konnan. It's easy to see why WCW went bust, they always managed to fuck up their big show.
  17. King Kamala

    Worst President Ever?

    FDR maybe? Teddy Roosevelt is probably my favorite- not just for the stuff he did in office but just because he seemed like such a badass.
  18. King Kamala


    Back home, radio is generally shit. The classic rock station has some cool stuff late at night and occassionally during the day. They do the A to Z thing once or twice a year, where they take up two or three weeks playing "every song" from A to Z and there's usually a good deal of deep cuts. And they just had a Top 500 Classic Rock albums of All Time Countdown where for the Top 250 or so they played at least 3 or 4 songs and for the Top 100, they played entire sides and for the Top 10, they played the whole album. Good stuff. I like the oldies station here in doses. Up here where I go to college, I can get three stations on the shitty radio I have; two country and a stereotypical small town radio station that plays "The Best of the 60s,70s and 80s" and has a daily program where people try to sell shit. That's what I get for going colleges in the sticks.
  19. King Kamala

    Best Song of 2007

    But, Wikipedia insists the album was released January 23, 2007!?! Yeah but they first started (over)playing those commercials during the '06 World Series. I remember this fondly because Mellencamp and Little Big Town were going to perform it before one of the games in Detroit but Mellencamp was like 5-10 minutes late cause he was in the bathroom taking a dump.
  20. King Kamala

    "Interstate Love Song" is the last great American rock and r

    Only thing I really remember about that song is the video creeped the hell out of me as an 8 year old for some reason. My only other memories of STP are from their somewhat unsuccessful comeback attempt later in the 90s.
  21. King Kamala

    The What If Topic...

    Sorry if this has been asked but what if.... Jim Ross is appointed executive producer of WCW in 1993 instead of Eric Bischoff?
  22. King Kamala

    Pizza Hut

    My favorite frozen pizzas are Red Barron Personal Pan pizzas but surprisingly my second favorite is the local generic store brand pizza at Hannaford's. Surprisingly decent. Though I'm a huge fan of almost any frozen pizzas. I lived on Tony's Pizzas when I was a youth.
  23. King Kamala


    I'll take; Saints by 20 Bills by 6 Titans by 3 Steelers by 14 Redskins by 6 Panthers by 10 Chiefs by 10 Packers by 6 Yuck...Ravens by 3 Cardinals by 6 Da Bears by 10 Cowboys by 3 Colts by 17 Seahawks by 6
  24. King Kamala


    Seems like The MNF games get worse as the season goes on. We've got Pittsburgh/Miami to look forward to later in the season....