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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    Rodman Down Under

    Watched the first segment of this (not even the first match) and I have to say I'm mildly impressed by the production levels on this PPV. Not WWF or WCW level but just a rung below it (and a rung above the original ECW and about 50 rungs above Heroes of Wrestling). There's also a surprisingly large crowd (in the 10,000 range), I guess Australians are starved for entertainment. Also mildly interesting to note that Dennis Rodman is playing the heel and Curt Hennig the face. And the commentary thus far is horrible. DiBiase is playing a lame babyface color commentator and the other announcer is awful, not as bad as the Heroes of Wrestling guy but almost. And it's so obvious that they dubbed the commentary in from the States later on and that they're standing in front of a green screen during the "live shots". Just really really cheesy. And ten minutes in, there have been two attacks at a press conference. Looking forward to watching the rest tomorrow morning.
  2. Saw 3:10 to Yuma, really enjoyable movie with great performances by Bale and Crowe as well as Ben Foster but the main question on my mind after seeing it is what was up with Luke Wilson's part? He had like four lines. I'd like to think he told his agent "Man, Owen had a lot of fun doing Shanghai Noon, I want to do a western! I don't care how small the part is, if there's a part available in a western, I'll take it!'
  3. King Kamala

    Good shows gone bad...

    I always thought Malcolm In The Middle was pretty good for the first season or so but then some point, midway through the 2nd season, I realized every god damn episode was the same. I don't think it was the matter of the show getting worse (though it certainly did from the later episodes I've seen), it was a matter of the show following the same formula every fucking episode.
  4. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Saw the Bob Dylan/Elvis Costello show last night. It managed to be a pretty good show despite the main portion being the worst of the three Dylan concerts I've gone to (It still had its share of moments but the first half hour of the set was dullsville U.S.A.) and Elvis Costello playing for only 45 minutes. Costello deserves at least an hour. Here's Dylan's setlist in case anyone's curious; Portland, Maine Cumberland County Civic Center October 4, 2007 1. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Bob on electric guitar) 2. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (Bob on electric guitar) 3. Watching The River Flow (Bob on electric guitar) 4. Chimes Of Freedom (Bob on electric keyboard and harp) 5. Rollin' And Tumblin' (Bob on electric keyboard, Donnie on electric mandolin) 6. Workingman's Blues #2 (Bob on electric keyboard) 7. Cry A While (Bob on electric keyboard, Donnie on banjo) 8. When The Deal Goes Down (Bob on electric keyboar and harp) 9. Tangled Up In Blue (Bob on electric keyboard and harp) 10. Spirit On The Water (Bob on electric keyboard) 11. Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on electric keyboard) 12. Ain't Talkin' (Bob on electric keyboard) 13. Summer Days (Bob on electric keyboard) 14. Masters Of War (Bob on electric keyboard) (encore) 15. Thunder On The Mountain (Bob on electric keyboard) 16. All Along The Watchtower (Bob on electric keyboard) Surprisingly the stuff from Modern Times were some of the best songs of the night. Workingman's Blues #2 and Ain't Talkin' in particular stood out.
  5. King Kamala

    Rodman Down Under

    You guys are thinking of the WWA PPVs from '02. I actually still have the first one with the title tournament on tape and maintain that it's a fun little show. And I don't see how I can get ripped off on a $1 wrestling DVD. Especially if it features The Barbarian on it! I'm about to pop it in and watch the first match or two.
  6. King Kamala

    What are you listening to right now?

    Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose- It's Too Late To Turn Back Now
  7. King Kamala

    What did you eat today?

    Breakfast: Pretzel rods and a bottled water (I was on the run and the milk had spoiled ruining the possibility of cereal) Lunch: Tuna Sandwich, Sour Cream and Onion Pringles and a Dr. Pepper Dinner: Some crappy frozen cheese pizza with some bacon and tomatoes thrown on top and water Late night snack/2nd dinner: Two Whopper Jr, a large fry, and a small chocolate shake. And now I feel just a bit like crap. I knew eating Burger King at 11:30 at night was probably a terrible idea.
  8. King Kamala

    Adventurous Pizzas

    This discussion sort of ties into what I'm going to say. You know what's a surprisingly awesome (well maybe just surprisingly awesome to me) pizza topping? Fried Eggplant. Possibly could be my new favorite pizza topping. The shit is heavenly.
  9. Back home for the long weekend and pumped to finally see some movies that eluded the town where I go to college. I'll be seeing 3:10 to Yuma tomorrow night (It's inexcusable that the theater up there didn't have it, it's Russell Crowe and Christian Bale and it was the #1 movie in its opening weekend!) and I'm seeing Stardust on Sunday. I'm pleasantly surprised that Stardust is still in theaters up here.
  10. I saw it a month ago and am surprised people are really getting worked up one way or another about it. It's a movie that's just kind of there. And a remake of Cupid is so random, that's like if NBC decided to do a remake of Freaks and Geeks
  11. King Kamala

    What are you listening to right now?

    Bob Dylan- Jokerman I've got buy Infidels soon, I'm too much of a Dylan and Dire Straits/Mark Knopfler fan to not have it in my collection even if it is a bit uneven. Plus Sly and Robbie!
  12. King Kamala

    Guilty Pleasures

    oh come on man, he was the "funny Beatle"! And it's not like anybody had high expectations for a great solo career like the other three.
  13. I was going to suggest Mako as a potential replacement for Mr. Miyagi but found out on IMDB, he died last year. Damn Extremely belated RIP Mako
  14. That rumor is laughable- Will Smith's son is like 8 years old. I don't think even Hollywood is stupid enough to do that.
  15. King Kamala

    oAo Movie Rentals Thread

    I liked it alright. I thought Dafoe was the standout of the movie personally. I do have Straight Time somewhere way down on my NetFlix queue.
  16. King Kamala

    Guilty Pleasures

    Oh and I love The Langley Schools Music Project cover of "Desperado", even more than the original. If I ever make a quirky western, I'll be sure to use it in the soundtrack.
  17. King Kamala

    oAo Movie Rentals Thread

    BUMP (since I've been renting a lot of movies lately) I rented a couple of documentaries, American Hardcore and Slasher. Got a chance to watch the latter but not the former. Slasher was pretty damn entertaining and had a hell of a soundtrack. The Slasher looks like a cross between Steve O and a redneck version of John Waters. Surprised to see John Landis directed an IFC original documentary, didn't know his career had fallen that hard (then again looking at the movies he's directed in the past twenty years, it's easy to see why). Still a damn fun movie.
  18. King Kamala

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    What I'd Like To Happen Red Sox over Angels Indians over Yankees Cubs over Diamondbacks Rockies over Phillies What Will Happen Red Sox over Angels Yankees over Indians Cubs over Diamondbacks Phillies over Rockies
  19. King Kamala

    Recent Purchases

    What are the other albums of his that you have? Debut, Born To Run, Darkness on The Edge of Town, Nebraska, Born In The U.S.A. and Tunnel of Love plus Live from The Hammersmith Odeon '75 and The 3 disc Essential.
  20. King Kamala

    I want to visit the States

    I'd recommend NYC and Boston. Though if you want to visit somewhere a bit smaller, my old stomping ground of Portland, Maine is a really nice place to visit. It's got plenty of outdoorsy stuff and it's got the 2nd highest restaurants per capita in the country and the lowest number of fast food restaurants per capita. Though how nice it is really depends on the time of year you visit, from early May to early October, it's pretty nice. After that, it's ghost town. While you're in the states, you should take a jaunt up to Montreal, that's one hell of a city.
  21. King Kamala


    I'm a bigger Powerade fan- though I'm not particularly fond of either. I mostly drink red Powerade from time to time- out of nostalgia. About every day of my freshman year of high school, I had red Powerade and two of the snack sized bags of Humpty Dumpty BBQ chips for lunch. Yep, I was a nutrition minded youngster.
  22. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 9/28-9/30

    Granted, Southland Tales looks bad but how many times has a single movie killed an actor's career? The Rock will just go back to doing family comedies and action movies. I think they're just dumping the movie into theaters anyways without much hype so he should be fine.
  23. King Kamala

    Recent Purchases

    Forgot to mention I picked up this on ITunes last Friday; Damn fine album. I'm loving "Johnny 99" and "Atlantic City". I think The River is next on my list of Springsteen albums to get.
  24. King Kamala

    Recent Purchases

    I'm really not sure. I'm a big fan of mid 70s Dylan but I'm still kind of befuddled as to why I did that. Hopefully I can rectify the situation this weekend. I must say I do like Street Legal. Hard Rain not so much but it was only $8
  25. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 9/28-9/30

    Why is everybody (not saying people here but all the writers of the reports I read) so shocked that The Game Plan beat The Kingdom? The Kingdom is a mildly controversial R-rated movie that's got decidedly mixed reviews and it's not like Jamie Foxx or Jennifer Garner are really huge box office stars. The Game Plan is the one kids movie out there right now. Hey what's the word on The Heartbreak Kid? I'm mildly intrigued but it looks like it could be really terrible.