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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    My first reaction; "Damn, TSM is going to be pissed." Eh, Penn was really, really good. I thought Rourke was a bit better but whatever.
  2. King Kamala

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Yeah, The Ringer was directed by the same guy who did Beyond The Mat hence Terry Funk being in it. I don't think he had more than a line or two but still I marked out. Only other thing I remember about the movie is the appearance from The Kids of Widney High and finding it odd that half of the actors playing Johnny Knoxville's retarded friends were actually retarded and half were actors playing retarded people. Thought they would have gone one way or another. But that's enough of me rambling about a crappy movie from five years ago that hardly anyone remembers!
  3. King Kamala

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    I'm just wondering if anybody who's dissing Slumdog Millionaire, has actually seen it? I don't know if I'd call it a great movie but it's a very good one and probably the best of the nominees.
  4. King Kamala

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Oh that's right. Completely had a brain fart and forgot that. I went to the movies on Christmas Eve afternoon once to see The Ringer...why I don't know (but hey it had Terry Funk as one of Johnny Knoxville's uncle's cronies!) but there was a gas leak in the theater like ten minutes before the movie ended and they gave us $20 in gift certificates. I still haven't seen the ending of that movie.
  5. King Kamala

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    I liked the go to creepy guy of yesteryear (Walken) saluting the up and coming go to creepy guy (Michael Shannon).
  6. King Kamala

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    *insert "Sledgehammer" joke here*
  7. King Kamala

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I wonder if there's a less busy time movie theaters than Oscar night? Maybe the night of The Super Bowl?
  8. King Kamala

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Yeah, consider this my formal entry. Also I agree with mellow RE: the # of draft picks. 30 if we're allowing tag teams, 40 if we're not.
  9. King Kamala

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    See I personally liked the tag team rule but there are obviously some that should be off limits (Hollywood Blondes is a good example). I don't know, we should probably put it to a vote once we've got all of the drafters. Oh and if anybody cares, I have the barebone results to my supershow hanging around somewhere. I'd be glad to post 'em.
  10. King Kamala

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Madea's Class Reunion coming to a theater near you in '10! Sadly, not joking. At this point, I'm starting think Madea is the African-American equivalent of Ernest. I'm personally looking forward to Slam Dunk Madea. Also you have to love how pretentious and misleading (well I'm going to assume the latter) this poster is;
  11. King Kamala

    Verne Gagne suspected in death investigation

    While I agree with some of the stuff that Mannis and Mos_Def have said in this thread, I think the amount of people here who defend Benoit's actions, at least on this board, is seriously overblown. Sure there's a probably disturbing amount of people but I think it's far from constituting a majority of the board. I don't know though I could just be underestimating the stupidity of our brethren on the top folder of this section Granted, the line between making light of the incident via tacky tasteless jokes and defending him is thin and ambiguous. Personally, I think a lot of these jokes are making fun of the IWC and the media's reaction to it more than the incident itself if that makes any sense whatsoever.
  12. King Kamala

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I doubt I'd be able to help run it until the summer but count me in for a second draft. Oh another problem for me was that the booking of the supercard happened to coincide with the beginning of school and me having a lot less time to putz around on the internet. I thought if we started the draft in the spring and ended it sometime in the summer, it might work out better. Again that may just be me.
  13. King Kamala

    Miss March

    I hate to sound like Czech but only in the TSM Television & Film Folder can a critical and box office failure starring Adam Sandler's cronies qualify as way overrated.
  14. King Kamala

    Our members have made 2,771,031 posts

    So what are the plans for the 3,000,000th post celebration?
  15. You know I should have the same vitriolic hatredthat Chris has towards the recent work of Steve Martin given the fact that I watched Bringing Down The House twice thanks to my dad's love of that movie. But again, I love The Jerk, Pennies From Heaven, and Born Standing Up too much for me to allow that happen.
  16. There was a really interesting documentary on Steve Martin from about ten years ago or so that I saw on Ovation or Trio. He basically admitted that writing was his number one passion and he only does a lot of his movies to allow him to live comfortably and fund his art collection. Unfortunately, his lackadaisical attitude towards being in movies really shows. But I'd venture to say that Born Standing Up is about as awesome as his films since 1991 have been crappy. Though like Bob, I kind of liked Bowfinger. I also enjoyed Leap of Faith.
  17. King Kamala

    Pictures I Like

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who had these questions. That picture was way more confusing than disturbing for me.
  18. King Kamala


    You know I thought it might help other men with my predicament but I realized all too soon this simply wasn't the right forum (no pun intended) for that. Boy, my chances for a deep run in the Worst Poster tournament rise every time I post in this folder!
  19. King Kamala


    I immediately regret this post.
  20. King Kamala


    Speaking of dreams. I had a dream involving this board two nights ago. I dreamed that I woke up and logged onto the board to find Czech berating me in this folder. I was horrified, not because Czech was berating me necessarily but because I consciously knew I was having a TSM related dream. As much as I like this board, it's a pretty pathetic thing to dream about.
  21. King Kamala

    A challenge for BruiserBrody.

    Sounds and sort of looks like the world's greatest high school commencement speech. For that video alone, Brody's back on my good list.
  22. King Kamala

    Verne Gagne suspected in death investigation

    I've heard that story about Hogan putting Verne in a front facelock. Version I heard had Verne asking Hogan if that was the only move he knew and Hogan responding that it was the only move he needed to know to knock Verne out.
  23. King Kamala

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Yeah, I liked the tag team rule as well. Saw nothing wrong with it. Yeah if we do another one, I think we should cap it at 30.
  24. King Kamala

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Yeah, I think expanding the draft really hurt it as well. 30 rounds may have been too much in the first place but 40 was just ridiculous.
  25. King Kamala

    What Now, TSM?

    I'm contemplating TSM: The Next Generation? Is that a reference to me suggesting a TSM New Breed Vs Originals feud? This board is fine. I won't lie and say that this isn't the end of the era but I see no reason to shut it down. Besides I don't even think Czech was being entirely serious with the suggestion. I think a lot of us (myself included) just sort of overreacted. Does he even have the capacity to shut us down?