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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    The Old School questions thread

    I'm trying to forget about their "exciting" feud with N.W.O. 2000. Which pretty much culminated in then U.S. Champion and #2 heel in the company, Jeff Jarrett jobbing to George "The Animal" Steele, Tito Santana, and Jimmy Snuka all in one episode of Nitro.
  2. King Kamala

    The Old School questions thread

    I don't know where the Bagwell shoots angle was going but I think it somehow led to a "Loser Leaves Town" match with Curt Hennig where Bagwell won and Curt Hennig wrestled again the next night.
  3. King Kamala

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It came on here at 3 P.M. on Friday afternoons which is about as bad of time I could think of.
  4. King Kamala

    The Old School questions thread

    WCW ripped off WWF a lot during Russo's first stint booking with them (October '99 to January '00). Anybody remember Buzzkill?
  5. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 6/29-7/01

    I'm not too surprised at Knocked Up doing so well. I mean it is being nearly universally praised as the "comedy of the summer"
  6. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    We can't leave out The Gin Blossoms or Toad The Wet Sprocket. And even though they still have the occasional hit, The Goo Goo Dolls got to be on there. I saw Better Than Ezra two years ago for free downtown and I'm almost embarrassed to admit that they were a half decent live band. Everybody else I went with thought it was horrible but I thought they were decent though a tad forgettable.
  7. King Kamala

    The Old School questions thread

    Not so much a question but does anybody else remember WCW's ripoff of GTV, The KidCam? Did anything ever happen with that storyline? It seemed like it was just Kidman catching people look dumb on camera. I think he was the one who got Janitor Jim Duggan eating Lex Luger's laxative brownies meant for Sting. *sigh* Why do I remember this?
  8. King Kamala

    5 Worst Intercontinental Champions

    How about Lance Storm? Maybe it wasn't as bad per say but it was one of those when I saw that he was referred to as a former IC Champion I thought "When did that happen?" He was the guy that ended Albert's run, right? We might have to put Kerry Von Erich somewhere the Bottom 10. Maybe not Bottom 5. He came in with no buildup whatsoever, won the title and then was pretty much a JTTS for the rest of his WWF run.
  9. King Kamala

    The Old School questions thread

    It was supposed to originally be Goldust but then Goldust left (got released? Another question for the thread I guess) and they decided to continue the angle anyways. Ah Russo, how I loathe thee.
  10. King Kamala

    July WWE 24/7 Discussion

    Yeah, I'd see nothing wrong with a 1-2 month Luger title reign with Yokozuna going over strong to win it back. But I think Crush should have had the Luger spot instead of Luger. Call me crazy, but I actually kind of liked The Narcissist and besides, dammit Kona Crush was bad ass!
  11. King Kamala

    Boxing Thread

    For what it's worth, the Holyfield fight is airing Saturday on ESPN Classic for some reason. Is Butterbean still fighting? Sadly, I bet Holyfield-Butterbean would be the most bought heavyweight boxing pay per view since Tyson-Lewis. Would certainly be more of a draw than Holyfield Vs any of the current champs.
  12. King Kamala

    July WWE 24/7 Discussion

    And I hate to defend Luger but as inexplicable as his push was and as cheesy as hell as the buildup to SummerSlam was, people wanted to get behind Luger. I haven't seen SummerSlam '93 in a couple years, but I remember Luger was pretty damn over with the crowd in the match. But what can you do? I think Yoko was just a much better option for the champ at the time since there was not much you could do with a Luger WWF World title run. Personally, I thought they should have gone with Crush over Luger in terms of first guy to slam Yokozuna. But then again I've always just inexplicably been a mark for Crush (one of the few and proud).
  13. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    One more thought before I sign off, has there ever been a more undeserving compilation that KISS Greatest Hits Vol. 3? I understand Vol. 1 (1974-1982) completely and I even understand having a Vol. 2 (The hair metal, unmasked years). But I don't see anybody demanding a compilation of songs from Psycho Circus and their Unplugged album.
  14. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Yeah, I hope you can tell I was joking. I've never even actually heard that album outside of some 30 second samples on ITunes. Hell, I don't know any fans of non-Ozzy, non-Dio Black Sabbath. But they got to be out there. I bet my cousin (Whose favorite band is Slaughter) likes 'em. Quick edit: Have to add, Slaughter is up there with Smash Mouth in terms of "Most misleading band names". Wait, after some fact checking, Mark Slaughter's real last name is Slaughter. Color me surprised.
  15. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Well Born Again had Jesus fronting Black Sabbath. I mean come on!
  16. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 6/29-7/01

    Yeah, considering it was on less than 500 screens, it's a hell of an opening. Especially for a documentary. It didn't even play in any of the theaters here (It's opening at one theatre downtown on Tuesday)
  17. King Kamala

    Knocked Up

    Yeah, that's probably it. I also felt at times they tried a bit too hard to make Marshall "a memorably wacky character". He felt a bit forced at times. I don't dislike him but he's just kind of there most of the time. But I guess they needed a wacky guy.
  18. King Kamala

    Knocked Up

    I like Undeclared and own the complete series on DVD. But something about it holds me back from loving it like I love Freaks and Geeks. And I can't quite place my finger on it.
  19. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    It's obviously Born Again. I mean the guy from Deep Purple and Black Sabbath, how can ya go wrong?
  20. King Kamala

    What did you eat today?

    Breakfast: Onion Bagel with horseradish and bacon cream cheese (Surprisingly good), water Lunch: Two slices of leftover pizza and a glass of Coke Dinner: Spaghetti and Meatballs, more water Evening snack: Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge ice cream (It had some sort of zany name that I forgot), some more water.
  21. I saw Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter do stand up last night. Surprisingly good. I actually thought Michael Showalter (who was hyped in the ads as the opener) was a bit better than Michael Ian Black and he was actually on for 20-30 minutes longer than Michael Ian Black (Showalter was on for 80 minutes and Michael Ian Black was on for 50-60 minutes). Way more people than I expected to be there too (About 250-300). Guess there's nothing better to do on a Friday night. Either that or there are a surprising number of fans of Stella, The State and/or The I Love The...series in the Southern Maine area. Either way it was worth the $15.
  22. King Kamala

    TSM Death Pool - 2007

    Joel Siegel died? One of the worst critics this side of Gene Shalit is gone. *weeps*
  23. King Kamala

    Indiana Jones 4 release date announced!

    In 2005. I'm sure it had something to do with the box office failure of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen since that was his last film. He's probably still kicking himself for turning down the roles of Gandalf and Morpheous. His logic for taking the part in League of Extraordinary Gentleman was hilarious. I read an interview where he explained why he picked the role and the jist of it was"They offered me The Matrix and I turned it down because I didn't get it. Then they offered me Lord of The Rings and I turned it down for the same reason. Then they offer me this and I don't get this but I better take it because it'll be a huge hit like Lord of The Rings and The Matrix and I'll make a ton of money!" I don't know how I feel about all of these old guys coming back for one last sequel. I wonder when it's going to stop? I predict it'll end after Steven Segal stars in the Direct to DVD, Under Siege 3.
  24. King Kamala

    The Old School questions thread

    That episode resulted in a WrestleCrap induction. I remember watching that episode not knowing all of the wrestlers were going to be on it (Weren't Hogan and Savage there too helping the bodyguards somehow) and being mightily confused. Still wasn't as bad as when Hogan guest starred on Walker: Texas Ranger
  25. King Kamala

    Carbonated drinks.

    I've been trying to quit drinking soda for about a month and a half. I can go for a week without it but I usually just break. I try to drink Arizona Ice Tea stuff instead but it probably just has about as much sugar- so it's probably not that much healthier. I don't drink a ton and it's never really made me sick (Except for making me somewhat gassy) but I'm just trying to quit because it's crap for you.