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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. Hey, I very specifically said it's not terrible. In fact that's being harsh on it. Sleuth is a good cable channel...it's no Trio. I'm not sure if anyone here shares my appreciation for the late lamented channel---as I said before, like six people watched it.
  2. Probably doesn't count as its a great cable channel that went defunct rather than a great channel that went downhill but was there ever a better cable channel than Trio? Good lord, I loved that channel. Brilliant But Canceled, Parking Lot, Good Clean Porn, old ass reruns of Late Night With David Letterman, tons and tons of bitching documentaries. Yeah, I only know one other person that watched it but I was pissed when I turned on my TV one day to find out it had been replaced by Sleuth (not a terrible network but it's not Trio) and found out that Trio was now an online network. Now I think even it isn't even around as that. Well I guess it's better it went out on top rather than going downhill like the channels listed in this thread.
  3. King Kamala

    TMC1982 is on fire...

    There's like two or three topics a week on current WWE. The rest is on MMA, assorted stuff that middle aged men like (including our beloved classic rock that rocks), and the occasional topic actually on old school wrestling. Still I wouldn't advocate for or against going there. On the one hand, its very informative and the general population is pretty cool but on the other, a lot of the regulars seem like they would look like high concept gimmick posters if they posted here...
  4. King Kamala

    TMC1982 is on fire...

    I didn't know you posted at Wrestling Classics, Cheech. . Geez, it seems like I find another similarity to you, every day. We're brothers from different Portlands!
  5. King Kamala

    TMC1982 is on fire...

    I frequent Wrestling Classics (I don't like most of the regulars there and the no swearing rule is fucking bullshit but somehow despite all of this, it's my second favorite board. Learn something new every day). I also frequent an SNL forum and lurk at some bands fan fourms. I used to be a regular at Cawthon's board but the lack of quality posters there really wore on me.
  6. King Kamala

    TMC1982 is on fire...

    No, I agree. While his topics are generally good, he creates a lot and a good portion of them aren't thread worthy(See the Keith Olbermann Vs Vince McMahon topic in General).
  7. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Weird shit goes down when Czechers is gone. Last night is perfect evidence of that.
  8. King Kamala

    TSM Profile Tag Team Edition: Demolition

    Yeah, as someone said earlier, I think they were going to bring in Bryan Clarke. I remember a Vic Venom Informer column around the time of WrestleMania XIII or so that hinted that Crush was going to leave The Nation of Domination and reform Demolition to fight 'em off.
  9. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I'm glad I escape Venkman's wrath by being 20 and 2/3rds years old.
  10. King Kamala

    Let's Spend The Thread Together

    Shit...I totally forgot "Memory Motel" when mentioning favorite songs. Great, great song...too bad the album its off of isn't very good at all.
  11. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I don't know if it was the fact that I was watching The Muppet Show during this boarding session or the Steel Reserve but I'm in a great mood that even my roommate walking in and ruining any chances of a potential wank session can't ruin.
  12. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    And to think, this almost ended in a Kamala-Glasscock feud. Crisis averted! By the time, he wakes up tomorrow morning for junior high, he'll be none the wiser!
  13. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Well, tonight, fortunately, you guys are my outlet as everybody else I talk to seems to be busy sleeping and doing homework and shit.
  14. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I'd like to think I helped start this chain of events by bitching about Brody, KOAB. Together though, we all made it work. If anything, this shows that royalty should work together more often.
  15. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    That's what happens when there's only like 10 regular posters. That's true but for whatever reason (justified or no)- a lot of people are intimidated by said regulars. I'm sure me and Cheech could do totally bitching threads about classic rock that rocks but I'm a bit afraid of getting caught in the cross hairs of a zinger and looking like a dope. Looking like a dope ranks up high up there in my greatest fears.
  16. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    See my problem with the music folder isn't with the quality of discussion (which is very good on the whole) but the narrowness of its range.
  17. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Regret is a strong word for something I probably won't remember all that well in three months but I think if I have more nights like this, it will affect me in next year's poster tournament. I just hope KOAB doesn't hate me.
  18. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Also...Brody's ruined two threads of mine about artists that haven't been relevant for decades. Though in retrospect, The Beach Boys thread didn't really have much potential in the first place.
  19. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Listen---I'm starting to sober up. I don't want any internet arguments with anybody. They're retarded. I've done my best to avoid them in my six and a half years here and I hope to continue to avoid them. If I've offended anyone by being mildly offended, I apologize. If it makes you feel better, I'm going to regret every post I made tonight in the morning.
  20. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Jesus Christ, KOAB. Don't get your panties in a knot about me getting my panties in a knot. I was being facetious about Brody actually being banned. And my problem is not being offended by his shocking posts but being bored by them. Also check gary floyd's blog...I made the same comment a few days before he ruined my Michael Jackson thread (hey...it still might catch fire!). My problem isn't Bob Barron's use of the n word, it's his overuse of it. I'm more offended I've seen Milky, AoO, and Czech use the N word on occasion and haven't blinked an eye. I'm as offended by his lack of creativity in insults as I am with him using that word.
  21. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I like bob barron but I'm also not convinced that he's not a racist or at the very least kind of prejudiced! And whining is his schtick. You get used to it...sometimes. But like I said I like Bob Barron...always have, always will...unless he confirms that he's a racist in which case I'll be conflicted due to my white guilt.
  22. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I don't get that reference. Also I don't want to call out Amnesia Glasscock cause it surely would be the most lackluster feud in TSM history. What's the storyline? Two second-tier posters that everybody kind of likes but no one really cares about battle it out to find out who's runner up to KOAB for "drunken posting" supremacy?
  23. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    EHME seems like a nice guy...he's just easily agitated. And let's face it, he's kind of baited into a lot of feuds. We just love watching e-beefs here and EHME is one guy you can always guarantee will take part in it. To a lesser extent, the first part of the statement rings true for Barron. Good poster, just takes the internet a bit too seriously. To get all Danny Tanner on your asses, I think deep down, all of us are more alike than we are different. In general, we just find it more entertaining (and maybe easier) to be snarky assholes than to just try and be cordial. Czech's victory over Black Lushus in the posters tournament two or three years back as an example of this. Geez, in a strange twist, now I'm taking the internet too seriously! I was going to call out Amnesia Glasscock but realizing he's probably in bed right now, I'll refrain.
  24. King Kamala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I don't think pbone's an awful poster as a whole but he's awful in No Holds Barred. Bare in mind that I'm mildly resentful that I think he's a member of the Secret Board for Jerks. I mean he's not bad for a younger poster but really? Like that dumb fucking limey who keeps changing his name and virtually every other poster under the age of 21 (myself included), he board way too hard at times. I'm also a little bit drunk right now due to the fact I have no classes on Wednesday. Fake edit: Woah a typo! A rare mistake for me. That Steel Reserve is really having a effect on me.
  25. yeah but pbone's like 16 if I frequented this folder at that age I'd be exactly like him...EHME should know better. Really, just like EHME-Barron, there are no winners.