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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    AIM screen names, what is yours!?

    Mine is ConnMan520. Stupid? Yes. But all the other sn I wanted were taken. Harass me all you want Smart Marks.
  2. King Kamala

    An interesting statistic

    Come on if OJ Hart, a dumbass newbie can post in between intervels of intercourse, why can't an established poster like Choken One do it?
  3. King Kamala

    The person above you thread!

    ^Wishes WCW and it's cheesy 1-800 Collect road reports were back. < Misses Disorderly Conduct. Mean Mike and Tough Tom, where are ye?
  4. King Kamala

    State Fair

    The Maine state fair is like all the other county fairs and it's in a different part of the state as mine. In fact the biggest "attractions" last year were Billy Ray Cyrus and a "legends" of wrestling show main evented by King Kong Bundy Vs Jim Duggan. Talk about redneck heaven.
  5. King Kamala

    Ask Incandenza

    One more question: how the fuck did they end Happy Days? I mean they did everything they could during the series run. How the fuck did they end Happy Days?
  6. King Kamala

    Short lived TV shows no one seems to remember

    I remember that show too, decent enough show. Although I think it ran for 12 episodes not 8. The only problem I had about it was almost everything they were talking about was in the mid 80's and the show was set in 1980. Edit: Just as I had posted this, another show on the theme of the the last two time travel shows popped in my head. I think around 96-97 their was a show starring Scott Baio as a guy that goes back from modern times to when he was a youngster in the 70's. It only lasted 2 or 3 episodes, am I just crazy?
  7. King Kamala

    The person above you thread!

    ^Reply's in this thread faster than lightning. < Hasn't been here for three days. < Wants to know who's been banned recently.
  8. King Kamala

    Ask Incandenza

    Incadenza, why is my cousin obsessed with Gary Cherone? Dammit he has bootlegs of Extreme and Van Halen with Cherone! Why dammit why?
  9. I had a dream last night that I bought a soda that cost $1000 and all the soda was a Cherry Coke knock off. I wonder if that's a sign of anything to come.
  10. King Kamala

    Short lived TV shows no one seems to remember

    I can't believe no one remembers Sledgehammer or Rock Candy. Rock Candy is understandable since it had little hype and only lasted three episodes. But VH1 hyped the shit out of Sledgehammer and it lasted a whole season. I thought in terms of Tom Green rip offs, Sledgehammer was right below the first tier shows.
  11. King Kamala

    Short lived TV shows no one seems to remember

    It was Zach Gallafanakias(I'm 95% sure I spelt that right) that was one hell of a weird show. But I still maintain that the man is a comedic god. And good lord the Rerun show was awful.
  12. King Kamala

    Short lived TV shows no one seems to remember

    Aw man that's great, someone's gotta rip off that idea. And switch it from Rodney Dangerfield to Christopher Walken. Where's Walken?= top ten sitcom.
  13. King Kamala

    The person above you thread!

    ^Currently stalking Morgan Webb. <Actually has a cousin obsessed with Gary Cherone. < Thinks Cherone is actually a decent front man.
  14. King Kamala

    The person above you thread!

    ^Is wearing a replica of David Lee Roth's pants in the Jump video < Prefers Van Halen over Van Hagar. But < prefers Hagar over David Lee Roth solo wise. Eerie? < Thinks so.
  15. King Kamala

    X-Games and Little League World Series

    There is one thing Snoop won't shill for........Snoop won't shill for THE MAN!
  16. King Kamala

    Brooklyn Brawler's Big Day!!!!

    Yuck! That's a terrible card, even the good wrestlers are stuck in matches with crappy wrestlers. AND WHY IS MR. HUGHES MAIN EVENTING!?
  17. King Kamala

    Random anecdotes thread

    This thread is to put anecdotes in that don't really fit in other threads. I've got several, mostly relating to music: Around December 2001, my cheap ass school took a field trip using a public bus. I don't know what the fuck was up with our bus driver but we ended up almost getting in accident with Nickelback's tour bus. Looking back on it we probably should have told the driver to hit Nickelback's tour bus. I went to an SR-71 concert at a tiny hole in the wall club a few months back and accidently elbowed the bass player of the Matchbox Twenty rip off opening act. The man looked like he was seriously going to cry. In middle school, I sent a subscription of Penthouse to our school's dumbass Computer Lab teacher on my dumbass friend's parents credit card.
  18. King Kamala

    Going to a concert tommorow.....

    I'm headed off to a one day music festival called SaltFest tommorow, mainly cause my mom got free tickets...so with nothing else to do I decided to go to the concert. What can I say? I'll go to almost any concert for free except for crappy pop punk, that'd be a fate worse than getting my nuts stuck to the wall via a hot glue gun. Anyway performing at this concert will be Roseanne Cash, G.E Smith (Of SNL fame) and a bunch of people I haven't heard of. I might do a review of the concert if I feel like it.
  19. King Kamala


    According to IMDB, One of The Smart Marks boards favorites Hulk Hogan turns 50 today. I put it in No Holds Barred...so we can make fun of the old orange bastard incessantly. Fire away boys....
  20. King Kamala

    Essential Albums

    Here's my tally for bands with essential albums. Beatles: 8 Led Zeppelin: 6 Rolling Stones:3
  21. King Kamala

    Essential Albums

    What band do you think has the most essential albums? I'd argue Led Zeppelin, because pretty much everything in their somewhat small catalog can be argued as essential except for Prescene and In Through The Out Door(I'm not counting Coda....cause that sucked)
  22. King Kamala

    Essential Albums

    I'd consider Dark Side of the Moon and Meddle to be essentials and some Pink Floyd marks can debate that The Wall is an essential purchase. However I think the Wall is pretentious crap,
  23. King Kamala

    Essential Albums

    What about Pink Floyd? I think they're overrated to death (They're NOT the best band of the 70's) but I think they have a few albums that could be considered essentials.
  24. King Kamala

    What are YOU eating...

    A bowl of Cheerios
  25. King Kamala

    Essential Albums

    Rolling Stones have released what I consider two essentials, Let it Bleed and Exile on Main Street. Michael Jackson and Prince, I believe have also released two essential albums each.