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King Kamala

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Everything posted by King Kamala

  1. King Kamala

    Let's Talk About...

    IIRC, those two never really merged, they formed an unsuccessful alliance to end Hulkamania and then feuded with each other after Hulk went on one of his six month vacations. This thread has not only managed to bring up bad memories of '99 WWF but late '95/early '96 WCW, thanks assholes!
  2. King Kamala

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    I'm trying to come up with a looks like Test failed the sobreity test joke without sounding lame but I really can't.
  3. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 4/04-4/06

    You know what? I'm not going to lecture Exslade anymore. Besides I'm not entirely qualified to seeing how I liked Pootie Tang.
  4. I don't think it was bad as you do but it was a real disappointment outside of The Walkens (and even that went too long).
  5. King Kamala

    Potential Big Problems for WWE Worker

    Ripper=Rodney Mack?
  6. King Kamala

    Who Are the Legends of the Wrestling Industry?

    I'll put in my two cents here seeing how I indirectly helped start this topic. IMO, with any sport there are icons and legends. Legends are well regarded by the sports fans and recognized by even the most casual fans. Icons are known by virtually everyone regardless of whether they watch the sport or not. Again I'd say the icons of the sport are Hogan, Austin, The Rock, Vince, and Flair is borderline. There are very few Icons but there are a dozen or so perhaps even twenty legends.
  7. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 4/04-4/06

    Exslade- I hope one day you'll learn that life is too short for bad movies or just going to the movies for the sake of going to the movies.
  8. King Kamala

    Upcoming Scott Keith Q & A Session

    In a similar vein, whatever happened to The Rick?
  9. King Kamala

    What are you listening to right now?

    Graham Parker- "Nobody Hurts You"
  10. King Kamala

    Albums Listened to Today

    Graham Parker- Squeezing Out Sparks+Live Sparks
  11. King Kamala

    Box Office Report 4/04-4/06

    I can't believe how many people I overheard say "Yeah I heard 21 sucked but I'm seeing it anyway!" Further proof that American filmgoers are stubborn idiots
  12. King Kamala

    Who's having internet sex with Taiga Star?

    Guys, how come no one has brought up Marney through out all of this? She's obviously a prime suspect.
  13. King Kamala

    Who's having internet sex with Taiga Star?

    Amnesia Glasscock/Man of 104 Friends/Penis Skullduggery/whatever the fuck that limey is calling himself these days.
  14. King Kamala

    Charlton Heston

    Ditto...except for Battle For The Planet of The Apes that shit sucked. THIS PLACE IS A MADHOUSE! A MADHOOOOOOUUUUUUUSE!
  15. King Kamala

    Dream matches

    Sting says hello...
  16. King Kamala

    I see that Taiga Star has been placed in the gulag.

    A Leena-Taiga alliance will destroy us all. Nothing good can come out of this! Seriously, as much as I hate TaigaStar, I don't really think she did anything to warrant being sent there.
  17. King Kamala

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    I bought a bootleg of the Coliseum Video version of In Your House I (basically the PPV with two shitty dark matches, Bam Bam/Tatanka and Undertaker/Kama) at an indy show about five years back. Besides Bret/Hakushi, there's a ***ish Roadie and Jeff Jarrett Vs Razor Ramon handicap match and a bunch of crap. What I would give to get the $10 I spent on that tape back. Ya know I wonder why the only guy Bret couldn't drag a good match out of in '95 was Lawler. Why was his series with Lawler in '93 so good and the one in '95 so lame?
  18. King Kamala

    Who Are the Legends of the Wrestling Industry?

    INDUCT THIS MAN INTO THE HALL OF FAME, VINCE! (Preferably with Scott Norton giving the induction speech...)
  19. King Kamala

    Behind The Match:Inaugural edition

    As many of you know, I took a hiatus from wrestling from about April '03 (shortly after WrestleMania XIX) to January '06 (shortly before the Royal Rumble that year). One thing briefly broke me out the hiatus for an episode or two of RAW and that was reading of this feud on here. I was drawn to the prospect of seeing HBK as a heel again. I know guys like Triple H like to call HBK one of the best natural babyfaces in the business but for my money, the guy is best as a chickenshit heel. That and I wanted to know if HBK could carry Hogan to his first good match in decades. Now to answer my questions 1. Do you think WWE properly handled the storyline for this match? Yeah I guess if it got me watching again for a half-second. What else could they really do? 2. Do you think Shawn Michaels' overselling helped or hindered the match? Both but I think it helped more than it hurt. Hogan works best with smaller guys who are great bumpers. Yeah Michaels took it too far but it made the match one of Hogan's most watchable matches in years. 3. Has this match affected the way you look at either Hogan or Michaels as workers or as people? Nah, thought they were egomaniacal assholes before thought they were egomaniacal assholes afterwards. It did remind me how great of a heel Shawn Michaels was. 4. What impact, if any, do you think this match has had on their legacies? For Hogan, probably none. For Michaels, very little. I think the match reminded everybody the mini-miracles Michaels can do when he's given nearly nothing to work with. Perhaps that's why he was put with Chris Masters the next month... 5. Will we see another match between two wrestlers of this caliber (popularity wise) again? Have we seen one already,perhaps? I'm honestly not sure. You've got a lot of hypothetical dream matches (Hogan/Austin, Rock/HBK, Rock/Cena, etc.) but I don't think any of those will ever happen. I know a lot of you have said HBK/Taker but for me personally, I'd find it hard to get really hyped about it seeing how I saw it ten years and they'll probably never live up to that series. I guess Cena/Batista could be considered a dream match amongst younger fans, but as someone who's been more or less a casual fan for the past five years, I'd be hard pressed to muster up any excitement for that one
  20. King Kamala

    Who Are the Legends of the Wrestling Industry?

    Truthiness, what everybody is trying to say (I think) is that Flair, Rock, Hogan, Andre, and Austin are the only true legends- meaning that they are known by a good deal of casual fans and non-fans.
  21. I'm not happy with them remaking Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure but if they put their stinkin' paws on Bogus Journey I'll be ticked shitless.
  22. King Kamala

    Charlton Heston

    RIP Charlton. Hopefully you don't come across any of those damn dirty apes in heaven
  23. King Kamala

    Behind The Match:Inaugural edition

    I'll answer the questions tomorrow morning when I have more time but I've got to ask, why do so many of you consider HBK Vs 'Taker a dream match? It's already happened three times! Granted, they were all more than a decade ago but still...
  24. King Kamala

    Countdown to cannibalism

    You guys forget that La Parka is no pushover. He'll hit you in the head with a chair and be doing that funky dance of his before you could even get a shot in at him.
  25. King Kamala

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    I just took a look at the Slamboree '00 card and remembered that it's pretty good by Russo WCW standards. There's a damn good Mike Awesome/Kanyon match and I remember Hulk Hogan Vs Kidman being a semi-decent garbage match.