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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    I couldn't move my arms!!

    Did anyone notice Site Feedback is gone?
  2. BUTT

    Exclusive pics of Kotzenjunge

    Your rap was the best post I've read here in a long time.
  3. BUTT

    PSP vs. DS: the lineup

    I'd like to think that with the DS touch screen it could mark a revival of graphic adventure games like Maniac Mansion or King's Quest. It doesn't look like that's going to happen, but I think it would be cool.
  4. BUTT

    Impact Spoilers from Meltz

    Wasn't there a team in ECW called Phi Delta Slam? They aren't the same guys, are they?
  5. BUTT

    Sony fucks up again!

    There were Gamecube games released before the system. This is smart becuase there ARE some people who are going to see that the game is available and say "Oh, I should get that now!" Probably not a whole lot, but with no competition, they can sell a few more copies than they would have had they waited until launch day to release the game. Besides which, this has nothing to do with Sony. The game is put out by EA.
  6. BUTT

    TNA Apparently In Talks With The Rock

    Don't Rock and WWE have co-ownership of the name "The Rock"? I have to assume he wouldn't be able to use the name in another promotion.
  7. BUTT

    Most well-known spoilers

    I can't believe nobody's mentioned The Crying Game.
  8. BUTT

    Who said it?

    This one was Taz.
  9. BUTT

    A New "What If"

    This is from his Wrestleline interview with Ben Miller just before he joined WCW: BEN: This is something I've always wanted to see in American professional wrestling, have you guys, the TV writing team, ever thought of having the title like All Japan Pro Wrestling where there's no gimmick matches, no run-ins, no count outs, it's just two guys in a wrestling match. And not every match to be like that, because I know how it can get boring and monotonous, but just one title --- RUSSO: I'm going to tell you something right now that you will absolutely not agree with, but I've been a wrestling fan my whole life and I will live and die by this - it is hard enough, believe me I write this shit, it is hard enough to get somebody over. You will never ever, ever, ever, ever see the Japanese wrestler or the Mexican wrestler over in American mainstream wrestling. And the simple reason for that is, even myself, I'm an American, and I don't want to sound like a big bigot or a racist or anything like that, but I'm an American ... if I'm watching wrestling here in America, I don't give a shit about a Japanese guy. I don't give a shit about a Mexican guy. I'm from America, and that's what I want to see. Now there are the smart fans that love that type of shit, like you.
  10. BUTT

    Who said it?

    "Chris Benoit - you come out here, week in and week out, with that same puss on your face, like the world owes you something. Well, I'll tell you what, I'ma turn that frown upside down, punk" "It's my rules or the highway!"
  11. BUTT

    A New "What If"

    They never would have put the title on Rey. WCW didn't like the small guys any more than WWE does. They just didn't make them tone down their movesets. I think Booker would have sill won the title had the lawsuit not happened, assuming the Russo/Hogan situation still went down as it did. However, I think they may have gone a bit overboard with the "look at us, we're not racist" stuff during the period in August 2000 when all but one of their champions (Lance Storm) was a minority (Booker was World Champ, Elix Skipper was Cruiserweight, Norman Smiley was Hardcore, and Rey and Juventud were Tag Team Champs). By the way, how did you guys feel about the lawsuit? I don't think that WCW was really any more racist than WWE has been over the years, but the stuff Russo said was REALLY dumb and they shouldn't have been surprised that disgruntled ex-employees would try to sue over it. I think the greatest irony of the lawsuit was that it claimed that WCW wrestlers were portrayed as pimps, which was not only untrue (I guess they just confused WCW and WWF, and who wouldn't make that mistake?) but Hardbody Harrison, who was one of the wrestlers who sued WCW, was arrested last summer for forcing women into prostitution.
  12. BUTT

    Lame finisher names

    I have to go with Nightmare on Helms Street. A REALLY lame pun. Also, from that period in WCW, who can forget YANG TIME? Does he still do that move as Akio?
  13. I don't know if this is any more significant than other similar rulings that have been made, but I thought it was interesting. Thoughts, anyone?
  14. BUTT

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    I really think they're planning to keep Marty around. If he was leaving Angle would have squashed him. And thumbs up for the Heidenreich thing. When you have such a terrible wrestler on a show, it takes some real extreme Wrestlecrap to make him interesting.
  15. It's amazing that they went downhill so fast, so that within three years they went from drawing around 30K at Texas Stadium in '84 to just a few thousand in '87.
  16. BUTT

    The Rockers!

    I'm really hoping Marty stays around. I really don't think they would have had him score the pin in that match and go over one of their young guys if he wasn't back for good.
  17. Me too! It's hard to imagine KKK just being your average white guy when you see the UNFAIRLY CONVICTED MARTYR Mumia in every one of his posts.
  18. Degrassi: TNG Gilmore Girls I never used to admit in high school that I watched wrestling (once it stopped being cool), but I haven't hid it in college.
  19. BUTT

    Exclusive pics of Kotzenjunge

    Aaron Carter rules. I'd like to hear a drugged-out Phish-style version of "That's How I Beat Shaq".
  20. It was the first Smackdown with the new "fist" set, right before Summerslam '01.
  21. Here's a WCW question: Was Sonny Onoo the same guy as "Kensuke Ishikawa" the Japanese member of the "WCW International Board of Directors" in the skit where Hogan tried to get Ric Flair reinstated before Slamboree '95? Ishikawa was also one of the hosts of Collision in Korea, for those who don't remember.
  22. I know MGM didn't want to finance this one, but I'm guessing with the success of Million Dollar Baby, they'll want to take a chance on another boxing movie, even though the two will likely be nothing alike.
  23. BUTT

    Orton's Immaturity

    Here we go: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=13074
  24. BUTT

    Orton's Immaturity

    "Does anyone else remember that old (circa 2002) fantasy booking someone posted here about an angle about crapping in various people's mouths? I believe it was to build for HHH-HBK at SSlam 2002 and it basically predicted the entire angle, only when HBK was injured by HHH he did not crap in HBK's mouth. I only remember this one line from it that still cracks me up every time I think of it. "Stephanie McMahon comes out and orders HHH to face HBK. HHH tries to speak but his mouth is full of crap, so he just starts crying as Smackdown ends." " The poster's name is Dillon Likes Bossman. I'll try to find that, it was hilarious.
  25. BUTT


    Don't talk about useless moron Scott Keith on this board. Trust me, it only leads to bad things.