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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. By the way, was Goldberg ever supposed to wrestle Luger at World War 3 '98? I remember reading that a while back and that Luger wouldn't job so they cancelled the match. World War 3 '98 has to be the biggest example of how WCW shit on their fans. I mean, not only did the Norton vs. Booker match get cancelled, but Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner and Hall vs. Nash were advertised and then neither match took place, and certainly neither match would have been good, but those were the only non-battle royal matches besides DDP-Hart that weren't complete jobber matches. It's mind-boggling that WCW, featuring so many big names and great wrestlers, would put matches like Stevie Ray vs. Konnan and Wrath vs. Glacier on PPV.
  2. Yeah, just like his stint there years later.
  3. BUTT

    Cool finishers

    You know, I honestly don't see what's SO bad about the full nelson. It's all in how effective they sell the move as being. Nobody has really used the full-nelson for a while, so it's seen as being old-school and thus ineffective. When you think about it, the move (if actually applied) could really hurt your arms and neck. If everyone could take a move like the People's Elbow as a serious, world-title winning finisher, I don't see what's so bad about a full-nelson. During Scott Steiner's time as Big Poppa Pump, I always thought they should change his finisher to a swinging full-nelson, as it would at the very least be better than the Recliner (although really, anything would). I really think every wrestler in WWE should have at least one pinfall finisher and one submission finisher. It would help to make matches more interesting and help fans get into the submission moves more.
  4. I remember back in mid-93 in WWF magazine they announced that in upcoming issues they would be running a series of articles in which they would defend WWF and Titan Sports from the allegations (drug, sex, etc.) that had been made against them. The first article was really good and it concerned Billy Graham and the steroid allegations that had made against the WWF. Even at a young age, I was surprised to see WWF actually acknowledging their various scandals in the pages of their own magazine. Well, the month after the Graham article, they announced that the second part of the series would not be running that month, and in fact it never ran at all, as the series of articles ended at one. Does anyone know why they stopped running these articles? The series started and ended before McMahon was indicted, so I don't think that had anything to do with it. Did Titan's legal team advise them that it was best not to draw any attention to these claims, or was there another reason? Thanks in advance to anyone who has any answers about this.
  5. BUTT

    The OAO 77th Annual Academy Awards Thread

    I can't believe that Counting Crows dude used to go out with Jennifer Aniston.
  6. BUTT

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    I was a fourth grade spelling bee runner-up. I guess my skills have declined since then.
  7. BUTT

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    But I don't like Simple Plan. That song they wrote for Motley Crue is awful. And the word you're thinking of is either Indubitably or Indoubtably. I'd guess the former.
  8. Jesus, CronoT just can't catch a break.
  9. BUTT

    Post funny old pics here

    I think that's Johnny Gunn and Brad Armstrong, but I could be wrong.
  10. Personally, I think that the most interesting this about Hart's comeback interview is that when they show all the heels watching backstage on a monitor, The Rock is standing there with them, despite the fact that he hadn't debuted yet.
  11. BUTT

    Hulk Hogan's next feud

    Isn't Hogan's son around 15?
  12. BUTT

    Who Was........

    I thought Ray Licachelli and Ray Apollo were the same guy.
  13. BUTT

    Playing with action figures

    When I was 10, my brother and I used to play with wrestling figures and we came up with an angle where Ric Flair won an "I quit" match over Bret Hart because someone played a clip of Hart saying "I quit" over the loudspeaker. This was 3 and 1/2 years before WWF did it with Rock and Mankind.
  14. BUTT

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    It got locked and pinned.
  15. BUTT

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    I'm not just going to ignore a thread about myself.
  16. BUTT

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    The S**** K**** wedding thread. You posted in it! Then it carried over into the "The following people are awful" thread.
  17. BUTT

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    No way. Unlike the immortal film character after whom I have named myself, I am not a fighter. Besides which, he's a mod. You can't win against those people.
  18. BUTT

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    Well, consider this. I made a thread about S**** K****. It got closed. Does that sound like losing to you? I say yes.
  19. BUTT


    Ladies and gentlemen, useless moron Scott Keith is getting married. Discuss.
  20. BUTT

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    I voted for the first "yes". But I certainly don't like Simple Plan!
  21. I was hoping it would encourage mockery of a known TSM enemy. It's not like that Reshad guy who would start threads about how he thought Scooter was a "pretty" man.
  22. I can't "lose" on here without explaining mself.
  23. I think people misunderstood my intentions in creating that Keith thread.
  24. BUTT

    20/20 Hindsight

    Well, keep in mind, HHH (in character) disavowed the racial remarks before WM, probably because he realized there was no way he could go over in the match if the storyline was black man vs. racist.