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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    Mike's right. The big advantage that they have in this particular "down period" as compared to the one in the mid 90's is that they have no competition - there will always be a market at least in the low millions for wrestling, and WWE has a stranglehold on that market for now.
  2. Come on, Slapnuts isn't really a bad poster. He just made one really bad post and everyone gives him shit because of it.
  3. BUTT

    American's Slipping In Education

    ^That's hot. Blatantly untrue. The wonderful writings of Ann Coulter have taught me that liberals uniformly do not believe in God. And 48 percent voted for Kerry, who, if elected, possibly would have brought about the destruction of the republic. So I call bullshit.
  4. BUTT

    Chicago gets Wrestlemania 22

    Chicago is a really big wrestling town. WCW was still drawing big crowds there during their dying days. They're probably doing WM there because they know fans will be willing to pay high prices for tickets.
  5. BUTT

    I'm disenchanted...........

    You know JAxl, Robin Finck looks like that kid from Mask in your sig.
  6. BUTT

    I hate damaramu.

    I wish Banders could have feuded with Shoes Head.
  7. BUTT

    Midway Arcade Treasures 3

    http://www.gamespot.com/gamecube/driving/m...ws_6118686.html Eight games? That's kind of lame, but understandable given the size of some of these late 90's games. I'll buy it just for STUN Runner.
  8. BUTT

    "Wonder Years" DVD's possibly in the works

    You know, they don't even really imply that Kevin and Winnie fucked. I don't quite get why everyone assumes that. By the way, the last episode also features the fateful face-to-face meeting of Kevin and Ralphie from A Christmas Story.
  9. BUTT

    Raw House Show Reports (2-19, 2-20)

    I guess because they figured it would only be a few thousand buys they lost. Still, it was dumb because the people who go to house shows are the hardcore fans who buy PPVs.
  10. BUTT

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    iPod Shuffle 512 MB - $99 iPod Shuffle 1 GB - $149 iPod Mini 4 GB - $249 iPod 20 GB - $299 iPod 20 GB Special U2 Edition - $349 (comes with a certificate $50 off "The Complete U2", a collection of over 400 U2 tracks available on iTunes) iPod 40 GB - $399 iPod Photo 40 GB - $499 iPod Photo 60 GB - $599 That's what Apple charges if you buy directly from them. I'm not sure what they cost elsewhere.
  11. So they're expecting these guys to do a spotfest when they're worn out from already having wrestled twice that night? Great move, TNA.
  12. BUTT

    Midway Arcade Treasures 3

    Mythologies: Sub-Zero! Or maybe even Special Forces!
  13. What about the Great American Bash?
  14. BUTT

    So, Uh, I Got Arrested...

    You know, Crono should have been back by now. I sure hope you guys haven't scared him off for life.
  15. BUTT

    Shane Douglas planning ECW Reunion show

    That was what? 8 years ago. The place must of been improved since then because numerous other ECW PPVs came from the Bingo Hall without any problems. Actually, they didn't. Barely Legal was the only ECW PPV which aired from the ECW Arena.
  16. BUTT

    Snoop Dogg

    "Gz Up Hoes Down" was removed because of sample licensing problems. I'm not sure about "The Next Episode", I've read that they recorded the original version of the song during the Doggystyle sessions, but I have no idea why it was listed on the CD when it didn't appear there. Maybe they decided to pull it from the album at the last minute.
  17. BUTT

    Tons of retro Sabu questions

    Well, I'm not sure about the Camden show, but I know the ECW show where he wrestled Hack Myers was November to Remember, and it was definitely 11/18/95. That was the show where he returned to ECW, by the way.
  18. BUTT

    So, Uh, I Got Arrested...

    Not really. He's the dude on the right.
  19. BUTT

    So, Uh, I Got Arrested...

    I don't like this new look for Pinsky.
  20. BUTT

    Superman is a dick

    So did the storylines for these comics actually involve Superman being an asshole? Was he supposed to be a bad guy in these comics? Were they meant as comedy, or were they supposed to be serious?
  21. BUTT

    So, Uh, I Got Arrested...

    He does voiceover work for localized anime programs. He was also in that 3 Ninjas movie with Hogan.
  22. BUTT

    So, Uh, I Got Arrested...

    Really? I know he was in Bad4Good in the early 90's, but I haven't heard of anything from him lately. Pinsky, for those who don't know, plays guitar in Rilo Kiley, a band that is all the rage with scenesters and college chicks and makes REO Speedwagon look like Slayer (but then it does have the girl from The Wizard as lead singer).
  23. BUTT

    So, Uh, I Got Arrested...

    By the way, I don't like all the hatred in this thread. I dream of a day where there is peace and unity at TSM............ In my utopian view of TSM's future, Czech Republic is Donkeylips and CronoT is Sponge.
  24. BUTT

    So, Uh, I Got Arrested...

    Should I be ashamed that I posted in that Nintendo thread? I mean, I took more of an issue with the fact that they were selling absolute shit than that they were violating a multi-billion dollar company's copyrights. Still, posting the name of the mall at which I saw it was pretty fucking lame.
  25. Jeez, you can't get a break around here with regards to whether or not it was racist. So, I'm flip-flopping again: I guess it was racist! But as for what Mike said, I wouldn't consider it racism that Steve Williams was able to beat up 5 luchadores at once. That's just dumb wrestling logic, that one big guy can beat up five little guys at the same time. The Pinata on a Pole stipulation itself was definitely racist. I'm a bit torn on Juvy commentating: Perhaps it was supposed to be funny because of Juvy's thick accent, but he did make some pretty hilarious shoot comments on Lex Luger and the Artist.