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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. I have a question: I know Sherri played Honky Tonk Man's valet, Peggy Sue. But she was also Women's Champion at the time. How did WWF handle one person playing two roles at once?
  2. WWE is the ONLY company that can use him. His WCW stint in 2001 was horrendous, while his WWE run in 2002-3 was pretty good. Well, Dustin Rhodes is simply not an interesting character, and his in-ring work certainly does nothing to make up for that. WWE was still dumb to let him go, however.
  3. Keller gave the main event **3/4.
  4. BUTT

    I'm gonna tell you a story

    It's quite unfortunate that you "Smart Marks" have no respect for the fine lyrics of Mr. Aaron Carter.
  5. And it goes, and it goes And it goes a little something like this Hit It! Kreese is in the house Come on Get up get up I wanna make it bounce Here we go Kreese is in the house Get up get up Kreese is in the house Yo guys, check it out Guess what happened to me (Another crazy story, come on Sensei) I was hanging at the court Just playing some ball Working on my game (Yeah, we heard it all) I heard the fans screaming I thought it was for me But then I saw a shadow It was 12 foot 3 It was Shaquile O'Neal (What? What did he say?) (How 'bout some one-on-one, do you wanna play?) I told him why not, I got some time But when I beat you real bad Try not to cry (Please Kreese, are you for real?) (One-on-one with Shaquile O'Neal?) Yeah, 34 Centre from the L.A. Lakers (You must've been nervous) I knew I could take him Stared' at Shaq, psyche him out I said O'Neal, you're in my house now Start the game the whistle blows Pay attention close 'cause the story goes... It's like boom (boom) I put it in the hoop Like slam (slam) I heard the crowd screaming out jam (jam) I swear that I'm telling you the facts Cuz that's how I beat Shaq So check it out I thought I had the lead But then he started scoring mad points on me I was scorin' the bricks Was he hitting those shots? I knew that there was a way that I could make it stop I had a plan, that I could change the pace I said, Yo Shaq you didn't tie your shoelace He looked down, I stole the ball I'm taking him to school now, watch me all A 3-pointer, nothing but net Come on Shaq, had enough yet? Down by two, I'm catching up I guess your getting nervous Cuz you already lost Dunk after dunk Jam after jam Cheerleaders are cheering Kreese is the man Announcers were shocked Couldn't believe it was real (I can't believe a kid just stuffed O'Neal) One more second, was all that remained I put the ball up I put him in shame I must admit that it sounds real crazy but the ball went in Then he cried like a baby Sorry Shaq, I should've let you win You're good too And we can still be friends The fans went nuts They put me on their shoulders Then I heard a voice And it sounded like my mother's (Get up for school, you're gonna be late!) Ma, can't you see that I'm playing the game? (How you could be playing if you're still in bed?) (Are you gettin' sick, did you hit your head?) Aw, man it was all a dream I guess that kinda thing could never happen to me If it was a dream and it wasn't real How'd I get a jersey with the name O'Neal? Woah...
  6. BUTT

    Article on JBL

    JBL has a radio show?
  7. BUTT

    Live from Saitama, It's Velociday Night!

    Jesus, he really does say "solar plexus" a lot.
  8. I know most people will disagree, but I felt that Sting's best opponent was Vader. Those two always had really good matches. Sting and Flair had classics, of course, but eventually I felt that their matches became too formulaic. Either way, I'm sure most people will agree that Sting was Vader's best opponent in America.
  9. It's not even like Turner was a big wrestling fan or anything. He just like having it on his network because it's what had brought him ratings in the first place. Now that he has no network, don't expect to see him get back into wrestling.
  10. BUTT

    Rockin' the house, spring 2000 Kiss FM style.

    The album is not called Chronic 2000. It is called Dr. Dre 2001.
  11. BUTT

    Official TNA Against All Odds Preview

    It would be awesome if Jarrett started hitting people with a Keytar.
  12. BUTT

    Official TNA Against All Odds Preview

    Well then I guess you also remember........... SCOTT STEINER VERSUS RICK STEINER AND TANK ABBOTT IN AN "ASYLUM" MATCH!
  13. BUTT

    Official TNA Against All Odds Preview

    I'm guessing you've forgotten about Great American Bash 2000. Lucky you.
  14. Wow, that is bad. Especially when you consider that Duncum had left WCW months before his death!
  15. Oz made his debut at Superbrawl I, and then Vinnie Vegas made his debut at the Clash in January 92. Speaking of Nash, I seem to remember WCW airing a match with him on Worldwide as Vinnie Vegas the week after he made his WWF debut as HBK's bodyguard.
  16. BUTT

    Noam on Iraq

    When I first saw this thread, I thought it said NORM on Iraq. Thus, I was very excited to see what Norm MacDonald has to say about the War on Terror. How disappointed I was to see it was fuckin' Chomsky.
  17. Well then, here are some other Demolition questions: How did Mr. Fuji get to be Demolition's manager again during their second heel run? Just exactly how old is Bill Eadie (Ax), because I remember reading that he was in his mid-to-late 40s during Demolition's run. And is it true that he was one of the fake Stings at Halloween Havoc 2000?
  18. Here's a question that probably has been asked in this thread, but I'm not going to read through 46 pages to find out: How did Demolition turn heel after WM6? And how was Crush brought in? Was there an angle done to bring him in? And on Cawthon's site, it refers to Crush in his first couple of matches as "BA". Was he ever referred to on TV by this name?
  19. Well, to be honest, the "left" will really take anything they get with regards to being able to criticize the Bush adminstration. So if a story breaks in which they can make it appear as though the administration let a blatantly biased non-reporter into press conferences simply so he could spread their ideology, are you surprised they went with it? Or do you really believe that they did it simply because the left hates gays and they wanted to have some fun by bringing one down? Because I feel trying to spin this as a mater of sexuality is the same kind of crap Gov. McGreevey tried this summer.
  20. Sid would have returned eventually, but the Warrior situation only hastened it. As a matter of fact, Sid wasn't the first choice to replace Warrior. Bret Hart was called first to replace Warrior, but declined, believing, correctly, that his return shouldn't be done in such a manner, with no build-up whatsoever. Do you have any idea what the plans were for Warrior? Was a Warrior/Michaels title match ever in the plans. Another thing : what exactly were the circumstances leading to Sid facing HBK at Survivor Series '96 instead of Vader. I've heard that Michaels refused to job to Vader, and I've also heard that Vader was injured at the time, and they put him in an 8-man tag match to protect him. I'm pretty sure Vader was originally supposed to have a rematch with Michaels at Survivor Series, because at the time my dad used to get a cable industry magazine which had the ads for PPVs months before they took place, and the ad for Survivor Series featured the faces of HBK, Vader, Hart and Austin, but by the time the event was near, the ad as seen in WWF Magazine featured Sid instead of Vader.
  21. Oddly enough they were both originally supposed to be Owen Hart. So the Blue Blazer, who went from a legendary feud with Steve Blackman to another memorable feud with the Godfather, was going to be the #1 heel in the company. Owen Hart was someone from Austin's past, afterall, and Austin "looked like he had seen a ghost" when he saw the face of the higher power... By the time Austin saw the Higher Power (a week before everyone else did), Owen was already a ghost. Kind of my point, chump. I'm fairly sure that this was never supposed to happen. The only speculation I've ever heard about Owen being the higher power was dumb internet rumors that Owen's death was a giant work and was part of the angle leading up to the big unmasking of the higher power. Other people rumored for the spot at the time included Jake Roberts and Mike Tyson, but it was pretty obvious that none of these things were going to take place. I would bet Vince was always supposed to be the higher power, because while Russo has a reputation for shocking and surprising twists and turns, his swerves have always been pretty easy to predict.
  22. BUTT

    More info on the ECW ppv

    That's a great card, but they would never have 6 non-WWE guys main event the PPV.
  23. BUTT

    Happy birthday, Dr. Tom

    I prefer Dr. Fad.
  24. I agree. The liberals are pretending that they are upset by this man's phony press credentials and links to prostitution, but they can't fool me. Fucking homophobes.