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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_Fuchs "Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs (b. December 29, 1911, Rüsselsheim, Germany – d. January 28, 1988, East Berlin, East Germany) was a German physicist who was convicted of surreptitiously supplying information on the British and American atomic bomb research to the USSR." So, yes.
  2. It's only a few minutes away. Bold prediction: Bush says that the state of our union is strong.
  3. BUTT

    New Puzzle Game

    6 works. The red x is a trick.
  4. BUTT

    New Puzzle Game

    I can't get past stage 8.
  5. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor.../odd_cookies_dc
  6. BUTT

    New Puzzle Game

    Ummm.....level 4 appears to be blank.
  7. BUTT

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    Yes, but the DNC chairman isn't really a job where image is that important. I mean, look at Terry McAuliffe: nobody really knew anything about him, and nobody really cared. Certainly Dean, being a well-known figure, will attract more attention that McAuliffe did, but in this case the important thing is ideology, not image. Sure, Dean has a "crazy hardcore liberal" image to many (who know nothing about him) but when 2008 comes around, is a voter going to overlook the Democratic candidate simply because of what they perceive Howard Dean's views to be?
  8. BUTT

    Edge and Orton In the Midcard !

    Actually, he did. He beat him in the match that knocked Orton out of the running for the title shot at Taboo Tuesday.
  9. BUTT

    Brock Lesnar Files Suit Against WWE

    I would say he is a bit of a fool for thinking he could make it in the NFL when he hadn't played football since high school. Not that there's anything wrong with chasing a dream, but it was an unrealistic goal.
  10. BUTT


    Low self-esteem n*gga can't out mack her.
  11. BUTT

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    What ever happened to Jaime Koeppe who won the online "Diva Search" contest a couple of years ago?
  12. BUTT

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    They'll replace her with Dawn Marie and nothing will change.
  13. As far the Mustafa/Sheik thing goes, I remember in a WWF Magazine special edition on Hogan in 1993, they acknowledged thatn they were the same guy. About the Million Dollar Belt: It could change hands on DQ or countout, right? Then how did Virgil not win the belt at WM7?
  14. WCW was planning to do away all their PPV names except SuperBrawl, Great American Bash, Halloween Havoc, and Starrcade and replace them with new ones. They were originally supposed to have an April PPV, but Bischoff planned to have the company shut down for a few weeks after he bought it, and then return in an early May PPV called "The Big Bang". Of course, this never took place. No PPV names were ever announced past that.
  15. BUTT

    Shias demand sharia law

    Heavens no. This could get good.
  16. BUTT

    Shias demand sharia law

    Uh-oh. Some shit is goin' down!
  17. BUTT

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Oh, come on. They may have been pointless, but they were funny.
  18. BUTT

    Best Commercials SB 39

    That Hammer is a real hot property, isn't he? Featured in not one, but TWO Super Bowl ads.
  19. BUTT

    This forum...

    Indeed. How else could you explain the number of non-wrestling fans who still post here?
  20. BUTT

    Quick Eminem question....

    Dina Rae sucked. Her song "Smoke One" which samples Jay-Z's "Excuse Me Miss" is seriously the worst song I've ever heard.
  21. BUTT

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Wait a minute, here we go: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wn_report/...0p-236422c.html
  22. BUTT

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Good. I know that everyone likes to paint him as an ultra-liberal, but I've read that he actually was fairly moderate as governor of Vermont. By the way, when exactly did Dean say he "hates" Republicans, as MikeSC said in another thread?
  23. This isn't quite old-school, but I think it's kind of interesting. I was just looking at Cawthon's site, and it appears that during his WWE comeback in 2003, Hogan wrestled FIVE matches: 2 as himself and 3 as Mr. America.
  24. BUTT

    MVP Baseball 2005 $24.95 preorder w/ free shipping

    He mentioned WSB because the developers of Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball developed a couple of the games in that series. And as for Marvin's question of how good 2K2 and 2K3 are, Gamespot gave them a 7.4 and a 9.1, respectively.
  25. BUTT

    So was the Rumble finish botched or not?

    Those gifs aren't working anymore. Can someone repost them?