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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT


    So do I.
  2. BUTT

    Ok, I'm done being suspended

    You were born on December 6, 2004?
  3. BUTT

    Super Punch-Out on Gamecube

    I think this is a good idea. If it's popular enough, hopefully Nintendo will make a new Punch-Out, even though I know it isn't popular in Japan so it'll be hard getting through to Nintendo's management either way.
  4. BUTT

    Joanie on Stern

    For those who just saw the intro, did they show her topless uncensored? I only saw it for a split second, but I thought I saw something I didn't want to see.
  5. The real strange part was that he did commentary over the house mic, so the crowd could hear him.
  6. BUTT

    The Mods are reproducing

    I want to be the Get Your Learn On mod. Someone has to regulate the vicious flame wars that take place in that folder.
  7. BUTT

    remember "Shaq-Fu?"

    Moonwalker in the arcade was so totally bizarre that it was awesome. On the Genesis and Master System, it sucked. But if you want to see a really awesome music-based arcade game, check out: Journey!
  8. BUTT


    I believe it was Diversity5.
  9. BUTT

    The Royal Rumble Legacy

    If you're referring to when Michaels won in '95, they had 1 minute intervals.
  10. BUTT

    Johnny Carson is Dead

    I've read that he wanted Letterman. It's interesting that Leno did not appear as a guest on the Tonight Show during Johnny's final months on the air, but Letterman did (of course, Leno did appear every Monday as guest host, so that may have played into it).
  11. BUTT

    Colin Farrell

    OK, I admit, I just posted that picture because it contains Sensei John Kreese.
  12. BUTT

    Colin Farrell

    I hate life He's nowhere near as cool as karate's bad boy, "Tournament Terror" Mike Barnes! He's the one on the right, by the way.
  13. BUTT

    Colin Farrell

    When I first saw this topic's title I thought it said "Colin Powell".
  14. BUTT

    remember "Shaq-Fu?"

    I asked for and received Shaq Fu for Christmas when I was 9. Not because I really wanted it, but because my parents didn't have a whole lot of money and it was much cheaper than Donkey Kong Country and Super Return of the Jedi, the games I really wanted. In fact, it was cheaper than almost all of the new games that came out in the fall of '94. I suppose that should have been a dead giveaway right there that this game was of sub-par quality, but some people have to learn the hard way, I guess, and I was one of them.
  15. BUTT

    remember "Shaq-Fu?"

    SHAQ ATTACK, I WANNA PLAY BIG LIKE THAT! Here comes power playin' Shaq, On the attack, Don't turn your back, 'cause it might be the SHAQ ATTACK! SHAQ ATTACK, I WANNA PLAY BIG LIKE THAT! SHAQ ATTACK!
  16. BUTT

    Former "Moesha" Star Passes Away

    So many questions. A Hammer movie? Why is Tupac in a movie about Hammer? Ahmed Johnson played Suge Knight.
  17. BUTT


    I would have liked it better had you made him stop, collaborate and listen.
  18. BUTT

    Against All Odds card

    Well, look on the bright side. The last time Nash wrestled Jarrett on PPV, it featured the Goldberg heel turn - the moment that changed the face of wrestling forever! Let's hope that something as earth-shattering as that takes place at the next TNA pay-per-view. It's doubtful, I know, but keep in mind, whatever happens, there will be nothing Vince McMahon can do about it.
  19. BUTT

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    You know, I think they should do this Taker vs. JBL/Jordan dark match thing more often. They don't do that enough.
  20. BUTT

    Mikey calls for student walkout on January 20th...

    You know, limiting someone to the OaOast is probably would should have been done to Anglesault. I mean, it only makes sense.
  21. BUTT

    Mikey calls for student walkout on January 20th...

    Holy shit, rawmvp is reading this. Please update us on the status of you and Natalie.
  22. BUTT

    Giving thanks because of MLK

    Hot. Even hotter.