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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Mobile Phones

    Post it. I like when people share my anti-cellphone views.
  2. BUTT

    Best Album Openers.

    My favorite album opener is the strange apparatus they use at retail stores which open the plastic CD case holders.
  3. BUTT

    2005 Dead Pool - Roll up, roll up

    Why are so many people putting Vince on the list? He's only 59 and in great shape.
  4. This is the kind of stuff that used to go in this folder? Lame.
  5. BUTT

    omg he has the *best* coke

    That's with your party girls who like to go out every Friday night wearing tube tops and super-low jeans with their asses hanging out looked to get wasted. We're talking about scenesters who wear girl's jeans, black hardcore/emo band shirts, have trendy dyed black haircuts and claim to listen to every band that nobody has ever heard of.
  6. BUTT

    omg he has the *best* coke

    Coke is popular with scenesters? I should ask my friend about this, he's a scenester and he hasn't mentioned this to me.
  7. BUTT

    Bobby Barron

    You know, she appeared in the very first episode of Saved by the Bell, back when it was called Good Morning, Miss Bliss. And now here she is with TSM legend Bob Barron. Ain't that shit crazy?
  8. BUTT

    Ashlee Simpson......

    I don't know how accurate the info is. The site is really anti-Ashlee, but the story I posted doesn't seem that implausible. John Shanks is the Phil Spector of the teen "rock" movement and we all know Ashlee can't sing.
  9. This thread is awful....through no fault of the person who started it.
  10. BUTT

    New Order reveal all about new album

    Interesting. I'm listening to New Order right now. I can't wait for this new album.
  11. BUTT

    Randy Orton's theme music

    Maybe I was wrong. Perhaps it's this piece:
  12. BUTT

    Was Layne Staley gay?

    I always thought the other ear was the "gay" one.
  13. BUTT

    WCW Theme Music

    I heard Dean Malenko's theme on Ricki Lake.
  14. BUTT

    Your Gamecube Game of the Year for 2005

    The movie sucked. Sucked hard. Even when I was 9 and seeing it on the big screen, I realized that. Not only was the writing/acting/directing all fairly lame, but the movie actually had a whole bunch of mistakes and inaccuracies about various Nintendo games. ("Get the STAR, Jimmy, it's worth more points!") That's just inexcusable, as the kids in the target audience pick up on bullshit like that right away. $14 mil in box office, yeah. But how much did it cost to make? Hell, at the time $14 large probably just barely covered the salaries of Fred Savage, Beau Bridges, and Christian Slater combined. And yes, the movie did help sell merchandise. Specifically, it helped sell one Power Glove to yours truly. And THAT moment is the first time I realized that video game companies and movies would lie to me and sell me horrible useless shit just to steal my money. On topic, what other games has IGN ever given a 9.8 or higher score? It was a bad decision on the movie studio's part, not Nintendo. They didn't make the movie themselves, they got paid so that a movie studio could give them free publicity. That's an incredibly good decision, because even though The Wizard sucked, I'm sure nobody was turned off to Nintendo because of it.
  15. BUTT

    WCW Theme Music

    I always thought Barry Windham's theme "Smokin'" from the Slam Jam album was a rip-off of Boston's "Smokin'".
  16. BUTT

    WCW Theme Music

    I remember VK Wallstreet using a "Love in an Elevator" ripoff. Also, Jim Powers' theme always seemed like a ripoff of Aerosmith's "Make It", but that song isn't very well-known so I'm not sure. Plus, in the last days of WCW, Kanyon used a rip-off of Bush's "Comedown".
  17. BUTT

    VH1 Remaking

    I didn't know Taylor Dayne was fat. As for Vanilla Ice, he's not fat or anything, so I don't know what they can do for him. I read that they were going to have him record a song with a well-known producer, but that guy is never going to have a hit again (even though his nu-metal album Hard to Swallow is quite enjoyable on a comedic level).
  18. BUTT

    Need cosplay ideas

    You had a Degrassi Junior High convention? Just kidding.
  19. BUTT

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    Actually, he also owns the site godhatesamerica.com. So, he must be a liberal!!!
  20. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...d=519&ncid=2043 WASHINGTON - Senior Democrats are trying to persuade national Chairman Terry McAuliffe to continue his service as party chairman, especially if none of the current candidates gains momentum in the race to replace him. About a half-dozen candidates are in the race and a couple of others are considering a run for the position. It will be filled in February at the Democratic National Committee (news - web sites)'s winter meetings. McAuliffe met privately Wednesday with several Democratic senators on Capitol Hill, and was asked again to consider serving for another year or two, Democrats say. McAuliffe's response was not immediately known, but he has been cool to such overtures in the past. Democratic senators reportedly at the meeting included Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Charles Schumer of New York. "Terry McAuliffe has been a great chair and he could continue that," Schumer said Wednesday. "The bottom line is that Democrats have a lot of good candidates to lead us." None of the early candidates for chairman has gained momentum. Some potential candidates — Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, Democratic activist Harold Ickes and former Labor Secretary Alexis Herman — have dropped out. Democratic Party spokesman Jano Cabrera said, "The chairman appreciates being asked to stay, but for now he remains focused on handing over a modernized, mobilized and debt-free Democratic Party." Cabrera told ABC's online newsletter The Note that McAuliffe's "only response for now consists of two words, Dorothy McAuliffe" — referring to the chairman's wife. Candidates for the position include former Texas Rep. Martin Frost (news, bio, voting record), former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb, Democratic strategist Donnie Fowler and Simon Rosenberg, head of the centrist New Democrat Network. Rosenberg was formally announcing his bid Thursday in Washington. Others who have been considering a bid include former presidential candidate Howard Dean (news - web sites), former Indiana Rep. Tim Roemer, former Michigan Gov. Jim Blanchard and former Texas state chairwoman Molly Beth Malcolm. Democratic governors are watching the contest closely and will send representatives to several regional Democratic meetings where candidates will make their pitch, including a session this weekend in Atlanta. "Right now, the governors are interested in the concept of an outside-the-beltway candidate and we still have not coalesced around any one candidate," said New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, head of the Democratic Governors Association. Richardson said he's open to splitting the job, with a chairman handling the communications and public side of the job and a chief executive handling "the nuts and bolts."
  21. BUTT

    Ashlee Simpson......

    http://ashlee.zap.to/ For those who don't like Ashlee (or even those who do), check out this site. A lot of the stuff on there is pretty funny. Here's what they say about her role in writing the songs (and don't blame me for this site's aversion to capitalization):
  22. BUTT

    Deon is terrible

    Hell no. David would never listen to Kylie Minogue. He probably listened to the Smiths or Depeche Mode or some other sensitive music to nuture his artist's soul.
  23. 11/20/95 - WWF has the HBK collapse angle on Raw at the same time Sting wrestles Hogan for the first time ever on Nitro.
  24. They offered Savage and Piper LOWER contracts? Typical WCW.