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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Marney: RIP

    MikeSC was real mad in this thread.
  2. BUTT

    Marney: RIP

    He looks like he's about 45 in that picture.
  3. BUTT

    Best Game Boy Advance Game

    I like Mario & Luigi.
  4. BUTT

    Paul Heyman Released

    Well, this is what happened after WM19, isn't it? They won't let him go, if only because he could help TNA if he went there.
  5. BUTT

    Happy new year!!!

    New Radicals. New Coke. New Becky. New Year!!! Have a good one!
  6. BUTT

    Best threads of 2004

    He's got a few hours left. It shouldn't be too hard to add up the votes, since about 4 people voted.
  7. BUTT

    TSM Awards 2004

    Today's the day. I don't want to see Banders get banned.
  8. BUTT

    RAW in Toronto

    If you throw anything into the ring, you'll probably get kicked out.
  9. BUTT

    I want to be as funny as Vanhalen

    He should change his name to Van Hammer. Then if any mod tries to change your name to Private Stash, DON'T LET THEM DO IT. You are far too good for that lowly rank. You are a Major!
  10. Seriously, though, people took this thing way too seriously. The person who told him he didn't deserve to live? Sure, he messed up, but it's not that bad. He should have just quoted and cited the column and maybe added his own analysis. Plagarism is bad, but it's rampant in the "internet wrestling community". At least he plagarized a good column, and not a Scott Keith BONZO GONZO rant or something like that.
  11. BUTT

    I want to be as funny as Vanhalen

    Change your name to Van Hagar. Infuse your posts with sweet synth hooks and fill the words with syrupy sentiments of love.
  12. BUTT

    George Carlin Enters Rehab

    It's so strange that he was on that show. Even stranger when you consider he replaced Ringo.
  13. BUTT

    What do you think a church should look like?

    I always thought it would be cool to see a church that looked like a concert stage, with lots of flashing lights and giant video monitors.
  14. If Paul ever comes back, he's free to plagiarize this post. Seriously, Paul. You can pass these words off as your own.
  15. BUTT

    I want to be as funny as Vanhalen

    Santa jokes!
  16. BUTT

    Orton vs HHH with HBK as ref

    Now OK, that is a good plan, especially Rock/Orton. Except for Taker/Kane-Snitsky/Heidenreich...sure it makes sense from a storyline standpoint, but it would be SO awful.
  17. BUTT

    Orton vs HHH with HBK as ref

    Note: This post refers to The Shadow Behind You's last post. Maybe you're right. They've already done Benoit/Edge and I don't know if that's big enough to be Raw's big match. I was just suggesting Edge/Shawn since they seemed to be setting that up back in October. Is there actually a chance of Shawn/Angle? I know Heyman wanted that, but the booking team usually rejects his ideas just out of spite. As for your Rumble idea, I don't think Angle is going to be in the Rumble, as he's taking part in the three-way WWE title match with JBL and Big Show. And if we have HBK, Orton, HHH, Angle, Big Show, and so many other top stars taking part in matches, the Rumble isn't going to have a lot of star power. On another note, I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena win the Rumble and go on to face JBL at WM. Anyone else agree?
  18. BUTT

    Orton vs HHH with HBK as ref

    I don't know about that. Orton/HHH is a pretty big match, and it wouldn't be smart to waste it at RR. I think they might have Edge win the title at NYR, and then they can do Edge/HBK for the title at WM21 and also Orton/HHH. However, I think they're doing Orton/HHH at house shows now because they want to be able to get good house show business out of the match but don't want to do it just before WM, as it would lessen the importance of the Wrestlemania match. Then, if the rumors are true, Orton may be heading to Smackdown after WM, so they wouldn't be able to do the match then, so they want to do it now.
  19. BUTT

    Nicknames for wrestlers that you came up with

    Back when I was 14, I used to call The Outsiders The Testicle Brothers - Kevin Nads and Scott Balls. Yes, it was incredibly fucking lame.
  20. BUTT

    George Carlin Enters Rehab

    I like this post a whole lot.
  21. BUTT


    I'd like to meet your history teacher. Hitler was not a womanizer, in fact, he was almost completely asexual. There have been studies based upon madness and lack of sex drive based upon Hitler. He had numerous girlfriends and what-not. Whether he fucked them is something entirely different. I read somewhere that many historians believe that Hitler died a virgin. And IDrinkRatsMilk, he wasn't that good an artist. I've seen his drawing of Eva Braun, it really isn't much better than that picture in your sig.
  22. BUTT


    And Moderator Brian is reading this thread. Surely, some shit is going down.
  23. BUTT


    Don't be sad, kkk. But seriously, what were you talkin' bout, Willis?