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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Abdullah the Butcher's restaurant

    Abdullah looks good for 68. But damn, that's way too old to still be wrestling. And what the fuck is with the fake Sheik?
  2. BUTT

    What's the worst WCW Nitro Ever?

    "LOOK, IT'S THE WALL, BROTHER!!" Although it did have Lex going into the pool. It was always cool when that happened, even though Lex's pool dunking was nowhere near as cool as Flair's the year before.
  3. BUTT

    A MikeSC

    I just went to this thread and it told me that 0 people were reading it. And I was reading it. I think some sort of ghosts are fucking with my computer.
  4. Well, I certainly don't think that the FCC would do anything even if they could. I'm just saying that there's no chance of it at all because they only have power over broadcast stations.
  5. Well, even though it sounds pathetic, there probably will be some complaints from parents, just because it's a kids movie and some people will complain about anything. But will CN get in trouble? No, because the FCC can't regulate cable networks.
  6. BUTT

    Greatest American

    ?? Seriously, though, Washington or Lincoln.
  7. BUTT

    ? for you fools

    I do, but only with my one friend who's also a "smark". It's kind of strange, because he's one of those emo/"scene" dudes, and yet he's the only other person I've ever met who was as into wrestling as I am.
  8. BUTT

    Greatest European

    Albert Einstein.
  9. BUTT

    The Best GBA Game

    It has all the levels from the original arcade Double Dragon, plus a couple from the sequels and a couple of news ones. It also has a special survival mode where you face a nonstop barrage of enemies. It's pretty short, but it's a lot of fun.
  10. BUTT

    Best PC gamepads?

    Hey, I've been looking to get a new gamepad for my PC. Stuff like wireless or force feedback really isn't important to me. I'm just looking for something that is as good as a console controller, but for the PC. I had an Axispad, and I found it to be a crappy PlayStation controller ripoff. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  11. BUTT

    history of ECW DVD

    For anyone who bought this at Best Buy, what is the in-store price? I went on bestbuy.com and they have $19.99 listed as the price, but I don't know if that's a special online thing, since the MSRP is I believe $29.99.
  12. BUTT

    Movie File Search Engine

    Go to Altavista, click on video.
  13. BUTT

    The Replacements

    Another interesting note about Chris Mars: when one of his solo albums came out, he didn't want to tour, so his label send another band on their roster out to tour playing his songs with a big cardboard cut-out of Chris right on stage.
  14. They wanted Hogan to come back and face Lesnar to try to get revenge for Lesnar injuring him over the summer. However, they wanted Hogan to job and he didn't want to come back just to lose again, so they went with Brock/Show.
  15. So it's like a WWE street team.
  16. BUTT

    Who has been more sucsessful in WWE?

    Benoit. He was main-eventing PPVs 6 months into his WWF run while it took Guerrero almost 4 years.
  17. BUTT

    Dan Rather stepping down

    Did you know Tom Brokaw is leaving next week?
  18. BUTT

    Has anybody else seen this?

    He's not a kid. He's in his mid-20s. He used to be the announcer on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
  19. BUTT

    50 Cent - "Disco Inferno"

    "What the hell?"
  20. BUTT

    ECW DVD Question

    Because it might sell less if they did that.
  21. After '98 he took time off for personal problems. After 2000 he was injured, but he didn't disappear right after Havoc. They did an injury angle with Steiner a couple of weeks later to explain his disappearance.
  22. BUTT

    Hulk Hogan on Crack.....the song.

    Old but still great.
  23. I've been hoping that my new username, avatar, and sig will earn me the attention I so richly deserve.
  24. I remember Bob Sapp doing a really bad interview on Thunder in late 2000. That was, I believe, his only WCW appearance. And I need to hear more about Carmen Electra being the hummer driver.
  25. BUTT

    Best of Snitsky DVD

    I don't think it's a WWE match. I think a lot of the Samoans do shows for WXW because Afa owns the promotion.