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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Regarding Name Changes

    Could someone please change my name to "Sensei John Kreese"? I've had the same name for more than 2 years and I think it's time for a change.
  2. BUTT

    Full House Folder?

    This dude needs to know two things: 1. Danny was not an uncle. He was the father, for God's sake! 2. It's "Wake Up, San Francisco", not "Good morning". Jeez, this dude makes TWO Full House gimmicks and he doesn't seem to know anything about the show.
  3. BUTT

    Biggest announcer overreaction ever

    Jerry Lawler selling Shane McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff as though it was a WrestleMania-level main event.
  4. Me too. But I've never told anyone.
  5. JR with a prepared statement!!
  6. A couple of weeks after the PPV where Hart came out to celebrate with Storm, he was involved in an angle on Nitro. Goldberg had kidnapped Russo and taken him out into the desert where he was planning to bury him. Then Bret Hart pulled up in a car, and started attacking Russo. He then turned on Goldberg by hitting him with a shovel.
  7. BUTT

    The Heat THread For Today

    That wacky William Regal. He was born naughty, you know.
  8. BUTT

    Razazteca is quite possibly the worst poster

    Who are you? Exactly.
  9. BUTT

    Razazteca is quite possibly the worst poster

    I disagree. I feel that I am the worst. I've been here for over two years and I haven't done a damn thing to make anyone notice me.
  10. BUTT

    11 States ban gay marriage

    "Monica missiles"? That was two months after the impeachment trial ended. I doubt bombing Kosovo had anything to do with Lewinsky. Perhaps you are referring to the strike on (I think) Iraq in December '98?
  11. BUTT

    11 States ban gay marriage

    Didn't Manson support Bush in 2000?
  12. BUTT

    Eminem - Encore

    Please tell me he samples Martika's "Toy Soldiers"!
  13. 1.) Favorite world title match at the PPV? Bret-Diesel 2.) Favorite SSeries team elimination match? Team Austin-Team Bischoff 3.) Favorite face / heel (or both) SSeries team assembled? Razor/Kid/Jannetty/Savage 4.) Favorite non-world title, non-team battle match other than Austin / Hart? Austin/HHH, just for the ridiculous ending. 5.) Favorite segment? Mr. Perfect returning in '95. 6.) Things you hated besides the Montreal Screwjob? Eric Angle under the ring, Chyna beating Jericho.
  14. Well, Moore hasn't posted any message on his web site yet (although I'm sure it will be hilarious to see what kind of crazy shit he says when he does) but his site's front page is now a picture of Bush's face made up of the faces of what I would presume are the soldiers who died in the Iraq war. As for Bruce, don't hate on him. He's not a bad guy, he just wanted people to vote for Kerry.
  15. BUTT

    CNN Live projections

    NC goes for Bush.
  16. There's going be a lot of endorsements for both candidates, and we don't need a new thread for each one, so put them here, please.
  17. Is that new music for Edge?
  18. Is Bischoff turning face?
  19. Snitsky in the main event!!
  20. Will she be pregnant in the commercial? I hope not. You wouldn't want Snitsky to ruin her chances of giving birth to a beautiful stack of pictures of Shawn Stasiak.
  21. Wow, Triple H is World Champion and still has time to come to wrestlers' houses and put food on their tables? What a guy.
  22. BUTT

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Kerry 298 Bush 231 There is no fucking way that's happening.