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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. That's so that you see red, white, and blue when you look at them.
  2. BUTT

    Guns N Roses set the record straight

    You forgot about this: So Stinson plans on doing another solo tour in early '05, but he MIGHT be doing a GNR tour. But probably not.
  3. BUTT

    Worst ending to a PPV?

    Hogan/Rodman vs. Page/Malone was definitely the last match at that PPV. But I'm surprised nobody mentioned Uncensored '98. Hogan vs. Savage in a cage, Sting comes in, Savage beats him up, and leaves. And that's it. No decision or anything. Edit: The post before this was NOT up before I posted what you see above.
  4. vs. Place your bets, gentlemen. It all goes down...tonight!
  5. BUTT

    Why is Gene Snitsky so over?

    <<<<<<<<BREAKING NEWS!>>>>>>>>> Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to my attention that Gene Snitsky is the only male wrestler on the WWE roster without a Wikipedia entry. Someone desperately needs to rectify this situation, and it ain't gonna be me. So people, please, work your magic.
  6. I loved his transformation into the "Loose Cannon". I was ten years old at the time, and just starting to realize that it was OK to like heels, but throughout early '95 I was very disappointed to see that my favorite WCW wrestler was jobbing in the opening matches of PPV's. So when he helped Anderson beat Flair, I was so happy that he was going to be part of a big storyline. At the time, I thought that Pillman and Anderson were going to be the "good guys" in that feud, but I was wrong. His unpredictable antics helped to make an incredibly WCW upper card scene worth paying attention to. When he came to ECW, I remember someone having a "Pillman...Don't Work Me" sign and I was wondering how they knew that he was going to be there. (I wasn't aware of ECW's large online fanbase or the "smark" community at the time.) Of course, I was very perplexed by his "smart mark" promo, as it would be years before I had any idea what he was talking about. And I was so excited when he came to WWF. Sadly, he only had a little more than a year there before he passed away. I'll never forget sitting in my living room and seeing my brother come out of his room saying, "Brian Pillman's dead!" It was so shocking and it's so sad that he never knew that his wife was pregnant when he died. It's weird to think what kind of crazy stuff he would have pulled in the "attitude" era, when with his personality, he could have been HUGE. Sadly, we'll never know. Yes, I know he wasn't a "good worker" after his car accident, but sometimes there's more to a wrestler than that. I still need to know where I can find sunglasses like that.
  7. BUTT

    OSSOTD 10/6/04: Halloween Havoc 1994

    Hogan-Flair was a really good match. Sadly, this PPV is tainted by the fact that it marks the debut of the worst entrance theme ever, Dave Sullivan's "I Want to Be a Hulkamaniac".
  8. BUTT

    Letters from the troops

    I don't see why people can't believe that these are real. The first poster posted 9 letters. Is it that hard to believe that there are 9 soldiers in Iraq who don't like Bush? (And yes, I know that there will be many more such letters in Moore's book, but still, it's not he's claiming everyone in Iraq feels this way. I'd be surprised if there were more than a hundred letters in that book.)
  9. BUTT

    Help me name this song

    I'm guessing it's Bobby Curtola's "Three Rows Over". http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/7...urtola_song.txt
  10. Cheney seems very well-informed and well-prepared. He's doing much better than Bush did on Thursday so far.
  11. Did any of the major "sources" (Meltzer, Keller) ever actually say that they were going to bring in Scott Vick as Katie Vick's brother? I remember a lot of speculation about it on this board, but I don't remember anyone actually saying that it was going to happen.
  12. Well, the debate starts in about a half hour, and since someone was going to start a thread, I figured it might as well be me. Lets's hope we see a better debate than the "Fuzzy Math!" "Lock Box!" classic of 2000.
  13. BUTT

    Why is Randy Orton Sensible?

    The origins of it can be found here.
  14. BUTT

    Why is Randy Orton Sensible?

    I'm pretty sure it has something to do with his running away from a 3-on-1 attack from Evolution, and how even though he wasn't brave in running away, he made the sensible decision. I'm sure how it became such a big thing on this board, though.
  15. BUTT

    Randy Orton may not be all that over

    A fashion plate like Batista deserves better than a simple t-shirt. They should be marketing three-piece suits with that design.
  16. Clarence Thomas, I could understand. But Scalia?
  17. Teresa and Laura are wearing the same thing. That's quite the fashion faux pas.
  18. Another Vietnam reference. DAMN!
  19. BUTT

    Velvet Revolver covers "Surrender"

    Too bad, I thought it was the classic power ballad by Trixter.
  20. BUTT

    Chave on www.urbandictionary.com

    Sounds like me.
  21. BUTT

    WWE News & Notes from the 9/27 Observer

    Why was Konnan at a WWE house show?
  22. BUTT

    Eminem's New Song

    Yes, but Jay-Z still managed to maintain some of his credibility and integrity. Some others rappers don't seem to care about that at all.
  23. BUTT

    Eminem's New Song

    Pure pop is a genre, and there's nothing weak about it. I think in terms of "pure pop" rap though, his point is valid. A good example of this would be Ja Rule.
  24. BUTT

    I made a bet with my friend...

    I'd say there's a very slim chance of that, considering that many of the "Bush and Gore are the same person" crowd are now part of the "anybody but Bush" crowd and will be voting for Kerry.