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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Ten years ago today

    Today is September 13, 2003. It was exactly ten years ago today that Acclaim released Mortal Kombat for the Super NES, Genesis, Game Boy, and Game Gear. Now, some of you may not understand why this is such a big deal, but if you were playing games ten years ago, you remember the impact that this game had on the industry. Sure, it was big in the arcades, but it absolutely exploded when it reached the home consoles. Arguably, this game is what led the game industry towards it's current obsession with "mature" games. Also, it marked it significant milestone in the marketing of games. Mortal Kombat was the first game (that I can remember) where the company actually marketed its launch as an event. I mean, creating hype around its release date in the same way they do for new movie and album releases. Few can forget the incessant hype for "Mortal Monday, September 13, 1993". Nowadays, this is a common practice, but in 1993, it was unheard of. Personally, I remember seeing the ad for Mortal Kombat for the first time in WWF magazine and not caring because I didn't have any of the systems that it was being released for, plus i had no idea what Mortal Kombat was (I was only eight at the time). About two months after the game was released, I actually played it for the first time (the Genesis version). I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. My brother and I got an SNES for Christmas that year, however, and I actually liked the SNES version better than the Genesis MK, unlike just about everyone else in the world. When I was in third grade, it seemed that all anybody ever talked about was Mortal Kombat. Of course, we can't forget about all the hype and controversy in the media over the game's violent content (which is nothing compared to some of today's games) but I was always unwavering in my support of Mortal Kombat. I'm not even a really hardcore MK fan, but the game brings back so many childhood memories that I couldn't help but make this post. Anyone else have memories of "Mortal Monday" and the subsequent national obsession with the game? By the way, it was also ten years ago today that the Quebecers defeated the Steiners to win their first WWF tag team championship. Plus, in other video game news, it was eighteen years ago that Nintendo unleashed Super Mario Bros. in Japan (it came over to the U.S. the next month).
  2. BUTT

    The best Instramentuals

    Boston - The Launch Nine Inch Nails - A Warm Place
  3. BUTT

    Saddam plans to run for President of Iraq

    Well, he got 100 percent of the vote last time, so I'd say he's got a good chance. I'm sure this whole "going to jail" thing will hurt him, though. Imagine how the Iraqi citizens felt finding out that Saddam Hussein was a criminal!
  4. BUTT

    Hurricanes vs. Bush

    http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/hurricane.asp It's all a goddamn lie!
  5. BUTT

    PSP or Nintendo DS

    http://ds.ign.com/articles/549/549919p1.html Also, a demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters will be packed in.
  6. BUTT

    Guilty Pleasures

    Scatman John was awesome. Sadly he is no longer with us.
  7. BUTT

    Wrestling Pictionary~!

    Dammit. I knew that last night but I didn't know if I could answer it.
  8. BUTT

    Wrestling Pictionary~!

    So, only members of your team can answer this one?
  9. BUTT

    Top 5 Biggest Wrestling Pops of all Time

    Demolition winning at WM6 got a HUGE pop.
  10. BUTT

    Wrestling Pictionary~!

    I'm up for it.
  11. BUTT

    CBS says it can't vouch for Bush documents

    What a bunch of dumb fucks.
  12. BUTT

    Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda get engaged

    Where did all the Jackie bukkake jokes come from?
  13. BUTT

    Good music making programs?

    In terms of what's free, FL is probably the best I've seen. I'm sure there are commercial programs which are much better, but those cost a lot.
  14. Do you think he saw Harry and Marv in jail?
  15. BUTT

    The Liberals will ban the bible!

    It was actually me. It's always the quiet one. Anyway, since the plan is now out in the open, I can reveal what I plan to replace the Bible with as the new holy book of Christianity:
  16. BUTT

    If you use drugs, you're with the terrorists

    Here's all that needs to be said about drugs.
  17. BUTT

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 9/16/04

    "Nobody wants to see Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show." You're damn right, Kurt.
  18. BUTT

    Tommy Stinson Comments

    I don't think "The Blues" would be a good choice for a first single. Sure it's a good song, but when people think Guns N' Roses, they think ROCK. If Axl wants to show the world that GNR is "back", then he needs a strong rocker, something that would fit in with the songs on Appetite but still sounds modern.
  19. BUTT

    wizard of wor

    I've never played Wizard of Wor, but I'm looking forward to a lot of the other games on MAT2, such as MK 2 & 3, Narc, and Primal Rage.
  20. BUTT

    wizard of wor

    It's going to be on Midway Arcade Treasures 2. It should be out in about a month.
  21. BUTT

    *Smackdown Spoilers* from Spokane

    Holy shit, Gangrel is back!!
  22. BUTT

    Which PPV's had no titles change hands,

    Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot about the IC title change at IYH 2. What about WCW? This is the General Wrestling folder, so I think it's fair to mention them. Here's what I remember: Starrcade '91 Halloween Havoc '92 Starrcade '92 Slamboree '93 Battlebowl '93 SuperBrawl IV SuperBrawl V Uncensored '95 Bash at the Beach '95 Uncensored '96 Slamboree '96 Great American Bash '96 Fall Brawl '96 World War 3 '96 I wasn't watching much in '97, so I can't really remember those Uncensored '98 Fall Brawl '98 Souled Out '99 Road Wild '99 Great American Bash 2000 SuperBrawl Revenge Feel free to add more, if you think of any.
  23. BUTT

    Bischoff no sells

    Well, if they were planning on using him, shouldn't they have told him? And if Bischoff didn't know if he was being used, shouldn't he have asked?