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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    Which PPV's had no titles change hands,

    Also, IYH 1, 2, 5, Good Friends, Better Enemies, Beware of Dog (the tag titles changed hands on the Free-for-All, though), Buried Alive, and It's Time.
  2. BUTT

    Which PPV's had no titles change hands,

    Didn't Unforgiven '98 have the NWA tag titles changing hands? I don't know if that counts or not.
  3. BUTT


    Oh yeah, she's so interesting. "Liberals hate America! The owner of the New York Times is retarded!" That's some compelling stuff right there.
  4. BUTT

    Ten years ago today

    Sorry to bump this old thread, but now it's been eleven years since "Mortal Monday". I figure with Acclaim's recent bankruptcy, we should take this time to pay respects to their greatest commercial peak. *plays world's smallest violin*
  5. BUTT


    That movie looks like it's going to suck ass. Yeah, we get it, conservatives don't like Michael Moore. What else is new? Plus, it looks boring as hell. Zell Miller: "For him to say that there was no terrorist threat........Come on." Oooh, those are fighting words, Zell! Come on, challenge someone to a duel and make us laugh again. Plus, Ann Coulter is in it. That can't be good. Michael Moore Hates America, on the other hand, looks like it could be somewhat interesting.
  6. BUTT

    Reading Promoter Speaks on 50 Cent Bottling

    Well if they bottled Meat Loaf in '88, then they're seriously fucked up. Meat Loaf fucking rules.
  7. BUTT

    The big bump after the RNC.....

    V-Ice is a Republican? Damn, I think I'm going to cry.
  8. BUTT

    The big bump after the RNC.....

    Silly you. The media is 100 percent liberal.
  9. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/6678/chivalry.html Sounds like a good plan.
  10. BUTT

    Favourite All Time

    "Not only are you obsessed with asses, Rock, but I think you're obsessed with what comes out of them, and I'm talking about feeshees." Or something like that. And yes, he pronounced it "feeshees".
  11. BUTT

    Raw 9/6/04

    How exactly did Sensible Orton begin?
  12. BUTT

    Guilty Pleasures

    I bought Journey's Raised on Radio last week, and it's fucking awesome.
  13. BUTT


    What's the address for this site?
  14. Yes. He was brought in as a face, although it was hinted that he might be an nWo member.
  15. BUTT

    Willie Horton II

    Here's what I could find on the case. Keep in mind it might not all be true, but it should explain Kerry's side on this matter: http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?040510fa_fact1 And yes, indeed, the article says that according to reports, he did take part in a drug ring after he was released. It's not like Kerry could have known that. Sure the dude was a douchebag, but he didn't do the crime was convicted of. This should not be compared with Dukakis's treatment of Willie Horton.
  16. BUTT

    Acclaim Dies

    The problem with that would be that they would have to get the rights to use the names of all the players who were in the game, and well as the rights to use the NBA and team names. That would end up costing an extremely large amount of money which probably couldn't be made up for in the profits from the game.
  17. BUTT

    Republican Convention

    What the hell just happened?
  18. BUTT

    WWE.com's September Jukebox Offerings

    The most ridiculous thing about that write-up about Nash restoring prestige to the WCW title was the fact that he had been the champion for less than 3 weeks before Fall Brawl.
  19. BUTT

    Republican Convention

    And here comes Dick.
  20. BUTT

    Republican Convention

    *BUMP* Zell's on right now, and boy does he seem pissed.
  21. BUTT

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan flips out

    That has to be a joke.
  22. BUTT

    Acclaim Dies

    Yes, hooray for those 600 former Acclaim employees who are now out-of-work... They made shitty games. Who's fault is that? -=Mike The executives who pushed them to complete games within a 6 to 8 month time frame.
  23. The Democrats who compared Bush to Hitler were a bunch of douchebags on a website. The Republican who compared Bush to Churchill was Rudy Giuliani, one of the most visible members of the party. It's not quite the same.
  24. BUTT

    Austin and Page: A Reality Show???

    I can just imagine... "If you loved Mr. Nanny, you'll love the newest reality show on VH1...." (2 weeks later) "VH1 network is canceled due to poor ratings, coincidentally starting to crash when a new show featuring Hulk Hogan began airing" No, that was a real show.