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Everything posted by BUTT

  1. BUTT

    It SHOULD be noted...

    That is one strange web site. I really would like to be able to add something to that, but I really can't. If what they say is true, then yes it does seem a little weird. But, as it is, I think they're full of shit. However, one thing did catch my eye. What, do they not have soap over there?
  2. BUTT

    Umm, wow

    wow, this question beats any of the ones I had at school today. Raping women or putting humiliating men by putting panties on their heads. Both will have scar the people forever. I'm sorry where in the article is the word "rape" mentioned? and I've yet to see the same concrete proof of these allegations tha the Iraqi scandal had. The girls are as young as 13. That's statutory rape in just about any civilized part of the world.
  3. Are there any good DC++ hubs for wrestling matches?
  4. BUTT

    Missy Hyatt arrested for drunken incident

    That's got to be the best promo ever. I need to hear or see that.
  5. BUTT

    I guess this is more

    Well the networks have covered all of Bush's speeches before, haven't they? It's just that they took so much crap for Bush's last prime-time speech (when he pre-empted American Idol) that they don't want to risk losing money and ratings again. Is that right? Probably not, but it's business. Pretty much all of TV news is a big load of crap.
  6. BUTT

    I guess this is more

    The networks aren't carring the speech because it's Sweeps month and they care more about ratings than anything else. Besides, if not carrying it was a "liberal" thing, don't you think Fox would be carrying it?
  7. BUTT

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 24, 2004

    Regal's wrestling?
  8. BUTT

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 24, 2004

    That's it? They're leaving? I smell a Booker/Goldust-like hotel room angle.
  9. BUTT

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 24, 2004

    Ahh...the WWE version of American Idol.
  10. BUTT

    Hair Metal and Hard Rock Riffs

    1. Billy Idol - Rebel Yell 2. Bon Jovi- Bad Medicine 3. 4. White Lion - Wait 5. Ratt - Round and Round 6. Aldo Nova - Fantasy 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cinderella - Gypsy Road 12. 13. AC/DC - Highway to Hell 14. 15. Poison - Talk Dirty To Me 16. 17. Motley Crue - Looks That Kill 18.
  11. Didn't she wrestle at Survivor Series '95?
  12. BUTT

    True or False

    God I hope not.
  13. BUTT

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Why did WWE just make it look like Bradshaw won the title last night?
  14. BUTT

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Everyone in WWE has to say HHH is their favorite, don't they?
  15. Dean was the brother who died of a kidney disease called Bright's Disease.
  16. BUTT

    Debut of the PSP

    Well, the disc will in all likelihood be much cheaper to manufacture than a GBA cartridge, but the actual cost of making the game will probably be much more if the game is 3D and an original title, so titles like Metal Gear Acid will probably sell for around $40. Ports and 2D titles may sell for less.
  17. BUTT

    Debut of the PSP

    I believe it's supposed to be 2 for a movie and 10 for a game. As for the new Metal Gear game, that article seems to downplay the importance of the card-based elements. From what I've read, the card-based elements are the biggest part of the game.
  18. BUTT

    US Gone Hog Wild

    These things were damn good.
  19. BUTT

    Meet the The Nintendo DS

    Here are some DS demo screenshots (keep in mind, not all of these may be actual games: Mario 64x4 Metroid Prime: Hunters Wario Ware DS PictoChat
  20. BUTT

    The E3 2004 Thread

    Well, if they were unveiling an online plan, they probably would have said something during their press conference, so I'd guess not. Still, I'm honestly shocked by this new Zelda. As much of a Nintendo fan as I am, this is the first time in a long time that I can say I'm actually really pleasantly surprised by something they've done. I can't remember the last time they did something where it made me say, "My God, they're doing exactly the right thing", but this did it.
  21. BUTT

    The E3 2004 Thread

    Here's a link to the new Zelda trailer: http://media.nintendo.com/mediaFiles/b0802...7db10bdaef0.mov
  22. BUTT

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Flair gets beeped! Racist.
  23. BUTT

    Developers uncertain about PSP

    I'm unsure about the PSP's success, due to the fact that I can't really see 3D working well on a handheld. Given the choice between creating a new hit 3D game on a PSP or a PS2, I have to bet most developers and publishers would choose the PS2. Of course, there's a huge number of PS1 games that can be ported to the PSP, but the handheld market relies heavily on "pick-up-and-play" games like the Mario series and I don't think games like Final Fantasy 7 and Metal Gear Solid really fall into that category.
  24. Beating up cops? Man......... Where is the love?